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The term equilibrium itself can mean many different things in many different instances.
But it basically means “balance.”
When I was in high school, I was on the track team as a pole-vaulter. Me and the other pole vaulters would goof around and see if we could balance the poles on our chins.
Interestingly enough, the longer the pole, the easier it is to balance, up to a certain point.
For example, take a pencil, and try to balance it in your hand. Not so easy.
But take a broom, and it’s a lot easier.
But if you took a piece of wood that was fifty meters long, it would be pretty impossible.
No matter what you’re doing in life, balance is always a key component.
Playing music, for example, requires you balance the time with musical notes and the silence in between.
Working a job requires you balance doing the part you like doing, with the part you need to do.
In the beginning of a relationship, you’ve got to balance the time you spend with your partner with the time you spend alone.
In any case, too much of one thing, at the expense of something else is pretty dangerous. Things get out of whack, and nature will eventually correct itself, with or without your permission.
In physics, there are two broad types of equilibrium, or balance. Stable and unstable.
Stable equilibrium is when you’ve got a small ball, for example, resting comfortably in the bottom of a big round glass. All the forces are equal, and unless you apply some pretty concentrated force, that ball’s not going anywhere.
On the other hand, you could have a ball balanced on the top of a seal’s nose. The slightest push, or even shift in wind (or the seal’s attitude) will send the ball to another location.
Many of us wish that life would be filled with “stable equilibrium” situations. Where everything’s set and we don’t have to do much.
Unfortunately, the world around us doesn’t always cooperate. Situations are always changing, people are always changing.
They may change slowly, but they change.
This is precisely what they mean when they say, “Stay on top of things.” There you are, balanced right on the tip (like a ball on a seal’s nose) and everything keeps shifting. So you’ve literally and metaphorically got to “stay on top of things.”
Life is one big flowing and unfolding of situations, events, mysteries and secrets.
Just like a river, you could fight the current, hang on to something and hope you don’t drown, or simply embrace the ever changing nature of reality.
Because when you swim with the current, you can get going pretty fast, and get to some pretty interesting places.
Release resistance, and embrace the flow of life.