Open Ancient Energies Of Life

Science Or Magic?

Science Or Magic?

It’s been said that science that is beyond the current level of understanding will seem like magic.

It’s also been said that all things MUST be explained by science.

One of Einstein’s famous quotes is “God does not play dice with the universe.”

Which means the entire universe is governed by laws, not by some kind of random chance.

However, it’s also pretty clear that science can only explain so much. Beyond that, it’s pretty much guesswork.

Things like the origins of the universe, the nature of space-time, and the strange “missing matter” of the universe.

All these things make the smartest scientist on Earth utterly confused.

Science can be fun, but it can also be a roadblock.

If you need to understand everything about everything, you’d never leave your house.

Imagine forcing yourself to understand the entire mechanics of your car before driving anywhere.

Of course, understanding it to a certain point is necessary. Otherwise you’d run out of gas, wear your tires bald, or let the engine seize up from not changing the oil.

But beyond that, just get in the thing and drive.

There are a lot of useful metaphors to describe things that would be beyond human understanding if we tried to describe them accurately.

The famous saying from NLP, “The map is not the territory,” is true. But often times, the map is all we’ve got.

If you’re going from point A to point B, it’d be kind of silly to travel all the different routes just to find the quickest. Having a map would be MUCH easier.

And because the map can ONLY approximate the territory, it’s much like metaphors we use to describe reality.

So long as they work, and get us what we want, they’re plenty good enough.

Often times when scientists are trying to figure something out, they’ll go through  many “models.”

They’ll come up with a theory of what they think is going on, test it out, and see how well their model holds up.

Us non-scientist humans have been doing that since the dawn of time.

Trying to describe the vast mysteries of the universe in easy to understand metaphors, or “maps” of the territory.

So long as these maps get us to where we want to go, they’re perfect.

Once such “map” is the idea Kundalini Energy. The life force that, when present, makes everything smooth, natural and easy. Fully awake, open and actualized. 

When closed off, it’s common to feel lack, fear and frustration.

How exactly does it work? What are the equations that describe it?

Nobody really knows.

But it’s been working for thousands of years, and it can work for you.

Open Yours:

Kundalini Activator

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