Meaning if you can talk about a lot of different stuff, it WILL make you a lot more attractive?
What’s In It For Me?
Remember the old rule from Dale Carnegie, that everybody is always listening to their favorite radio station: WII-FM, which of course means “What’s In It For Me.”
If you walk up and start jabbering away to some gorgeous girl about what YOU find interesting, it will only “work” if she happens to also find it interesting.
But chances are, she’s going to be bored to tears.
The secret is to find out SHE’S interested in, and then talk about that, as if YOU’RE an expert.
Then share your own experiences on the subject, entice her to share hers, and then use HER desires and interests to covertly move the conversation wherever you want.
Their Model Of The World
The secret to getting anybody to do anything is to simply take what YOU want, and speak about it using THEIR terms, their ideas, and there desires.
This is pretty easy in a straight up sales conversation, where everybody knows their “roles.”
They’re buying something, you are selling something. So asking them what they are interested in when it comes to “Product X” is a pretty straightforward question.
But if you ask a girl you’ve just met what she’s looking for in a boyfriend, it will seem a little forced, to say the least.
Ease Your Way In
That’s why you’ve got to be a bit sly. Start off in her frame, then slowly pull her into your frame, then dip back into her frame, then back into yours, etc.
With enough conversational flexibility, this game of “cat and mouse” is INCREDIBLY seductive on a deep level.
Keeping Her On Edge
By moving her around with stories and emotions, most based on HER information, it will be like nothing she’s ever experienced.
Now, this may seem incredibly complicated, but it’s pretty easy once you get the hang of it.
There are some pretty easy ways to seriously jack up your verbal flexibility, making you a seduction ninja.