Monthly Archives: June 2015

Is Your Game Based On Irrational Thinking?

Stop The Insanity!

Stop The Insanity!

There’s a sane way to meet girls, and an insane way.

According to Einstein, insanity is doing the same thing over and over, and expecting different results.

Unfortunately, this is the strategy of most guys. Meaning they meet girls, date them for a couple weeks or months, and then crash and burn.

Sometimes even for a few years until it fizzles out.

Why do relationships fizzle? Why don’t they last with those good feelings you have in the beginning?

One reason is any time you get with somebody, you’re both on your best behavior. Both consciously and unconsciously. Our caveman brains are programmed to think that sexual relationships are few and far between. So when we think we’re getting close, we’re careful not to mess things up.

Then later on, we’re so thrilled to be with somebody (that we hope will be THE ONE) it has that new, fresh, feeling of discovery.

When this happens, there is an unconscious feedback loop. You push her buttons, which makes her feel good so she pushes yours, which makes you feel good so you push hers. And on and on.

In the beginning this feels fantastic, because when she pushes your buttons, it’s unexpected, so it feels like magic.

Then once you get used to each other, that “magical” feeling wears off. It is entirely possible to keep that magical feeling, but you have to push each buttons consciously. You have to push her buttons when you don’t want to, which will create pleasure in her, which will make her WANT to push your buttons.

In the beginning, the pump primes itself, but later on, you’ve got to keep it primed consciously.

This is hard to do when you’re not that compatible. When you are consciously pushing somebody’s buttons, in order to make them feel emotional pleasure, you actually have to LIKE the person beyond sexual intimacy. You have to actually RESPECT and ADMIRE the person beyond sexual and emotional intimacy.

This is not going to happen automatically.

And guess what? For every ten or twenty people you meet, there’s really only one, maybe two that you will genuinely like, admire, and respect. This goes for all people. Male and female.

Unfortunately, it’s hard to see this when meeting girls, because you’re senses are overwhelmed by potential sexual intimacy, which ALWAYS takes precedent, since it’s a survival function.

How do you get around this?

Simply come up with some characteristics of somebody you have a HIGH PROBABILITY of liking, admiring, and respecting BEFORE you go out and meet girls.

Then when you’re talking to her, before you turn on the charm, sort for these characteristics. If she has them, then seduce her till she begs for more.

But if she doesn’t? Don’t waste your time. Because you’ll know how this one ends.

Sure, it will take time to find the RIGHT GIRL for you, but you know it’s worth it.

Get Started:

Girlfriend Generator

How To Build Your Castle

Brick By Brick

Turn Vague Desires Into Concrete Achievements

Inch by inch, life’s a cinch.

What does this mean? Any huge project, when broken down into very small, very manageable chunks, is pretty easy.

Alcoholics know that one day at a time is the best they can do.

Ancients told us that Rome wasn’t built in a day.

Confucius told us that every journey begins with a small step.

Sure, this makes sense, and this is easy when we have a plan that’s laid out. 

But what happens when we know what we want, but have ZERO idea how to get there?

Luckily, you’ve got the latest version of the most incredible software every created.

This software can take any vague idea and make it turn from thought into reality.

Of course, I’m talking about that squishy stuff between your ears.

The Human Brain.

Unfortunately, (or fortunately, depending on how you look at it) our brains don’t come with a user’s manual.

There’s no customer service hotline you can call. 

So, how do you turn those vague dreams into reality?

One way is by journaling. Think of something you’d like. ANYTHING. Vague or specific, doesn’t matter.

For sake of example, we’ll use “more money.” 

So at the end of every day, take a few minutes and jot down some ideas. Ideas you could do TOMORROW to make more money.

ANYTHING that comes to mind is fine.

Then the next day, make TWO entries in your journal (and two entries every day after that).

The first entry is ANYTHING you did THAT DAY, that may make it easier for you to earn more money.

Not money that you got, not money that you found, but any behavior that you did, which may turn into a bigger income stream in the future.

ANYTHING. Looking up different careers on Google, for example.

Next, write down anything you COULD do, tomorrow. Nothing huge, just one very small next step on your road to riches (or whatever else you’d like to create.)

If you got started today, and this is all you ever did, you’d be amazed. Sure, the first couple weeks, maybe even the first couple months may not seem or feel any different.

But you would be building up some huge momentum, AND training your subconscious what you want, and what to look for to help you.

Imagine if you started today. What would your life look like a year from now? Five years from now?

What would your life be like today if you started this five years ago?

Ten minutes a day can have a HUGE impact on your life.

To learn many more skills like this, check this out:

Should You Hide Your Attraction For Her?

Be An Open Book PUA

Ditch The Day Game

Many guys think they need to “slip in under the radar” when they are out meeting girls. To some extent, this is true. If it’s obvious that you are in a club, for example, and are chatting up and number closing every girl in sight, you might put out the wrong vibe.

Nobody, girls included, likes to feel like they are just another number in a book that you get to when all the others don’t pan out.

Of course, if you see a cute girl in a place that’s NOT a meet market, then it’s usually OK to let her know why you’re talking to her. Naturally, you won’t have to say anything, since girls pretty much know that if a guy walks up to her in public, it’s not for the time or some lame, “I’m shopping for my sister” pick up angle.

If you make eye contact, do a bit of non-verbal flirting, then she knows what’s what. She likely, in her own mind, has already sent you a clear and conscious message she wants you to walk over. No point in covering up your approach by pretending your not approaching, especially when she knows you’re approaching.

So why do guys use lines like that? Short answer is they want to bypass the non-verbal flirting stage. They approach at an angle, surprise her, and try to “sneak their way in” to her mind. Then if the conversation goes well, they figure they can number close.

But unless you are VERY smooth, she’s going to know you were just running game. Now, some guys might think this makes them ultra suave and alpha PUA. But in reality, she’s going to think you were to shy to simply be straight with her.

Remember, girls like a guy with confidence. A guy that can look at her, and let her know in no uncertain terms that he likes looking at her because she is pretty. Pleasing to the eyes. Guys that are afraid to do this, and come up with “approach at an angle” type of game can come off as kind of less than honest. And weak.

Since first impressions last a long time, you may be shooting yourself in the foot before you even call her.

Bottom line is if you see a pretty girl, don’t be shy about it. Let her know you think she’s cute. Be comfortable checking her out. If she responds in kind, walk over. She’s already invited you. And when you, don’t worry about any lines or any goofy game. She knows what’s up.

Lay it all out. Say she’s pretty, say you’d like to know more about her personality. Say it in your own words, and go from there.

Are You Pulling Yourself Apart?

Keep Everything While Moving Forward

Keep Everything And Move Forward

There’s a lot of squishy words that people throw around, and many of them are kind of hard to pin down.

One thing you learn in NLP is something called the “meta model.”

Basically, it’s asking questions to get more specific information.

Like if I said I had a delicious meal, that may seem pretty specific, but it’s really not.

What did I eat? How did I eat? Who did I eat with? Where did I eat? How often do I eat whatever it was I ate?

Now, if you were at some party and you started throwing these questions around, you’d find yourself alone in a hurry.

We humans LIKE using vague words, for many, many reasons. Feeling somebody ask you all these “meta model” questions feels like somebody’s digging through your brain, which these days is one of the few places we can be alone.

However, the meta model DOES have its place. Like if somebody is giving us directions. If they just said, “go up this street turn left a couple of times,” that wouldn’t help us much. We’d need to know exactly WHERE to turn and what to look for to let us know it’s the turning place.

(My buddy in high school wanted to design a residential neighborhood where all the streets were named things like, “The Big Rock,” or “The Ugly Tree,” just to make directions sound pretty funny.)

One of the ways the meta model can help is when we run into some meta-physical sounding terms.

Take “congruence” for example. Most people will agree that it’s a good thing, and that having more is better than having less.

But what specifically is it? And how specifically can you get more of it?

That’s the part they usually leave out.

It’s based on the idea from NLP that we all have “parts,” which of course, is a metaphor.

But we act as if there are separate parts in our heads. Part of us wants to lose weight, but part of us wants to eat ice cream. Part of us wants to make money, but part of us is terrified of rejection. Part of us would love a relationship, but part of us is terrified expressing our sexual desires, even subtly.

The process of becoming more congruent is when you take out all your “parts” and take a look at them.

That way, you can figure out what’s holding you back. For example, if you’d like to lose weight, but don’t want to give up eating ice cream, you can figure out what you like so much about eating ice cream.

Then it’s matter of finding something else, that satisfies those deeper desires, that’s more congruent with losing weight.

So instead of having two parts going in different directions, you’ll have ALL your parts going the same direction. Making it much easier to create what you want.

You’ll learn that, and more, in this course: