Should You Stay Or Should You Go?
Yet many guys run into all kinds of trouble when figuring out how to make that happen.
From a structural level, it’s pretty simple. First, figure out what you’re looking for. Looks, personality, family background, religion, politics, etc. Make a list of deal-makers and deal-breakers.
Once you’ve got a reasonable list, start sorting.
How do you sort?
Talk to any girl you see who might fit your criteria. Of course, one of your criteria MUST be that she be attracted to you, or else what’s the point?
Otherwise it’d be like trying to buy something that you simply can’t afford.
Now, if you did this, a couple of interesting things would happen.
You may start off realizing that your game absolutely sucks. Meaning that every single girl you talk to looks like she’s about to call the cops.
Now, at this point, two things would happen. You COULD decide women are all bitches, join your local MGTOW group and start building models or something.
OR you could decide to improve your game.
This is the beauty of human behavior. You don’t really need to know how. All you need to know is what you did didn’t work. So all you’ve got to do is do something different.
Start with different openers, or ice breakers. Change your clothes. Wear a different cologne. Anything.
And pretty soon you’ll start to notice small improvements. More and more girls will be interested in you. And some will begin to meet your criteria.
This is when something else pretty cool happens. The more skills you develop, the tighter your criteria will be.
A guy who’s never even kissed a girl will have completely different criteria than a guy that talks to and dates a whole range of women.
As your experience, confidence, and skill set grows, as will your criteria.
And pretty soon you’ll come to a very NICE problem to have.
Should you KEEP improving yourself, or should you pick ONE girl and stick with her?
Only you can answer that. But it’s certainly a nice problem to have.
But you’ll NEVER run into this problem if you remove yourself from the game completely.
How long should you spend going through this process?
Well, think about the benefits. A partner for life who will have your back through thick and thin, and you hers.
Don’t rush the process. Take your time.
Enjoy your life, enjoy your skills. And enjoy the game.