Get Rid Of Approach Anxiety With Mind Tricks

Approaching Is In Your DNA

The DNA Pick Up Model

DNA is pretty cool.

The way it reproduces is an engineering miracle. You’ve got these long strands of stuff. On each half are certain elements that only hook up, or “pair bond” with other elements. 

When DNA reproduces itself, it unravels. It leaves the nucleus and goes out in to the cell. So in the cell, it’s only “half” a DNA. And each element on the half is looking for its counterpart, swimming around in the cellular soup.

Once all the individual pieces hook up with their other halves, a new DNA is formed, which ideally, is an exact copy of the previous DNA. (Unless they’re mutations and you turn into X-Men).

Think of this model when you’re out looking for the ladies. It’s how YOU were created, from the very first mixing of sperm and egg.

And just like the DNA splits in half and each element goes out looking for its counterpart, that’s kind of what the whole dating game is.

All these individual “elements” or people looking for their own individual counterpart.

Humans are hard wired from evolution to pair bond. Sure, there are exceptions, but for the most part, we do best when we’re hooked into compatible, male-female pairs.

Now, while it’s a bit more complicated finding your soul mate than a DNA nucleotide finding it’s opposite jigsaw puzzle piece, structurally speaking, it’s pretty much the same.

This is helpful because many guys fall into the trap of thinking women got it all, and us poor men are beggars.

We approach like they’ve got all the power. They can accept us and reject us. 

But that’s not the case. On a deep biological, psychological and evolutionary level, when a guy approaches a girl, they are both thinking the same thing, deep down inside:

“I hope this person is a match.”

Contrary to your fears, most girls AREN’T thinking, “Oh great, another idiot that I can publicly reject!”

That is, of course, if you wait for a couple of signals before approaching. Eye contact, a smile, you know what I mean.

When you approach with the “I wonder if we’re a match” mindset rather than, “I hope she accepts me” mindset, it makes approaching a lot easier.

Now, it won’t be automatic. It won’t happen simply because you are reading this. That would be like reading an essay on Kung Fu and expecting to magically transform into a black belt.

You DO need to practice, even though it’s a mindset.

HOW do you practice?

Just FORCE your brain to hold that question, “I wonder if we’re a match,” in mind while you approach, AND while you’re talking to her.

Imagine you’re going on an information-gathering mission, rather than approaching the queen of the universe and begging for scraps.

You can even practice without approaching. Just hold this thought in mind when you’re out flirting with girls.

It will help, a lot.

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