The Trading Frame Of Seduction

Seduction Barter

How To You Approach Approaching?

The frame of mind you’ve got when you approach a girl is crucial.

Humans, especially females, are REALLY good at sniffing out your frame, even if it’s totally unconscious.

Meaning if you are worried about rejection, or nervous, or full of judgment or anger, she’s going to know, on some level.

She Can See Through The BS

You may have some pretty tight “surface structure” game, but if underneath you are just barely holding it together, you won’t seem very congruent.

Which means she’ll sense that something about you is “off.”

Now, this won’t make her run away screaming, and you may very well succeed, but she’s going to be a bit hesitant to “seal the deal,” since she can’t be congruent in her attraction for you unless you are congruent in your belief about you.

What’s the best frame to have?

I Like Myself

One of appreciation. Appreciation for yourself, and appreciation for her.

On a deep level, male-female interaction, including emotional and sexual interaction is the same structure as old school bartering.

Back in the old days, the guy who grew corn would have to walk around until he could trade what he had (the corn) for something he wanted (like eggs, for example).

Everybody’s GOT To Benefit

When he did, both people were happy. The guy who had eggs wanted corn more than the eggs. The guy who had the corn wanted the eggs more than the corn. They were happy to meet, happy to talk about what they had, and happy to make the exchange.

When you approach a girl with the same attitude, it works the same way. You like yourself, you’d like to exchange some of you for some of her.

I don’t mean this in a sexual or physical way, but more of an “energy” way. When you attention part of your intention, attention, and energy, and focus it on HER, she’ll reciprocate, and focus her attention, intention, and energy on YOU.

And if you both like what each other’s got, you’ll make the trade.

Metaphysical Love Barter

But the thing about male female exchange, in this way, is that unlike trading corn for eggs, where you go home after the deal, when you trade “energy” for “energy,” it just makes you want to trade more.

Because this is the stuff of all human interaction. You appreciate you, you appreciate her. You’d like to exchange some of your energy for hers, knowing it will make you BOTH feel better.

When you see the world through this frame, every interaction, conversation, and exchange, (even if it’s an old fashion sales call) becomes incredibly easy, invigorating, and very profitable, both from an emotional, sexual, AND financial standpoint.

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