What Image Are You Projecting?

Project The Right Measurements

Always Checking And Measuring

Most people don’t like to think about this, but we judge each other all the time.

It’s programmed deep within our common history to “look somebody over” when we first meet them.

Long ago, when we lived in these small tribes of a couple hundred people or so, everybody knew everybody. So if you screwed somebody over, EVERYBODY would quickly know about it.

But then we started living in much larger groups, so it became necessary to get a feel for somebody.

Are You Always Getting Conned?

Those that couldn’t do that were quickly taken advantage of, and didn’t usually last long.

So we all developed a kind of “sixth sense” of how we “read” people when we first met them.

Are they trustworthy? Are they honest? Will they try and take advantage of us? Are they shifty? Would we want them to have our back in a fight? Can they handle complicated situations, or do they need to be told what to do every step of the way?

Most of us know the obvious clues to look out for, like an inability to hold eye contact, somebody who keeps their arms and legs protectively crossed in front of them.

Just Scratching The Surface

But there are literally TONS of body language and facial expressions that we are not only projecting constantly, but subconsciously reading in others.

If you want to develop really solid relationships, whether they be business, romantic, or friendships,it’s important to recognize this. Both how we read others, and what we project to others.

Luckily, there are several exercises you can do that will greatly enhance your ability to read others, on a subconscious level, and get a much more accurate “feel” for who they really are.

Enhance Your Image

Not only that, you’ll be projecting much better information about yourself, specifically your intelligence.

You’ll be seen as the person they want to have around, and feel confident that they can depend on you and trust you.

And YOU’LL be able to cut through the BS, so you don’t waste any time.

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