Category Archives: Attraction

Develop Mental Super Powers

Autopilot Magic

A common sales technique is any kind of “auto pilot” system.

Make money on autopilot

Lose weight on autopilot.

Drive traffic to your blog on autopilot.

Why do we like the word “autopilot” so much?

It implies that “we” don’t have to do anything.

We just flip a switch, sit back and let some other “system” external to ourselves do all the work.

Is anything “autopilot” possible?


We humans are on autopilot most of the time.

Every day we think the same thoughts, eat the same food, and hang out with the same people.

Because WE are on autopilot, we like that we can achieve success by using ANOTHER kind of autopilot.

So we, while running on auto pilot, don’t have to do anything different.

Just reach over, flip a switch on another autopilot system, and then get back to whatever we were doing on autopilot.

Of course, the data says something different.

Despite all these autopilot systems, most of us aren’t getting any better.

Most people are just as broke and overweight as they always were.

Even worse.

Are we doomed?

Not at all.

But if you think that some other “autopilot system” is going to save you, then you’re in for a shock.

But you CAN slowly adjust your OWN autopilot system.

Suppose for example, you decided to wake up ten minutes earlier every day.

For the first few days, it would seem a little strange, but pretty soon it would be normal.

Just suppose, that you even made sure it was easy, and woke up five minutes earlier every day for a week.

Five minutes earlier than today, same time, every day, for a week.

Then every week you adjusted the time, another five minutes.

Every twelve weeks, or three months, you’d be up an hour earlier.

If you did this for six months, you’d be getting up TWO HOURS earlier than you get up now.

Since you’d be doing it very slowly, you’d probably start going to sleep earlier.

Since mornings are generally much more productive than evenings, you would be doing a LOT MORE simply by shifting those hours from the non-productive evenings to the VERY PRODUCTIVE mornings.

What could you do with an extra two hours a day?

Write a novel?

Start a business?

Learn something cool?

All this is possible by shifting slowly, five minutes a day.

Taking yourself only SLIGHTLY off autopilot, until your NEW autopilot is a BETER autopilot.

If you think in terms of slowly shifting YOUR OWN autopilot, instead of looking for another “magic” autopilot, you will be capable of much more.

Learn More:

NLP Mind Magic

Social Super Star

How To Pick Up Good Habits

Modeling is often thought of as an esoteric NLP technique.

If you’ve ever studied to become a teacher, then “modeling” is one teaching technique in your bag of tricks.

Consider that modeling is like communication.

Meaning you can’t “not” do it.

When you were a kid, your parents probably had an idea of “bad kids” they didn’t want you to hang around.

The reason was that they didn’t want you “picking up” any bad habits.

And if you’re a parent, you know that kids have an uncanny ability to copy the very things you DON’T want them to copy.

This is all done through modeling.

Imagine what it was like way back in the day.

When life was simple, but hard.

There was no such thing as “book learning,” since their weren’t any books.

All the learning came from younger, inexperienced kids, (or young adults) watching and copying the older experienced adults.

The idea of one person talking and another person listening to those words is a very recent idea in human history.

Just imagine how hard that would be.

You listen to a bunch of words.

Then you have come up with an idea of what those words mean.

Unless those words represented a very COMPELLING idea, you wouldn’t spend a lot of time focusing on them.

Our mind-body systems are MEANT to learn unconsciously.

But this does not mean passively.

This means a lot of watching, copying and practicing.

Up until that last couple hundred years, this is how humans learned EVERYTHING.

By watching and copying.

This is also why learning from books is VERY DIFFICULT.

Problem is today we don’t have a lot of “models” that are doing what we want to do.

But we tend to copy them anyway.

Even if don’t want to.

We talk and act like TV and movie characters, often without realizing it.

Does this mean we are doomed?

Not at all.

But it does mean you have to be a bit creative in choosing whom to model.

Luckily, in the laboratory of your mind, you can invent your own model.

Which means you can model ANYTHING you like.

Learn How:

NLP Mind Magic

What's He Looking At?

How To Think Like Einstein

One of the most troubling experiments from psychology is the Asch experiment.

They put a guy in a room, and showed him two images.

One was a single vertical line.

The other had several vertical lines.

The task was to choose which of the several vertical lines was the same length as the single vertical line.

Easy peasy, right?

It was, when he was alone.

But then they put him in a room with a bunch of other people.

And the other people PURPOSELY chose the WRONG line.

And the test subject also chose the wrong line.

Alone, choosing the right answer is easy.

But when humans are surrounded by people who are choosing the wrong answer, choosing the right answer is VERY DIFFICULT.

In over 70% of the tests, the test subject KNEW the right answer, but because of social pressure, they chose the WRONG answer.

One of the reasons we humans behave like this is we never learn HOW to think.

We only learn WHAT to think.

Or more accurately, are TOLD what to think.

And when we think what we are told correctly, we get rewarded.

When we think we what are told incorrectly, we are punished.

This is more or less how modern society runs its school systems.

Is it any wonder that by the time we are finished with school, we’ve LOST most of our creativity, and originality?

Luckily, the brain is like a muscle.

(They’ll never tell you this in school, quite the opposite).

You can easily PRACTICE the way you think and strength of how you think.

This will make you much more resistant to the goofy ideas of others.

Goofy ideas that they likely accepted unquestionably from somebody else.

(and those from somebody else, etc…)

Want to know precisely WHY Einstein was such a genius?

Because he THOUGHT differently.

He IMAGINED differently.

He wasn’t even that good a math.

When it came time to mathematically explore his ORIGINAL ideas, he had to OUTSOURCE the math to his buddy.

That capacity of thinking differently, of imagining differently exists within you.

You’ve just got to find it and exercise it.

Once you think differently, (about whatever you want) you can live differently.

HOWEVER you want.

Learn How:

NLP Mind Magic

Dragons Are Everywhere

How To Jump Over A Tree

Once upon a time a young student went to see the local Kung Fu master.

“What would you like to learn?” asked the old guy.

“I want to be able to leap over a huge tree,” the young kid said, not sure what to expect.

“OK, follow me,” the old master said.

“Seriously?” the kid thought, following along.

The old master planted a seed in the middle of a field.

“Jump over this,” the master said.

“Seriously?” the kid asked. The master nodded, completely serious.

The kid jumped over the recently planted seed.

“Perfect,” said the master. “Come here and do the same, every day. I will check on you in a few years,” he said, totally serious, and walked away.

The kid dutifully obeyed. After fifteen years, he was leaping several meters in the air.

By the time the master returned, the kid was now a man, and was famous for his physical skills.

Not only was he leaping over the large tree, but he was teaching the local kids all about patience and dedication.

That with only a small amount of daily effort, you can build miraculous skills.

Or as Kid Rock says in one of his songs:

“Persistence pays and if that holds true, I’m gonna buy this F—— planet before the time I’m through!”

Most people spend their entire lives looking for ONE secret that will give them instant riches, instant fame, instant sex, instant health.

But if they spend that SAME effort on just a few daily activities, they would have created a masterpiece with their lives.

Instead, they keep searching for secrets that don’t exist.

All that effort, wasted.

How do you spend your days?

All you really need is to shift how you spend just a few minutes per day, and you will be remembered forever.

Get Started:

NLP Mind Magic

You're The Cool Boy

Learn Secret Skills Nobody Knows

Many people believe that NLP is a myth.

A “pseudo-science.”

Some kind of snake oil scam.

And for most people, it is.

That is actually GOOD NEWS.

This is how it’s generally taught.

Somewhere along the line, the idea popped up that NLP could be “unconsciously installed” into people.

That all you had to do was sit in a seminar and sort of “soak” up the ideas and techniques.

When you finished, you took a VERY EASY test, and received your NLP certificate.

The VAST MAJORITY of NLP “Practitioners” and “Trainers” have gone through this kind of “training.”

This is how people “experience” NLP.

They hear somebody talk about it.

They do a few exercises in the seminar room, and BAM!

Everybody’s a “practitioner.”

But consider learning something else like that.

Say, a martial art.

Suppose you took a two week course in martial arts.

And they actually gave you a black belt, after giving you a VERY EASY test.

How confident would you be in your “fighting” abilities?

Or how about playing a musical instrument?

Suppose you took a two week intensive course on songwriting.

And before this “music practitioner course” you didn’t know ANYTHING about music.

What would your musical skills be AFTER this two week seminar?

Clearly, when learning skills like music or martial arts, we instinctively know it will take a LONG TIME to learn them.

But something that is MORE COMPLICATED (human communication) we somehow think we can become “master practitioners” after a couple of weeks.

Is it any wonder that most folks think that NLP is a pseudo science?

But here’s the good news.

Not only is NLP EXTREMELY POWERFUL, but you don’t need to learn it from a seminar.

The actual techniques are very simple.

But they take PRACTICE.

And just like anything else, the more you practice, the better you’ll get.

Now, if it’s important to have a “certificate” that says you’ve got some kind of cool skills, that’s one thing.

But if you WANT the actual SKILLS, then you can get started today.

Because if you take just a few minutes a day of mental practice, pretty soon you will have MORE skills than even the most famous NLP Trainers.

So instead of running around talking about NLP, you can USE NLP to create a magnificent life.

And you don’t need to tell anybody.

Get Started:

NLP Mind Magic

run Like Crazy

What Hidden Secrets Have You?

When I was a kid I went through a kite flying phase.

Every weekend a bunch of kids would gather at school and fly their kites.

A few of the kids who had “cool” kites would have “kite fights.”

Once I tried to build a HUGE kite.

Of course, not yet being schooled in physics or aerodynamics, my kite was too heavy for me to even lift.

But making was fun.

I took two long boards, nailed them together, got a bed sheet (my mom was PISSED) and made a huge kite.

I didn’t even bother trying to fly it.

Much later, in Junior High School wood shop, I actually learned how to measure and cut stuff.

So you could build something that actually was useful.

One time in college I found a discarded oscilloscope.

I took it home and ran my stereo through it.

Kind of like a mini laser show.

Once upon a time, we humans didn’t have much.

Now we have TONS of stuff.

And when it comes to inventing new things, we can get pretty creative.

On one hand, it’s amazing.

On the other hand, it’s very puzzling.

Some inventions seem so obvious in retrospect, but it took a LONG time for people to come up with them.

For example, guys fought each other on horseback a LONG TIME before somebody invented the stirrup.

That little loop at the bottom of the saddle, to keep you from falling off.

At the same time, this is both crazy and fantastic.

Crazy because it makes us humans seem silly.

But fantastic because it means there’s potentially TONS of new things just waiting to be invented.

Simple things that might change everything.

All it takes is thinking a little differently than most people.

Looking at things differently.

Instead of using your mind as an echo chamber, consider using it as an experimental lab.

To try out different thoughts, just to see what happens.

You may be surprised what you find in there.

Learn More:

NLP Mind Magic

Under The Bridge

Become A Treasure Hunter

One of the things we humans crave are secret short cuts.

Plenty of diets are based on “one weird trick.”

I have very old email address that gets tons of spam every day.

And all of them are more or less based on solving age old problems with one new secret idea.

But if you can imagine way back in the day, before humans populated Earth, they also had that desire.

Otherwise they wouldn’t have ended up populating the entire Earth.

Which might suggest that our common desire for that one weird trick is really a MOTIVATIONAL desire.

Something we are meant to always be pursuing.

In a world that is very dangerous, and we have to work HARD to get our needs met, and work HARD to avoid danger, that would be a useful desire.

To always believe that somewhere over the next set of hills is the secret to a happy life.

This provides the pull, and all our daily needs that require daily effort require the push.

Even hero’s journey movies have this desire.

That there HAS to be something OUT THERE better than THIS.

Dorothy, in the Wizard of Oz, sang about Somewhere Over The Rainbow.

That mythical place that is NOT HERE.

Unfortunately, we humans seemed to have kind of boxed ourselves in.

We have SO MUCH STUFF that is easy to get.

And there is VERY LITTLE real danger.

We still have that same desire.

But without the necessary NEGATIVE incentives to keep us going, we only WISH.

That desire doesn’t motivate us like it used to.

So much today is easy, and instant, and effortless.

We think that desire should be easy and effortless as well.

Hence all the “one weird trick” solutions to ALL our problems.

However, if you are brutally honest with yourself, you must admit that there isn’t any secret trick.

Because people keep getting LARGER.

Obesity continues to INCREASE.

If you see health as a proxy for our desires (sex, relationships, careers, finance, etc.) we seem to be going in the OPPOSITE direction.

The more we WISH for an easy solution, the further away we get.

Consider switching how you think about things.

See that desire as not a magnet, that allegedly pulls things to you.

But rather a motivation engine that inspires YOU to move toward THEM.

You are, after all, a nomad.

Nomads are the ones that left Africa thousands of years ago and spread out across the globe.

There is still treasure.

Your job is to find it.

Learn How:

Ego Taming

Get Out There And Play

Ditch The Map

I remember when I first went away to college.

It was only a couple hours away, and I lived in the dorms.

One of the things I did a lot in my senior year of high school was cycling.

Me and my buddy would go on these long rides a few days a week.

So when I got all unpacked, I was eager to explore my new world.

Way back in those days, we didn’t have GPS or anything.

So I had to look at an actual map, and then try and remember the names of streets.

Needless to say, I ended up getting pretty lost.

And I ended up going through some sketchy parts of town.

You can’t really tell that from a map.

When I finally found my way back (a few hours later), I decided on a different strategy.

I’d ditch the map, and just feel my way around.

I would start in small loops, and just keep slowly expanding the area that I would get familiar with.

About a month later, I had all kinds of cool rides.

That I discovered on my own, without needing any maps.

Loops that went up and down huge hills.

Long flat rides that went to the beach and back.

This is a good metaphor for how we behave, in the moment.

Looking at the map is like trying to consciously think everything out.

While just winging it and going by your gut is like acting without thinking too much.

Without getting in your own way.

One way seems easy at first, but it can end up being very limiting in the long run.

One way seems scary and difficult at first, but in the long run it is much, much better.

It’s very hard for us humans to do things that are unfamiliar.

Part of the reason we perceive a ton of risk when there’s none there.

Especially social risk.

Everybody is looking out into a crowd of strangers and thinking the same thing:

“I’d like to meet some nice people, but only if they go first.”

Luckily, there’s a way to recalibrate this thinking.

So you can feel just as comfortable around strangers as you do around lifelong friends.

Learn How:

Ego Taming

Volcano Of Money Ideas

Can You Change Brain Polarity?

I used to love watching the X-files.

One of the reasons was it always explained things in two ways.

One was through paranormal reasons.

Another was from the perspective of medical science.

Even though some of it was “TV science,” it was a good strategy.

The show was on for several years, and they kept the same angle going.

That one character (the doctor) could still be believably skeptical about all the aliens and other paranormal stuff.

While the other guy was convinced there were aliens everywhere.

Being able to see things from both sides is very useful.

I read an interesting article the other day about a hedge fund manager.

He made a ton of money before the crash of 2008.

But remarkably, he made money both ways.

Meaning he made money while housing prices went up, but then he realized the dangers, flipped his strategy, and made money as they crashed.

The article was focused on his “intellectual flexibility.”

Something that is very rare.

To see something from one perspective, but then switch to the opposite perspective.

This is very hard for us humans to do.

Once we get our mind set on something, we usually never change.

They say to the skeptic, no proof is enough.

But to the believer, no proof is necessary.

One of the toughest things to change our minds on is how we think about money.

One of the most strangely “comforting” ideas about money is that it is bad or evil.

Why is this comforting?

This is a very clever mind trick that we play on ourselves in far too many areas of life.

It’s our own humanized version of “turning a bug into a feature.”

It works like this.

We see something we want.

But getting it would be difficult, or scary.

So we “reframe” that which we want from “good” to “bad.”

Then instead of feeling “bad” about ourselves for not getting a “good” thing, we get to feel “good” about ourselves about not wanting to go after a “bad” thing.

Make no mistake, making money takes effort.

And most people don’t like to think about that.

So they readily accept the idea that money is “evil” so they don’t have to feel bad about not wanting to get it.

But that “effort” can be enjoyable effort, or unenjoyable effort.

For example, lifting up bricks for five dollars an hour would suck.

But lifting up bricks of gold you got to keep would most definitely NOT suck.

Same physical effort, but different perspective.

No matter what you do in life, you have to put in effort.

You have to move your body around, say things to people, listen to what they say in response.

If you “believe” money is bad or evil, those things will seem frustrating and scary.

But if you “believe” money is good and holy, those SAME behaviors will be fun and interesting.

Learn More:

Wealth Tuning

The Magic Of Your Mind

Metaphysical Body Fat

I read a really interesting book about Africa a few months ago.

It was a long history, starting over 5000 years ago.

When the first Europeans arrived, they started to trade.

But they did it in a strange way.

The Africans would leave a bunch of stuff on the beach.

Stuff they were willing to give.

The Europeans would row up and leave a bunch of stuff in exchange, and then row back to their ships.

And wait a day or two.

If the Africans accepted their offer, it would be gone.

That would be a signal for the Europeans to take their stuff.

But if the Africans didn’t take the Europeans offer, then either the Europeans would offer more, or the Africans would offer less.

This is something humans have been doing since the dawn of time.

Back in the ancient days of hunter-gathers, when two tribes met, they either traded or fought.

Trading seems to be a deep instinct in all humans.

Kids on the playground do it without thinking.

Trading baseball cards, marbles, cookies for chips.

Even bees and flowers do it.

Bees spread the pollen and for the reward they get “free” nectar.

One of the greatest inventions in human history is money.

If all you had was a sack of corn, you had to find somebody that wanted your corn.

But once money was invented, the amount of stuff SKYROCKETED.

The simple creating of money, a metaphysical, intermediary potential energy for stuff, allowed for technology to skyrocket.

Humans split from chimps six million years ago.

The first coins were minted 2500 years ago. A fraction of the time we’ve been around.

The amount of stuff subsequently created since the idea of money came into being is staggering.

The idea of money itself is instinctive.

All mammals have the capability of storing energy, in the amount of body fat.

Today that gets a bad rap, but having a layer of fat can provide a lot of needed energy when times are tough.

Money is an extension of a very instinctive and very basic idea.

So why does money get such a bad rap?

Plenty of reasons.

One is we all have this idea of “lack.”

Two is rich people want to be the only people that are rich.

Since the dawn of time, these elites have come up with all kinds of ideas that make it easy for THEM to stay rich, while everybody else stays poor.

But the concept of money (stored energy from previous work) has been around longer than money itself.

Longer than people itself.

Get Some:

Wealth Tuning