How To Get Lucky

How To Get Lucky

What Is Luck, Anyway?

A couple of buddies and I used to go to Vegas a few times a year.

Most of the time, we’d come back with our pockets a little lighter, but a few times we came out ahead.

One particular time we somehow made the decision to “think positive” while we were there.

Meaning that no matter WHAT happened, we HAD to put a positive “spin” on it.

And strangely enough, we ALL were on a winning streak the entire time.

Another time I had a really bad case of tendonitis in my Achilles. I was on crutches, as well as on some pretty cool drugs. They put me in a REALLY good mood.

And for some strange reason, I was ON FIRE. For about an hour I sat at the roulette table, and because of my messed up leg, I couldn’t really lean over to place my bets. So I just kind of “tossed” the chips out onto the table. Luckily, the dealer was pretty sympathetic, and just pushed my chips to the closest number.

It was INSANE how I just kept winning.

When the “universe” seemingly conspires to help you, it feels pretty good.

Science And Luck

Scientific Or Chance?

But as much as it felt AWESOME to be in the flow, my scientific, lab rat mind HAS to acknowledge that those two events were just dumb luck.

Stuff like that is GREAT when it happens, and you should ALWAYS be open and ready to embrace situations like when they DO come up (otherwise you might miss them) it’s not a good idea for these to be your main strategy.

Sadly, many people wait their ENTIRE LIVES for something to “just happen.” They see the whole world through “luck” and think other people are “lucky” and they are “unlucky.”

But as I’m sure you know, the BEST definition of “luck” is when “preparation” meets “opportunity.”

And what is opportunity? It’s something that is WAITING FOR YOU to take action. It’s NOT a sack of gold left on your door step during the night.

The universe is always giving you the raw materials, in the form of people, situations and circumstances, but it’s YOUR JOB to take those raw materials and turn them into something wonderful.

The cool thing is that the MORE you TAKE ACTION, successful or not, the MORE opportunities you’ll get.

Think about it from the universe’s standpoint. Why would it keep giving you opportunities if you never take advantage of them?

Simply by TAKING ACTION, you’ll start the process.

Learn How:

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