Basic Elements Of Female Desire

How To Get Her To Fall In Love With You

Automatically Push Her Buttons

How do you create attraction in a woman? Easy.

This is going to sound HORRIBLY un-PC, but Mother Nature isn’t the kindest lass in the land.

Guys like girls for physical reasons. Girls like guys for behavior reasons.

This is from evolution of course, when a girl was chosen for her ability to have healthy kids that would have a good chance to grow up. This meant she was young and disease free, had decent sized boobs, and was symmetric in as many ways as possible.

Like I said, Mother Nature doesn’t care much about our feelings.

Girls on the other hand, didn’t develop a craving for looks. She needs somebody who can take care of her, and bring home the bacon repeatedly for at least 5-10 years.

She can’t tell this by looking at the guy. Sure he might be chiseled with six pack, but if he was a social goof who didn’t play well with others,  he’d never get much meat. He wouldn’t be able to feed her kids.

Back then, hunting was like playing football. (American OR Euro style). It was a team effort. If you couldn’t play well with others, you were SOL.

So she would always check and see how he behaved with others, to decide subconsciously if he was a “quality male” or not. Like it or not, his perceived social status was everything.

Today, that still holds true. If you show up with your six pack, tight shirt, and all kinds of bling, you may be “eye candy” but unless you can hold your own in a conversation, she won’t give you a second thought.

The crucial skills to develop if you want to win a ladies heart is social skills, self confidence, social intelligence, and the ability to maintain a slightly dominant, but friendly frame with whomever you are speaking with.

Luckily, you can practice this ANYWHERE. Supermarkets, post office lines, school, even with dudes down at your local pub.

Sure, you’ve got to talk to ladies occasionally, but not all the time.

And when you develop enough social skills, self confidence, and frame control, you won’t need much else.

Learn How:

Frame Control

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