Author Archives: mindpersuasion

How To See All The Signs Of Attraction You’re Already Getting


Girls Love You!

You are money, so money, and you don’t even know it.

If you know that line, then you know it’s from the movie, “Swingers.”

A guy and his buddies are trying to pick up girls throughout the movie.

In one scene, a guy had a girl interested in him, but he was afraid to make a move.

He was unaware how much the girl was into him, and he was unaware of how much he had to offer.

You’ve Got More Than You Think

Meaning he UNDERESTIMATED his own value to her, and he UNDERESTIMATED her attraction to him, therefore significantly OVERESTIMATING the chances of getting shot down.

Believe it or not, this happens ALL THE TIME.

Think about how hard it is to approach girls. Now take that feeling, and magnify it by about a billion.

THAT’S how hard it is for women to approach guys. Now, I’m not talking about flirting, or sending clear signals across a room, or accidentally bumping into you as she walks past.

I’m talking about getting up, walking across the room, ALL ALONE, walking up to you, while you’re surrounded by your buddies, and starting a conversation, with the intention of getting your number.

To most normal girls, this is absolutely UNTHINKABLE.

To do so, in her mind, she would be clearly labeling herself as a big, huge, SLUT.

Women are hard wired, on a deep evolutionary level, to avoid the SLUT label at all costs.

Better Safe Than Sorry

Despite what you may think, and despite what nonsense is being passed around, girls simply DO NOT approach.

Sure, some have, some do, but they are the exception that proves the rule.

Think of it this way. Imagine that you operated from the model that girls did the approaching.

You got dressed up. You put on your best clothes, your best cologne, and then went and sat with your buddies and hoped girls would come and pick you up.

Are You Waiting To Get Approached?

Would that work? Maybe if you were a movie star or something.

Here’s the bottom line. Girls would LOVE to approach, but they simply can’t. If you think they SHOULD, get over it, because you’ll be waiting a long time.

Read The Signs, Fool!

But what they CAN do is send out TONS of signals to guys they’re interested in. They look across the room, they see a guy they’re interested in, and they’ve got to attract his attention without seeming like a easy lay.

So, the signals they send are very subtle. But they’re there. And if you haven’t tuned your brain to see them, you’ll miss out on a lot of action.

Luckily, building up your social intelligence is pretty easy. In only a few minutes a day, doing some really goofy exercises (at home where nobody can see you) you’ll quickly boost your social intelligence so you’ll start seeing all the MAGIC that is hidden in all human interactions. Verbal and non-verbal, conscious and unconscious, seen and unseen.

Then you’ll discover how MONEY you really are.

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How To Reclaim Your Natural Genius and Show Off Your Six Pack Brain

Your Genius

Your Brain Is Always Hidden

One of the reasons we think intelligence is set in stone is we can’t see it.

If somebody spends a couple hours in the gym every day, and eats nothing but boiled chicken breasts and broccoli (I actually knew a bodybuilder who did this, and he had the six pack to prove it), we could tell by looking at him or her.

We wouldn’t think, “Wow, I wish I was born with a six pack!”

Damn! That Must Take A Lot Of Work!

We simply assume that their body looks that because of the effort they put into it. Now, this CAN get confusing if we watch a lot of movies, where the characters are living regular lives but are somehow super buff and ripped all the time, but keep in mind those actors spend TONS of time getting in shape for their roles. If you them in between movies they’ve got flab like the rest of us.

But when think about intelligence, we somehow imagine that it’s set in stone. One of the reasons for this is we eat every single day, and we have an intimate experience with food and our physical appearance.

So we naturally make that assumption when we see somebody who’s really fit.

But because most of us don’t have a very good experience with learning, we just assume that some people are naturally smart, and others aren’t.

But that’s ONLY because we all share a common, and pretty lousy experience with learning.

Everybody Is Born A Genius

For example, take some three or four year old kid who’s a born genius. Creative, artistic, capable of expressing beautiful ideas and concepts through various means of “non-traditional” expression.

Then you force them to sit in an uncomfortable chair for six hours a day, listening to some boring person drone on and one about some horribly boring subject.

To make matters worse, if this child doesn’t pay close attention, and seem interested in this horribly boring (and useless) material, they’re labeled as a “Problem Child.”

Your Intelligence Causes You Problems

This young child, who had so much potential, is now being told they are “wrong.”

Screw That Noise!

The good news is that whatever genius you had, before it got hammered out of you by the school system, is NOT lost.

You CAN recover it. Not only that, but you can build it, enhance it, learn to express it in ways that will astound the world.

And make you a potential fortune.

Genius Recovery Strategy

All you’ve got to do is re-connect with your natural learner. Your inherent genius, and your relentless curiosity and creativity.

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Easily Maintain A Dominant Frame For Natural Charisma and Magnetism


Stay On Target!

Being able to stay on topic is a true measure of frame control.

Many guys get confused with the term, “frame control” as it’s one of those fuzzy concepts that’s hard to understand. There’s no specific language patterns or body language or any way to “measure” somebody’s frame.

Somebody Will Always Be In Control

But if you take a look at people, in groups or in pairs, in public places, you can sort of tell who’s controlling the frame, at least at the moment.

If you took a look at two people talking, girls guys or whatever, and you QUICKLY had to guess who was the most “dominant,” that would be the person who was controlling the frame. And when I saw QUICKLY, I mean in less than two seconds.

Dominant body language, dominant facial expressions, and dominant voice tone are all clues.

Be The Center Of Attention

The guy who’s talking while everybody else is nodding while keeping their eyes glued to him is in control of the frame. When the other people talk, they look as though they are “seeking approval” slightly, or “hoping for acceptance” or some similar type of posturing.

Now, when talking to girls, they will ALWAYS try and control the frame. Let’s be honest, everybody likes power, everybody likes to be in control. Everybody likes to be the “boss” of the conversation.

Girls LOVE the idea of being surrounded by guys who are desperate for her approval. It gives them social status, makes them much more attractive, and offers plenty of social proof.

Waiting For Scraps Isn’t The Answer

But you know as well as I do that those guys will almost NEVER get into her good graces. Simply by standing around her, like planets orbiting the sun, they’re basically given up any semblance of a dominant frame in exchange for merely being in her presence.

So, how do you control the frame?

Strong Intentions

ALWAYS have a clear intention in your mind, and ALWAYS keep the conversation going BACK to that intention.

Think of a really, really smooth politician. They’ve got a clear agenda in mind, and no matter WHAT goofball question the reporters ask, they always steer the conversation back to their agenda.

They don’t get mad, they don’t get butt hurt, they just smile, validate the question, give a “good enough” but “vague enough” answer, and get back to THEIR agenda, NOT the reporters.

Stick To Your Outcome No Matter What

If you’ve got a STRONG outcome in mind (that what you WANT out of the conversation) and you have some conversational flexibility, no matter WHAT she says, you’ll be able to steer her back, covertly and carefully, to YOUR outcome, not hers.

And every time you do so, and SHE follows, her attraction to you will increase significantly.

To expand your conversational flexibility, check this out:

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How To Expand Your Flexibility of Thought For Genius Level Creativity


No Such Thing As Smooth Sailing

No matter what you want in life, there are going to be roadblocks.

How you deal with those roadblocks will dictate how well you achiever your dreams.

Part of being an ultra genius is how creative you are in going around, under, through or over those inevitable obstacles that come up.

Overcoming Obstacles Is Part Of Life

After all, the one thing that super successful people have in common is they absolutely refuse to give up.

And ultimately, it’s up to YOU whether you win or lose. Because ultimately, YOU decide when to stop moving forward. When you do that, it’s game over.

One thing that will help considerably is when you have flexibility of mind, and thinking.

Being able to come up with various strategies in the face of adversity is crucial.

In any given situation, when there’s some kind of competition, and one guy’s gonna walk away the winner, and one guy’s going to go home empty handed, the one who’s the most flexible will win out.

Doesn’t matter if it’s a boxing match, a sales presentation, or a day game “pick up.”

Flexibility Is Better Than Strength

The cool thing is that when you develop a strong sense of flexibility, and you really begin to understand the TRUE nature of your inner genius, those obstacles won’t feel like obstacles any more.

Because simply in thinking how to get around them, you’ll naturally come up with five, ten or twenty DIFFERENT ideas that you’d never thought of before.

Now, don’t me wrong. Coming up to a roadblock never feels good, but it usually won’t take long before you feel BETTER after being FORCED to think of alternative strategies.

Creativity Happens Up Against The Wall

As they say, “necessity is the mother of invention,” and when it comes to “inventing” better ideas to get whatever you want, nothing necessitates outside the box thinking like some big fat roadblock.

Welcome them. Embrace them. Appreciate them. For they will help you unleash your GENIUS.

And just like fighters can practice different moves so they’ll be much more flexible in the ring (or the cage) there’s plenty of mental drills you can do to DRAMATICALLY improve your thinking flexibility when you come up against those roadblocks.

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Secrets Of Seduction Resonance

When I was a kid, I LOVED the idea of resonance.

This is when you apply a certain frequency to a certain system, where the applied frequency is the same as the natural frequency.

Like pumping your legs on a swing in the same frequency as the swing plus you, as a pendulum.

If you pump your legs at the right frequency, you can get pretty high without much effort.

Leverage The Laws of Physics

Similar to sloshing all the water out of a bathtub. Slide back and forth at the same frequency of the water in the tub, and you can get your mom pretty angry.

I had a science teacher once who applied this on a boat.

Him and his buddies (about ten people) were on the top deck of this sightseeing boat. They would go back and forth across the top, cause the boat to rock slightly. Once they figured out what the natural rocking frequency of the boat was, they just copied it.

Pretty soon the boat was tipping back and forth with HUGE swings, making everybody completely freaked out. There they were on calm seas, and they were rocking back and forth as if they were in a storm.

Everywhere You Look

This concept of “resonance” shows up all over nature, and you can use it with MAD results in seduction.

In fact, if used correctly, (which DOES take practice!) you’ll be able to get a girl so turned on BEFORE you approach her, you can say pretty much ANYTHING, and she’ll be all over you.

How does it work?

It requires that you see and understand all the micro signals that people are sending out ALL the time.

Body language, facial expressions, how slow or fast their eyes move around, how long they hold eye contact, and about a billion other things.

The Female Advantage

Now, women hard wired to do this automatically. Meaning they can walk into a room and “feel” right away who’s into whom, who’s secretly screwing whom, who WANTS to secretly bang whom, who’s been having a fight, etc.

When you gain this ability, you’ll literally be able to see into the female world.

Which means you’ll be able to see each individual girl’s “resonance frequency.”

Enter Her World

Then all you’ve got to do is interact with her, congruent with HER resonance frequency, and she’ll feel a deep connection with you, and she won’t know why.

Now, being able to read a room like that takes some practice. Both going out in public and just “feeling” the energy, as well as doing regular mind development exercises which will significantly boost your social intelligence.

But once you get there, you’ll literally see into a world that few people know exist.

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The Path To Inspiration

Where does “inspiration” come from?

Many people would LOVE to create a lot more in life, but feel they aren’t sufficiently “inspired.”

I’m sure you’ve heard the famous statement, “Genius is 1% inspiration, and 99% perspiration,” and I think it’s commonly misunderstood.

Consistent Effort Required

People generally assume that once they feel “inspired” that “inspiration” will give them the motivation and energy to push through all that icky “perspiration.”

However, it doesn’t always work out that way. Sometimes you’ve got to start with the perspiration before you get any inspiration. Sometimes that magical one percent inspiration doesn’t come until you’ve put in fifty or even sixty percent perspiration.

Always Stirring The Pot

Of all the geniuses throughout history, the ones that came up with ideas that literally changed the world, they didn’t get their ideas by passively sitting around waiting for a magical jolt of inspiration from the gods.

They worked tirelessly day in, day out, sometimes being ridiculed by their peers, BEFORE they got that inspiration.

What kept them going was not the inspiration itself, but the belief that it WAS COMING.

Think of somebody who loves to run every morning. I used to, so I speak from experience.

Getting out of bed is never easy, especially when it’s still dark outside.

Stretching, putting on your shoes, and starting the run takes an enormous amount of willpower.

But after I literally FORCED myself to do it every single day for a few weeks, it got easier and easier.

Powerful Momentum

Not because I bounded out of bed every morning a huge desire to run around my neighborhood in the dark while everybody else was still sleeping, but because I KNEW what was coming.

Inevitably, after a couple miles, after I slipped into a rhythm and FORGOT I was exercising, I would get what people call a “runner’s high.” A mix of brain chemicals pumped into the blood that minimize physical discomfort and maximize feelings of euphoria.

But every single morning, part of me wanted to stay in bed. Part of me wanted to accept that it was OK to “go running tomorrow instead.”

Only by overcoming that internally placed obstacle with perspiration, did I ever experience that inspiration that I KNEW would come.

Bank Shot Method

This the TRUE secret of creation. Put in the work first, and the inspiration comes later.

Luckily, there are some proven techniques to not only increase your genius thinking ability as well as some “genius mining techniques” so you can go through the same process.

Do the work first, and those genius inspirations WILL FOLLOW.

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The One Crucial Skill For Attraction

What are some crucial things you need to be successful with women?

I don’t mean successful as in some day, maybe hopefully meeting someone.

I’m talking about having the confidence, skills, and tenacity to come up with the ideal woman, the ideal personality type, and having no problem walking up to and talking to girls long enough to see if they qualify or not.

Real or Fake?

Many guys “number close” like the world’s going to end in a few minutes, but get pretty spotty results. Just being able to walk up and ask for her number is a start, but it’s not nearly enough.

If you number close a girl, she’s going to be able to “sniff out” if SHE’S the only one you’ve closed recently, of if you just make it a habit to number close every girl with a pair of boobs and a pulse.

Which Category?

You may get a number, but she’ll put you in the “player” category in her mind, not the “Potential Mr. Right” category.

Naturally then, on top of number closing skills (being able to walk up and ask for the number) you need a couple more skills. One is you’ve got to dress halfway decently. Nothing special, nothing you need to spend all kinds of time on, just you look decent, and there aren’t any obvious stains on your shirt.

Take A Shower!

And of course, you’ll need some decent hygiene. You can’t stink like a bum, and you can’t have bad breath.

So far so good, right?

There’s ONE thing that will DRAMATICALLY improve your ability. This is a very subtle skill to have, and most gurus or PUA’s don’t talk about it.

It’s when you look out into a room, and tell who’s giving you signals, and who isn’t.

Social Intelligence

It’s when you’re talking to her, and just KNOW when she wants to be touched, or caressed, or moved closer to.

It’s when you KNOW you are at a high point in the conversation, (a local maximum of attraction, if you will) and therefore the PERFECT time to close. (Any kind of close, even THAT kind!).

It’s when you see a text from her, and you know how long to wait before responding, and what to say to generate the desired effect.

The Human Nutjob Factor

Let’s be honest. Women are crazy. OK, let’s be more honest. PEOPLE are crazy. We humans are just on the sane side of psychotic, and nobody can predict our behavior.

Which means whenever you’re dealing with HUMANS, there is NO set of rules to follow. If you want to succeed (in selling, in seducing, in creating and maintaining relationships) you’ve got to read the situation, and know how to respond appropriately.

How do you do that?

With a healthy level of SOCIAL INTELLIGENCE. Without it, you’re just shooting darts in the dark with a blindfold.

If you want MORE social intelligence, so you can easily get MORE success with the ladies, check this out:

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Reawaken Your Creative Side

Where do ideas come from?

Mozart said that they came out of the “air” when he was out walking.

Many great thinkers were able to pull some of their best ideas from dreams.

Subconscious Genius

Edison allegedly would sit in a dark room, holding large weight in his outstretched hand. As he started to nod off, and drop the ball (waking him up) he would immediately write down all the ideas he could come up with.

Often times ideas are created when we see one “element” from one thing, and another “element” from something else, and then combine them in a new way.

If it works out, you can become famous, and incredibly wealthy.

Hey! You Got Chocolate In My Peanut Butter!

When I was a kid (long long ago, lol) there was a popular commercial for “Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups” where some guy was walking down the street, eating peanut butter from a jar (seriously!) and a woman was walking down the street eating some chocolate. They bumped into each other, “accidentally” mixed their peanut butter and chocolate, and BOOM! a new candy was born.

Accidental Creativity

Post-It notes were created by accident, and TONS of new stuff was invented, as a by-product of the U.S. space program to get to the moon.

The truth is that simple things can lead to the most amazing discoveries. Take a couple of random things you see on a daily basis, mix them up in a way nobody’s thought of before, and your idea may be the thing that saves the world.

Accept Your Brilliance

But one thing will KEEP you from coming up with massively creative ideas that will fill your bank account, and that is thinking that you are NOT smart, or clever, or innovative.

You ARE.

It’s just that your genius was metaphorically beaten out of you by formal education. (Ever wonder why super geniuses are always dropouts?).

The good news is you can get it back. Just doing a few simple exercises, on a daily basis, will reawaken your creative giant.

Then YOU’LL see opportunity, excitement and potential where others see sameness and drudgery.

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How To Read A Room For IOI’s

I’ve got a friend that uses the “Terminator Frame” any time he enters a room.

If you haven’t seen the original in a while, or you’ve never seen it, it’s like this.

This robot (The Terminator) had this computer screen in his head. As we walked through reality, the people he saw would appear in the center, and then all the information about them would appear around them.

When they spoke, the words would appear, as would several potential responses. He (the Terminator) would also see any weapons or dangers highlighted.

Enter The Terminator

The way my friend “reprogrammed” this (through some wicked self hypnosis) was to walk into a room, and immediately see all the girls that were displaying open body language, and sending him some IOI’s.

So instead of having a mix of confusion, worry, and sexual desire, like most guys have, he would immediately identify each girl who was open to an approach.

Then he would simply approach, imagining that he had this “Terminator” screen feeding him information and ideas on what to say and how to behave.

Imaginary Power

Now, he didn’t REALLY see a computer screen, and he didn’t REALLY words pop up and have some computer voice in his head telling him what to say.

This was an IMAGINARY frame that helped him to get rid of that natural anxiety that we all have.

It also helped him to “play” instead of taking things so seriously.

And, by the way, this guy got laid a TON by some REALLY hot girls.

All because he had an imaginary “helper” which turned him into an approach machine, literally.

Tons of Information

However you get there, the ability to “read” a room, and approach the girls that are most open is crucial.

Most guys never get this far. Instead of approaching girls that are sending out IOI’s, then only approach girls they LIKE.

Whose Desires?

They approach based on THEIR OWN desires, instead of the desires in the room.

That’s the real secret. If you can look out into a room, find the girls that are open and giving you IOI’s and then approach from within THAT GROUP, instead of the whole room, you’ll have a LOT more success.

Inside or Outside?

The easiest way to dramatically increase your social intelligence is to simply get out of your head, and pay attention to what’s going on.

There are also plenty of other ways to increase social intelligence, so approaching, opening, increasing attraction, and closing is second nature.

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How To Project Intelligence and Power

The eyes are the window to the soul.

AND, they’re a window to a LOT more.

If you get out of your head, and turn off those chattering voices that are always in the back of our minds, you can get a TON of information just from somebody eyes.

How tight or loose the skin is around them, how slowly they move around, or how quickly they dart.

Unlimited Information

How quickly or slowly the pupils open or shut, as if their emotions are being jacked all over the place by the reality around them.

How they see themselves as part of their reality will come across in their eyes. Are they merely present, are they a victim, or do they feel absolutely and completely at home, wherever they go?

Here’s something else that’s pretty amazing, as well as extremely controversial.

This was the result of a scientific study done recently.

Do They Got What It Takes?

Just by looking at somebody’s picture, most folks can accurately tell if they are above average, average, or below average in intelligence.

Combine this with their level of fear or comfort in their situation, it’s absolutely possible to size somebody up completely.

On some level, we all know this. I know that judging people is a big “no no,” that it’s unkind, unfair, and sometimes illegal.

You Can’t Not Communicate

But whenever you walk into a room, you ALWAYS do this. You subconsciously scan the room, and decide, within an instant, who you “accept” and who you don’t “accept.”

Who you’d trust, and who you wouldn’t. Who you wouldn’t mind sitting next to, and who you’d want to steer clear of.

Like I said, most of us don’t like to admit this part of ourselves. We’d like to think we are completely accepting of others, all the time.

Ancient Power

But deep below our conscious awareness and moral sensibilities is that ancient animal that’s in all of us.

And while most of us are capable of turning off those instincts, a lot of people don’t.

Meaning if YOU don’t judge people when you walk into a room, most other people do.

This isn’t an easy truth to accept. But there it is.

The question is, what will you do about it?

You can hope that everybody will hold hands and accept everybody as equally valid.

But that rarely happens, at least in the REAL world.

What Image Will You Project?

Which means the better you present yourself, the more opportunities you’ll find.

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