How To Guarantee Success In Any Area

Leverage The Magic of Feedback

Is It Really So Easy?

What’s the secret to life?

It’s pretty simple, at least from a strategic standpoint.

First, choose something that you want.

Next, try something to get it. 

After that, measure  your results.

If you got closer, do more of whatever you did.

If you didn’t get closer, do something different.

So, if this is so easy, then why do many of us struggle?

Like many things, this is MUCH easier said than done.

First of all most people have NO CLUE what they want. Just some kind of vague idea, like “happiness,” or “romance” or “income.”

Second, most people are paralyzed by fear. Except most of us are too scared to admit we’re afraid. We say things like “paralysis by analysis” or “taking it all in” or “steep learning curve.” But if you only just TOOK ACTION, and then saw what happened, you’d be light years ahead of everybody else.

Thirdly, it’s very hard for humans to objectively measure feedback. If we get positive feedback, we think we’re the bomb, and the universe loves us. We brag to our friends, and think we’re on easy street. 

If we get negative feedback, we blame everybody else, and we think the universe hates us.

We tie BOTH positive AND negative feedback into our ego. We think they say something about our value, or our nature.

But in reality, it’s just information.

Make All Actions Profitable

Make Life Profitable

Think of it from a pure business standpoint. Any business takes some kind of raw material, and transforms it into something else. It can be information, shoes, food, whatever.

If you get paid MORE than what it cost you to make it, that’s a profit. That is a SIGNAL, nothing else. A SIGNAL that says DO MORE.

If you lose money, that’s a loss. That’s a SIGNAL, nothing else. It just means DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT.

If it costs you ten dollars and an hour to buy some lemons and make lemonade, which you end up selling for $20, then you just keep doing it again and again.

But if you spend ten bucks on some onions and tried and sell some onion juice, you’d stop after a couple hours, realizing that this isn’t the best business model.

Life is the EXACT same way.

So long as you have a clear idea of what you want, and you are committed to trying things and OBJECTIVELY measuring the results, you simply CAN NOT FAIL.

This Will Help:

Look Down There!

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