Are You Ignoring Her Personality?

Don't Ignore What's Inside

Look A Little Deeper

When I was a kid, sometimes my parents would get those boxes of expensive chocolates.

I don’t know if you’re familiar, but they were all pretty similar in appearance. Outside they were all pretty round, some darker, and some lighter. But inside, some of them had some pretty gross stuff, at least from a kids perspectives.

Which meant that my parents always ended up with a box of chocolates that had small bites taken out of them.

When guys see a gorgeous girl across the room, they are making a LOT of assumptions about her. Her personality, her beliefs, the way she talks, her habits. Pretty much EVERYTHING about her, except her looks.

Which is why it seems absolutely nuts to nervous walking and talking to her, at least from a rational perspective.

If you stop and think about how many gorgeous girls you’d have to talk to find one that you really click with, it would seem like talking to cute girls would be a chore, rather than something to be scared of.

If you’ve ever been in a really bad relationship and wanted to get out but didn’t know how, you know that is a very, very unpleasant situation to be in. Especially if you and her share the same social circle. A literal nightmare.

Yet guys charge in full speed ahead thinking ALL they need is a girl that’s physically attractive, and everything else will take care of itself.

This is not a very effective strategy to say the least.

Now, I know this makes total sense on paper. But when you’re in the mix and that cutie is making those flirty eyes at you, all this rational understanding is going to fly out the window.

Does this mean you’re back to where you started?

You don’t have to be. In order to have a more curious mindset (rather than a desperate mindset) when approaching is to simply get a lot of experience with a lot of girls.

Specifically with a deep, experiential understanding that many girls will simply disqualified.

How can you generate this feeling?

Simply talk to as many girls as you can. Don’t hit on them. Don’t number close them. Just short, polite, conversations. Long enough to know that girls are people, just like you. Some are smart, some are dumb. Some are nice, some are mean. Some are outgoing, some are shy.

The more “data” you get, the easier it will be.

This will show you how:

Girlfriend Generator

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