Ancient Secrets For Modern Seduction
One was the old fashioned way, where you show up with a bunch of guys and clubs and start swinging.
Even if you “win” this is pretty dangerous. You can lose a lot of good guys this way. That’s why most ancient tribes, and even certain primates, rarely have a full on battle.
They usually have “raiding parties” where they swoop in while everybody is sleeping, bash a few guys, take a bunch of stuff, and then leave before anybody knows what’s up.
In other ancient societies, they have a much more advanced form of warfare. One tribe will show up to another tribe with a bunch of gifts.
It’s kind of rude to not accept a bunch of gifts, since it usually leads to old school fighting. So the receiving tribe is pretty much forced to accept the gifts.
Which puts them on a lower standing from a social status position. When you show up and DEMAND gifts, that’s one thing. But when you show up unexpected and GIVE gifts, it’s much more powerful.
We humans do this all the time. We do an unasked for “favor,” and then act like they are in our debt. You do this, and this is done to you.
But there’s a pretty sneaky way you can use this to destroy any approach anxiety.
Just see yourself as giving her the opportunity to get to know you. Now, this ONLY works on getting rid of that initial approach anxiety. It’s not a sure fire pick up method, and you STILL have to talk to her in a way that fires up her emotions.
But if you are too nervous to approach her, then none of that will matter anyway.
Most guys, when they approach, act like they are asking for something. Meaning a guy walks up to a girl, and they think they can get “rejected.”
Even thinking that “rejection” is even possible presumes that she’s got more power than you. She has the power to accept you, and she has the power to reject you.
But this feeling will lessen considerably when you imagine you’re giving her an opportunity.
Which you are. Again, you are NOT imagining that you’re God’s gift to women, or expecting anything from her.
But if you just see it from an objective standpoint, a guy talking to a girl, with BOTH of them thinking that maybe it will turn into something more, it will be a lot easier.
Think about it from her perspective. Unless you are going to walk over with your ding-dong in your hand, or if you smell like you just crawled out of a dumpster, she’s not going to be put off if you’re just a normal guy.
Even if nothing happens, she’s going to be GLAD that you approached her. She’s going to feel GOOD for having been approached.
So ditch the “accept-reject” continuum. Think if it as giving her the gift of opportunity.