Author Archives: mindpersuasion

The Myth Of Female Desire

Attraction Is Like Hunger

Are You Building A False Image?

What do women want?

All you’ve got to do is figure this out, and you’ll be in good shape, right?


First, remember that attraction, deep physical and emotional attraction is an instinct. Sure, the longer you’re in a relationship with somebody, and the more you get to know each other, and the more you learn to respect and support each other, you can certainly “grow to love them.”

And certainly this is the way relationships were built for most of human history. That instant lust that we all sometimes confuse for love wasn’t there in the beginning. It was a long, slow process.

But these days, you’d need to belong to some crazy religious cult or seriously consider one of those mail order bride websites to get together with somebody you barely know.

Which means in order to create a decent relationship, you’ve got to be able to create real attraction.

And once again, keep in mind this is an instinct.

Consider another instinct. Hunger. If you are hungry, you might not be sure what you want. You certainly can’t predict what you would like. Sure you might try and scan your memory to some of the things you’ve eaten in the recent past, or maybe imagine a few restaurants in your neighborhood.

But this is only an approximation. A conscious guess of how your unconscious will respond to a certain stimuli.

You could not even know you’re hungry, and then suddenly somebody puts a plate of food in front of you that you’ve never seen, and suddenly it’s your favorite dish!

This is an instinct, and we simply can’t predict how we’ll respond to certain stimuli unless it’s in front of us.

When creating attraction in women, this presents a few problems.

No woman is going to know how she’ll feel about any guy until she interacts with him. Pictures won’t do it. A copy of his resume won’t do it. Even his ultra polite behavior on a first date won’t do it.

So asking her what kind guy she likes is kind of pointless. Or even dangerous if you listen to her answer and assume it’s actually true.

This would be like you saying you’d like to eat a cheeseburger, and then suddenly wolfing down a plate of chicken wings. You weren’t lying, you were only guessing. But somebody who was busily cooking you a cheeseburger based on what you said wouldn’t really understand.

So trying to figure out what women want, and then trying to figure out how to turn yourself into that person is not a great strategy.

So what is?

Just talk to as many woman as you can. Find the one that is turned on by the natural you. And who spurs the natural desire in you for her.

It may take a while, but when you find her, you’ll be glad you put in the effort.

Magical Mathematics

Grow Your Skills

The Powerful Exponential Function

Many things are what we call a “double edged sword.”

This is one of those expressions that some people throw around without really understanding.

A sword with two edges means it cuts both ways. If you can imagine being in battle, standing their pushing your sword against your enemy, if he pushes it back against you, you get cut by your own sword.

As a metaphor, it’s used to describe something that can be both extremely beneficial, if used correctly, or extremely dangerous, if used incorrectly.

One thing about humans is our brains aren’t really hard wired to understand anything intuitively more than basic math. Meaning if we want to understand higher order math, we’ve got to do some thinking.

That’s why one misunderstood aspect of mathematics is one of the most potent “double edged swords” around.

What I’m referring to is the exponential function. Nature certainly understands exponential growth.

Humans, on the other hand, don’t.

Exponential growth is anything that increases as a percent, rather than a fixed about.

For example, if you’ve got a pile of money, and every month you add $100 to it. It’s ONLY going to grow at $100 a month. In ten years, you’ll have added $12K.

On the other hand, if you’ve got a pile of money and it increases by ten PERCENT every month, you’ve got a whole different ball game.

If you start with only $100, in ten years you’ll have over 8 MILLION dollars.

That’s the positive aspect of exponential growth.

The negative aspect, of course, is debt. Since debt is based on percent, you can be in deep trouble if you let any amount of debt go too long. 

I once read this list of the richest fictional characters. The richest one was one of those vampire guys from the “Twilight” movies. And the only reason he was rich was because he was 300 years old. He’d put money in the bank and just let it sit there for a couple hundred years, and it grew into billions. All on its own.

There are MANY ways you can apply the exponential function.

One way is your skills.

Every time you learn, you get better at learning. Every skill you add to your vast collection of skills, it just makes it even easier to learn more skills.

And when you make those skills satisfy these two requirements, you’re living a pretty good life.

What two requirements?

1) You enjoy doing them.

2) They make you a lot of money.

This is the secret of lasting wealth, happiness, and prosperity. Find something you like doing, that makes you ANY amount of money, and simply keep get better at doing it.

Get Started:

Prosperity Generator

Is Dating Dead?

Quality Will Always Be In Demand

Quality Will Always Be In Demand

For most guys, there’s a pretty tough stage when it comes to women. That is if you are trying to create a traditional relationship. For some guys, all they want is to get laid, and get laid a lot, and this is actually pretty easy, once you get the hang of it.

But getting a “quality girl” for a “quality relationship” is not so easy.

In the old days, before the internet and social media, it was pretty straightforward. You grew up, dated a few girls, maybe even only one or two, and settled down for life.

Now, some people claim that people aren’t as “pure” as  they used to be, or they aren’t as “moral” as they used to be.

The truth is that people have many, many more options then they used to. Think of it this way. A typical guy who lived fifty years ago didn’t have that much experience with a lot of women. Not on TV, certainly not online, and usually not in real life.

The ONLY way to even see women was in person. And there simply weren’t too many places where guys and girls would go and hook up. Which meant that most men met most women through their neighborhood, their social circle, their church, their work, etc.

Which meant that when they found somebody halfway decent, they hung on for dear life. Both men and women.

Today, however, we have the illusion of choice. Anybody can go on Facebook and feel popular. Anybody can watch vlogs of girls talking and pretend, on a subconscious level, they’re in a “conversation” with her, especially if they make comments and she responds.

There’s no shortage of online forums where people can safely interact from their own homes, and put on whatever personal they’d like to pretend to be.

Does this mean the dating game is done? Killed? Dead and buried?

It can certainly seem like it. If you are with a girl who’s just not into you, she’s going to have a million options other than sitting there pretending she’s into you.

Which only means one thing.

If you really DO want to create a special relationship, you’ve got to seriously increase what you bring to the table.

Massive social skills, self-confidence, and ultra powerful frame, and a iron-clad set of criteria that you’re looking for.

Just showing up to the club and spitting enough game to get laid is not going to get you very far.

What will?

Genuine social skills. Face to face social skills. The kind where you walk into a room and people would RATHER interact with you, in person, than stare at their phones.

Sure, developing this level of social skill takes practice. And for many guys, they’d rather bitch and moan about how hard it is.

What about you?

Bottom line is that most people want great things, but aren’t willing to put in the work required to get them.

But if you DO put in the work, you WILL get them.

Have You Begun Your Masterpiece Yet?

Your Life Is Waiting

Fully Adult and Responsible

There are two main phases of life, with one crappy one in between.

When we’re younger, we don’t really have to do much. We ask, and it is given.


Then when we get older, we need to participate. We need to give in order to get.

For example, if you celebrate X-mas, there comes a time when you need to start giving gifts as well as receiving them (or for birthdays or whatever).

However, there are many people that get “stuck” in this lower level.

It’s certainly easy to do. Politicians, advertisers, religions, are all heavily invested in keeping us in this “childhood” model of the world.

So long as we are “dependent” on them, it works. 

For them. But not for us.

If you take a good hard look at all the people in history who have created wonderful things, inventions, devices, pieces of artwork, they didn’t do it by simply being a “receiver.”

They did by acting upon their world. And they certainly didn’t do it alone. Even inventors who DID largely create things on their own were the first to say they were standing on the shoulders of giants.

In order to REALLY get the good stuff in life, you’ve got to get out there and participate in the world. You’ve got build relationships, and practice the ever present “give and take” that is life.

Sounds easy, but it can (and usually is) THE most difficult thing to do in life.

It’s hard to give up that feeling of getting or expecting something for nothing.

To make things worse, in between the childhood model of the world, and this fully functioning, adult CONSCIOUS CREATOR model of the world is part that feels like crap.

It’s when you’re starting to leave the childhood part behind, yet you haven’t quite arrived at the adult part.

This is where the “red pill” theory comes in.

You feel as if you’ve been lied to, you feel as if the world has “deceived you” somehow.

Believe it or not, these are just mental growing pains.

The butterfly fighting his way out of the cocoon.

When you finally cast those false beliefs of limitation, lack and victim based thinking behind, a whole new world will open up.

 A world waiting for you to participate. To learn and express you true skills.

Skills that will deliver your true gifts to the world, and in exchange receive the wealth and prosperity that is your birthright.

Make no mistake, it’s out there. Waiting for you.

But in order to bring it to you, you’ve got to create something magnificent.

What will be YOUR masterpiece?

Get Started:

Prosperity Generator

Get Girls Caveman Style

Sexual Division Of Labor

Division Of Labor

One way to help understand male-female relationships is to imagine we are still cave people.

Humans evolved over a long, long time, and the time we’ve been living in cities is very, very short.

We’ve been in our current form, more or less, for about 100K years. Sure, there are all kinds of different theories as to the specifics, but the bottom line is that in the big picture, we’ve been cave people a lot longer than we’ve been city living folks.

Which means that all of our instincts, specifically the ones that drive male-female attraction, and the ones that serve as the glue for male-female relationships, have been with us a long, long time.

Before technology, before electricity, before running water. Before money was invented.

So the same things that got guys and girls interested in each other back then, and kept them together, still holds true today. It may not seem like it with so much distractions, but it’s still there.

One reason humans did so well was we formed pair-bonds that generally lasted a lifetime. Sure there were exceptions, but those only prove the rule.

And the reason these pair bonds worked so well was because there was a sexual division of labor. Meaning guys did one thing, and girls did something else. Bottom line was the guys hunted, and girls gathered.

Which meant we could live in a lot different environments, since both hunting AND gathering got a lot of different types of food.

Think about this. Every day, the guys would go hunting. And the girls would gather. Both working to support the family.

The idea of a “stay at home mom” is not only an aberration in recent history, due to some extreme productivity in economics, but it’s not part of our evolutionary makeup.

Why is this important?

Because when you choose a girl for a relationship, looking pretty is just the start. You’ve got to be able to trust her, to depend on her, and make sure she’s got your back, and you’ve got hers.

Meaning when it comes to building your life, you’ve both got to be on the same page.

Keeping this in mind can help with the initial approach.

You’ve got to screen pretty carefully, as many girls simply won’t match your criteria.

This, of course, assumes you’ve got some life plans aside from playing video games and checking Facebook.

Get a plan, and start looking for a girl to help you get it.

Is it really that simple?

It’s been working for humans for thousands of years, why not you?

What Would Your Ideal Job Be?

Fresh Popcorn!

What Does Follow Your Bliss Mean?

What is your passion?

One of the greatest gifts in life is being able to share your passion with others in a way they truly appreciate it.

Not just accept it, or acknowledge it, but appreciate it in their own way.

A great way to do this is by expressing it through your business somehow.

Now, in some cases this pretty easy and straightforward. If you love programming and you get paid lots of cash for programming, then you’re work IS your passion.

Other times the connection is a bit more subtle, but it’s still there. For example, you might love speaking persuasively and convincingly in front of groups, so you make a decent living selling products and services that you may not use yourself, but you know serve a real need.

It can certainly feel empty when you feel zero passion for your job. Like you’re just going through the motions in order to collect a paycheck.

To be sure, a passion filled job is NOT the norm for most people, but it is certainly a goal.

That’s why KNOWING what your passions are is a very important first step.

Next is to find any way possible you can express them on the job.

For example, when I was in high school, I worked at a movie theater. I did a lot of jobs, usher, taking tickets, selling tickets, selling popcorn.

Working behind the snack counter was my favorite. It was busy, we had to do quick calculations in our heads (our boss thought cash registers would slow us down) and we got to interact with a huge cross section of the population.

It was nice seeing people who were happy, as they were about to see a good movie, while enjoying some junk food.

I’ve had plenty other jobs that made a LOT more money, but were incredibly boring, tedious and sometimes stressful.

The key is to take whatever you’re doing NOW, and find SOMETHING about it you like, or at least don’t hate so much.

Since most humans need money to survive, we generally need to have some kind of occupation most of our lives.

The ideal progression is to keep finding better and higher paying jobs that allow for a more direct expression of our passions.

Until you get to that magic sweet spot where your fully passionate, absolutely LOVE your work (whether you’re working on your own or for a huge company) AND getting paid a TON.

If you keep focusing on that ideal future, while always looking for ways to improve, you simply WILL NOT fail.

Get Started:

Prosperity Generator

When Should You Use Seduction Technology?

What's The Rush?

What’s The Rush?

Here’s a dream scenario, of what an interaction with a girl would go, as most guys imagine it.

You walk up to her and use some kind of opener. She’s intrigued, and turns toward you. The more you talk, the more she becomes interested. Pretty soon she’s got the whole room fazed out in her mind, and all she sees is you.

You pay attention to her lips, they are slightly parted, and swollen. If you pay attention to her pupils, they are getting bigger and bigger. That unconscious response we all have when we’re looking at something we like.

If you touch her, she increases all her signs of attraction. Her eyes get a bit bigger, she takes a deep breath (as if she secretly wishes you were touching her somewhere else).

Whenever you say something and nod, she slightly nods as well, in perfect agreement.

So far so good, right?

Now, if ALL you want is some quick sex, and nothing else, this is as good as it gets. But most guys, even though they claim they want to love ’em and leave ’em, really want more.

Sure, sex is great. But when you’re having sex with somebody that really gets you, really believes in you, and is genuinely concerned (both for her own reasons and for yours) that you’ll be successful in life, this is a MUCH different feeling than having sex with some girl you’ve just met.

One problem of creating massive sexual desire in an hour or so is you have ZERO idea of what this girl is like. And unless she’s totally OK with getting with a guy and banging him within an hour, a couple of things are likely to happen.

One is that she’ll think you tricked her, or put something in her drink. This is very bad. Unless you’re a traveling salesman and plan to blown town in the morning, this could get you in serious trouble.

Or she could convince herself that she’s found “The One.” Why else would she sleep with you so quickly unless she absolutely KNEW you were soulmates?

This, also, could present some serious problems if you aren’t planning on slinking back to your secret hideaway in the morning.

So yea, it’s fun to create that attraction pretty quickly. But it’s also pretty frikkin dangerous.

So here’s another alternative. Another way to create that same MASSIVE sexual desire, WITHOUT all the potential problems.

First, come up with a list of criteria. Things that MUST be true about your idea girl.

Then find a girl that HAS all those criteria.

Then take her on a couple dates, just to make sure. When you ARE sure, then let loose with the mad patterns and seduction tools.

Then you’ll have a highly qualified girl, who’s perfect for you, who wants nothing more than to bang you silly.

Again and again and again.

Unlocking The Mystery Of Money

Wanna Trade?

My Apple For Your Potato Chips

Next time you buy something you want, pay attention to the energy of the transaction.

This is good to do with food, especially when you’re hungry.

Think of the food, and think of the money you’re about to spend.

Instead of thinking of it as a “purchase,” or a “transaction,” think of it as exchange.

A straight up trade. Like back in elementary school.

Take a moment, and imagine whatever you did to get that money. 

If it’s five bucks for a Happy Meal (or whatever) just imagine what it took for you to get that five bucks.

Then imagine trading your efforts for your food, rather than the money.

This can be a helpful exercise for a lot of reasons.

Sure, we all love money, but only because we can trade money for the things that we want.

I used to find it helpful to think of what I could buy with the money I was about to earn when I had a particularly unpleasant job ahead of me.

When the Beatles (John and Paul) would sit down to write a song, they would literally say, “Let’s write ourselves a couple of new cars.”

The truth about money is that it’s only an intermediary step between two actions.

Your action which you trade for money, and the action of somebody else, who is producing what you want to buy with that money.

This seems pretty basic, but it can be easy to drift up into the upper metaphysical atmosphere when talking about “money energy.”

Boiled down into it’s most essential components, money is the potential or stored energy that exists between two people that are making things that each other wants.

So when people talk about “money energy” they’re really talking about human effort.

When people say “resonate with money energy” what they really mean is to resonate with other people.

Both what they’re doing to produce the stuff you want, and what you’re doing to produce the stuff they want.

When everybody is “resonating with money energy” meaning everybody is doing their part producing and trading, based on what everybody else wants needs and appreciates, that’s when society really starts to take off.

This is natural because humans are social creatures. It is deep in our nature to participate in a diverse society with many different people from many different backgrounds.

With everybody making or helping make what everybody else wants, everybody’s happen.

The good news is that with the whole world kind of linked together, economy wise, it’s easier than ever to get in and get some.

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Do Seduction Tricks Really Work?

Beware of Romantic Shortcuts

Beware Of Shortcuts To The Heart

Most guys would love some kind of “shortcut” to a woman’s heart.

Just take a look at some of the headlines of popular seduction products and you’ll see what I mean.

“One weird trick that will make her love you.”

“The three texts to turn her on.”

“How to get your ex back with this one weird trick.”

“The three steps to her bedroom.”

And on and one.

Can it really be this simple? Well, it CAN. But not really. If all you’re after is some physical fun, then these might work. But unless you’re some ultra jaded poon hound, that’s going to cause trouble. 


Most guys can’t just pump-n-dump, as much as we like to brag like that on the Internet. Emotions have a crazy way of getting involved once we’re intimate with a woman. When it comes to love, sex, and romance, love to slide down that slippery slope. 

Meaning at first it may be just physical. In fact, you may even have a conscious, rational, adult conversation that it’s going to ONLY be physical. But chances are, somebody’s going to develop feelings for somebody. Mother Nature ain’t stupid.

Sure, some primates spend their entire lives banging as many of each other as they can.

But not the human primate. We are hard wired to form long term pair bonds. And when we’re hard wired to do something, our rational plans don’t usually stand a chance.

So if you think you’re only going after a little fun, think again. As Quarterbacks are fond of saying, every time you throw a pass, three things can happen, and two of them are bad.

Same with hooking up. Three things can happen. You both bang each other silly and then go your separate ways. Or you develop feelings and she goes her separate way. Or she develops feelings and you go your separate way. 

Before you even walk up to her, ask yourself, “What do I want?”

If you are absolutely sure you ONLY want to get laid, make sure you project that energy.

Make sure she knows you’re a player.

On the other hand, if you’re looking for an honest relationship, then maybe you should ditch all those “weird tricks” and “three steps” or whatever.

Just talk to her like you confident, relaxed self. Don’t be fake nice, and don’t be fake alpha.

Just talk to her, be in the moment, and see what happens.

You might be VERY surprised!

Prove Them Wrong

Forge Your Own Path

Forge Your Own Path

Most of us would love a brain-dead-simple way to make money.

Or do pretty much anything, for that matter.

Guys would LOVE a surefire, guaranteed way to get a girl in love with them.

Girls AND guys would LOVE some magic, step by step “fix” to “get their ex back.”

Most people would readily say that they are truly willing to do ANYTHING, as long as somebody just told them what to do.

You see this in the movie all the time. The guy tells the girl, “Tell me what to do to get you back!”

Salespeople are even trained to ask customers this question:

“What can I do to earn your business today?”

Bottom line is if they’re not feeling it, it’s not going to happen.

Think of it this way. Imagine you showed up at your friends house, your belly full after eating a nice dinner.

They’ve just finished baking an onion and broccoli pie, with sliced squid on top.

You say, “No, thanks. I just ate.”

And they say, “C’mon! Tell me what to do in order to make you hungry for this!”

If you’re not feeling it, you’re not feeling it.

I hate to break this to you, but if your ex doesn’t want you want, you ain’t getting them back. No matter HOW perfect you are together.

The same goes with creating things, from scratch, like businesses, relationships, families, careers.

First of all, nobody, not even YOU, knows the full range of your skills and abilities.

Which means NOBODY can give you more than basic guidance on how to build those things.

Your job is to keep trying different things, to see how they work.

If you get closer, do more. If you don’t do less.

The truth about this is that when most people say, “I’m willing to do anything, just tell me what to do,” what they REALLY mean is “tell me the secret easy way that doesn’t involve any risk or me feeling uncomfortable.”

But this is wonderful.

The process of discovery, not only of what works, but what you’re REALLY made of is like nothing most people will ever experienced.

Most people ARE content to be told what to do. And since most people ONLY do what they’re told, most people only get what most people get. Which ain’t much!

In order to rise above the mediocrity, you’ve got to FIGURE OUT what to do, ON YOUR OWN.

This means taking risks, feeling foolish, and yes, even hearing those close to you, maybe even your loved ones, tell you you’re an idiot.

But the flip side of is that later on, when you ARE successful, they’ll PROVE their worth to you by saying, “Wow, you really ARE awesome! I’m glad I was wrong! I’m glad I know you!”

So get going.

Prove them wrong:

Prosperity Generator