What Is The Collective Unconscious?

Leverage The Collective Unconscious

To Be Or Not To Be

A few years ago, I was in the habit of taking acting classes.

They’re a great way to meet interesting and outgoing people. You get to practice all kinds of “expression games” that blow public speaking out of the water when it comes to getting rid of fears and anxiety.

You get to stretch your limits of imagination, and what you think is possible.

One of the classes I took was an improv class. It was recommended by one of my teachers. At the time, the only thing I knew about improv was stand up comedy. Boy was I wrong.

Making Stuff Up

Improv was really all about coming up with ideas and behaviors “on the spot.” Regular acting class is geared toward learning lines from plays, and then practicing them and getting into character.

Improve is all about just getting up on stage with a bunch of people you don’t know, and basically just making stuff up as you go along, and making it seem like it’s all some kind of a congruent story.

In a sense, it’s very much like life.

I remember when we did this one exercise, with about twenty people, and the synergy was absolutely amazing. We used our bodies and motions to create all these shapes. The teacher took the opportunity to throw out various structure names, and then all twenty of us would automatically get into position.

All without speaking, and all very quickly.

And the structures were complicated things like buildings, ships, bicycles, etc.


Being part of a large group of people, with zero conscious communication, yet acting together quickly and effectively to create things was a wonderful experience.

So is life. Because life is the same.

There really is no rules. Sure, there are people who try their hardest to be “in charge” and tell everybody else what to do, but those types are much less important than we realize.

When you can juts let go, trust your unconscious, and more importantly trust the unconscious of others, you really can create some absolutely amazing things with your life.

Relationships, situations, families, huge piles of wealth. Anything you want.

Only instead of waiting for some professor telling you what shape to make, you get to choose on your own.

Are you ready?

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