Simple Step By Step Destruction of Approach Anxiety

Eject Rejection Fear

Can You Easily Approach Her?

See that girl over there, the hot one? The one’s that’s been giving you those subtle IOI’s?

What’s the first thing that pops into your mind when you think about walking over and talking to her?

If you’re a normal guy, you’ve got a mixture of fear, anxiety, positive expectation, and lust.

Fill In The Blanks

Those are all healthy and safe emotions and feelings. Since you haven’t talked to her yet, and don’t know ANYTHING about her, all you can feel at this point is physical attraction, which IS a mild form of lust.

But since you don’t know what’s going to happen, you imagine a potential negative outcome. She may laugh, tell her friends what a goof you are, throw her drink in your face, kick you in the nuts, who knows.

Your brain is hard wired to feel fear in uncertain situations. We may have had ancestors way back when who DIDN’T automatically feel fear, but they all got eaten by tigers.

Fear Is Helpful – Sometimes

Those that AUTOMATICALLY felt fear, and ran away EVEN WHEN IT WAS SAFE, lived to fight another day.

Of course, if ALL you feel is fear, you wouldn’t even be thinking of approaching in the first place.

It would be like being at the zoo, and SERIOUSLY considering jumping into a cage of lions and having a chat about world politics or something. The thought of approaching a lion or a tiger doesn’t even cross your mind.

So when you’re standing there, with competing feelings of lust AND fear, that is totally normal.

Beware Of Fearless Gurus

Guys who say they’re afraid of approaching are lying. They may not feel fear on a conscious level, but it’s there.

The trick is that by approaching right away, WITHOUT thinking, you don’t give fear a chance to bubble up in your brain.

The biggest destroyer of FEAR is action.

Luckily, you can practice this WITHOUT actually talking to her, if you’re not ready. Just get in the habit of taking SOME KIND OF ACTION the moment you feel attraction. Walk over to the other side of the room. Walk past her to the restroom. Do ANYTHING other than sit there and wonder what’s going to happen.

Build Different Neural Pathways

What you’ll be doing is building in a DIFFERENT response to attraction than one you may currently have. Most guys feel attraction, wonder what to say, feel a bunch of mixed emotions, then either NOT approach, or approach with a huge ball of anxiety right behind them.

But when you start approaching, or taking ANY action, AS SOON AS that attraction shows up, you’ll soon nip fear in the bud. And pretty soon each approach will be closer and closer to the real thing.

The truth is that your brain is an amazing device. Learning how to operate it will help you get a lot more of what you want in life.

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