Category Archives: Physics

The Power of Delayed Gratification

The Crucial Skill To Master

Scientists, namely physicists, have long been looking for a “grand unification theory.”

One simple, powerful and elegant way to describe all the basic forces of nature.

Governments spend all kinds of cash building supercolliders in hopes of smashing matter into tinier and tinier bits to help explain the nature of “stuff.”

If you can remember any algebra or math, a lot of time is spent on “simplifying” complex expressions into easy to understand ones.

If your test answer was “11/22” you might get less credit than if you put down “1/2” for example.

Our brains went through the same process, and many argue they are still going through that process.

Of becoming more efficient, quicker and able to not waste so much time thinking about stuff.

It’s easier to remember a couple of concepts than a whole bunch of specific details.

If there is ONE simple idea that is an underlying concept in ALL areas of self-development, it is being able to delay gratification.

Some scientists even tell us that our ability to forego current pleasures in order to get more pleasure in the future is one thing that helped us settle down into societies.

Hunter-gathers put in effort today, to get food today.

On the other hand, those that have “discovered” agriculture learn that if you put in a bunch of work THIS MONTH, you’ll get TONS of food a few months from now.

If you think of corn as “wealth” or even “money” the ancient farmers basically discovered how to use “money” to make “money.”

But if you gave a handful to corn to a hunter-gatherer, they would only see food, not a potential to take THAT wealth, and turn it into MORE wealth.

This is IMPOSSIBLE if you aren’t able to delay gratification.

But once you get going, that momentum just keeps getting bigger and bigger, and your yearly success grows greater and greater.

One way to “trick” yourself into being able to do this (or do it better), is take some time and compare a couple of ideas.

The idea of enjoying something NOW, vs. how much you’ll enjoy something in the future MORE if you PUT OFF your NOW enjoyment.

Like take something you’d like to eat, but shouldn’t. First imagine the pleasure you’d get from eating it NOW, then imagine a much bigger pleasure (six pack, loose clothes, compliments, etc.) that you’d get in the future if you DIDN’T eat it.

Take the time to BUILD UP that “future pleasure” until it is more compelling than the “now pleasure.”

This will take time, as it is a skill, rather than a “weird trick.”

And the more you practice, the better you’ll get.

The pretty cool thing about the SKILL of delayed gratification, is it WILL start to show up in other areas of your life.

Making it easier to build a HUGE future for yourself.

Get Started:

Mind Persuasion Ebooks

Nonsensical Physics 

Leverage The Unseen

Mysteries Of Science

When I was a kid used to LOVE quantum physics.

Well, at least the concepts. I’d read a bunch of books where they’d taken out the math, so to make it more accessible to everyday guys like me.

Now, from an ultra “meta” standpoint, everything makes sense. Everything is governed by laws and principles.

But from a human standpoint, only a small sliver of a sliver makes any rational sense.

There’s plenty of psychological tests to prove this.

They take a logical puzzle, put it in non-familiar terms (like cards and shapes and colors) and most people fail miserably.

They take the same logical puzzle, put it in a familiar social setting, and everybody gets it. Easy peasy.

Same goes with simple math. Two plus two is four. Two times four is eight.

But start talking about economics, especially when you get into what some economists called the “unseen,” then things get crazy.

One of the most mind numbing aspect of quantum physics was Heisenberg’s Principle of Uncertainty.

He mathematically showed that ultra tiny systems behave in different ways when they are being observed, and when they aren’t being observed.

This is assuming there’s no interaction between the observer and that which is observed.

Why this happens, nobody really knows.

Another thing that blows people’s minds is the derivation of the Ideal Gas Law.

(The what of what??)

You know how when you pop a balloon, it makes a big sound, right? Or if you poked a hole in an inflated tire, all the air would quickly rush out, right?

Why does that happen?

Most of us assume it’s because all those air molecules are in there, crammed so tightly together they can’t stand each other, and can’t wait to get away from each other, right?

Makes perfect sense, but it’s wrong.

There’s a certain equation that describes EXACTLY how much pressure is inside, based on the temperature, etc. And exactly how fast the gas escapes when there’s a hole, etc. And precisely how quickly a balloon will deflate when popped, etc.

So it’s clear this equation is pretty on the money, right?

But here’s the thing. That equation is based on this assumption that DOES NOT MAKE SENSE.

What’s that?

That every single particle of air in there (the balloon, the tire, etc) THINKS that it is all alone.

That equation is based on the assumption that there is ZERO interaction between particles in there.

Which means there must be some OTHER explanation why they all rush out so fast.

Maybe the universe has some deeper laws, that NOBODY understands.

And all we can ever see is what’s on the surface.

Kind of like you.

Most people you interact with only see the OUTSIDE. The very outer layer of what you present.

Inside, you know there is much, much more.

Are you ready to discover it?

The Boundaries Of Science

The Boundary Between Physics and Metaphysics

Peer Over The Edge

When I was a kid, I loved Quantum Physics.

I read a bunch of books on the subject (that had all the math taken out).

Then later on, in university, when the math got involved, it got even stranger.

(At least as much as I could understand it).

It’s NOTHING like “regular” physics.

But still science, not magic.

It’s just that our eyes, ears, brains, senses, etc, are tuned to intuitively understand things on large scale.

Rocks, trees, animals chasing us, etc.

Stuff on an atomic level is completely different. Completely outside of our intuitive understanding.

Neils Bohr (one of the original Quantum Physics guys) said, “If you understand Quantum Physics, you don’t understand Quantum Physics.”

To be sure, a lot of elements are “borrowed” and used in the metaphysical sense, metaphorically, to describe things we don’t really understand.

Now, to be honest, a lot of these terms are used kind of liberally, and incorrectly, to make the underlying discussion sound a lot more “woo-woo” than it really is.

But in a sense, they are sort of correct.

They are terms we use to describe things we understand, to approximate things we don’t understand.

One things humans HATE is confusion and uncertainty.

This is why letting go (at least temporarily) of the need to classify and categorize everything can be so liberating.

Sure, there are some VERY STRANGE things going on just below the surface. And it WOULD be very cool if some alien could come and explain everything to us in great detail.

But since that’s not likely going to happen, it might be a good idea to simply accept the vast mysteries of life. Appreciate them, embrace them.

Obviously, you need to balance between the real world and the “metaphysical” world.

As the expression goes, “Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood carry water.”

Part of enlightenment (whatever that means to you) is simply accepting that which can’t be controlled or explained.

Open yourself to it, embrace it, let it flow through you.

Awaken yourself to your deeper power. Your higher self.

Do you really need to understand the physics of a rainbow to appreciate its beauty?

There is great wonder within you. Amazing potential. Unlimited energy. Ancient life force.

Are you willing to embrace and appreciate it?