Author Archives: mindpersuasion

Are You Playing it TOO Safe?

Embrace Risk For Massive Success

The Magic Of Balanced Risk

Sometimes being able to unlearn something is more important than learning something.

Often times when we want something we think we can’t get, we imagine that we need to do something that we’re not doing, or learn something that we don’t know, or think something that we’re not thinking.


Sometimes though it’s what we STOP doing that will get us what we want, rather than what we START doing.

As we move from childhood to adulthood, this idea shows up a lot. We stop depending things “outside” of us, and start depending on our own, self-generated actions and decisions.

You stop depending on the training wheels, and start depending on your own sense of balance.

You stop expecting free money in the form of an allowance, and get a part time job.

You stop feeling the need to ask for permission (which also means if you mess up it’s not really your fault) and start trying things out on your own, just to see what will happen.

Now, it’s pretty clear that some people are better at this than others. Some people take to risk and trial and error based behaviors like a duck to water.

Others are terrified of leaving the safety of authority and conformity.

Neither one is “better” than the other, since “better” can only be determined by what you value.

If you’re content to take what you’re given, and happen to be in a situation where you’re given some pretty good stuff, then you’ve got it pretty good.

On the other hand, if you want a lot more than what other people decide to “give you” then you’ll need to take some risks.

A lot of people shy away from that word. They imagine taking a risk, failing, and ending up homeless, or shunned by society.

This can lead to overcompensation. Taking no risks at all. Only playing it safe.

But not all risks have to be huge. Not all risks entail putting your life’s savings on a one time stock tip.

Every time you talk to a stranger, you’re taking a small risk. They might like you, they might ignore you.

Every time you call about an ad for a job, you’re taking a small risk. They might hire you and think you’re the greatest thing since sliced bread, or they may laugh at you and hang up.

If you believe that any risk is dangerous, and even the smallest rejection will destroy your ego, it will.

But if you believe that all risks comes with rewards, either getting what you want, or getting you more information that will help you get what you want, they will.

To feel comfortable with risks, and see opportunities where others fear to tread, check this out:

Belief Change

How To Become A Super Confident Seducer

Always See The Big Picture

See The Big Picture

Most guys are conning themselves when they imagine getting with the perfect girl.

When we imagine getting a girl, we imagine it as something that’s given to us, or something that’s earned.

Make no mistake, everybody likes getting rewards or free gifts, especially when there’s a heavenly honey and some fun between the sheets involved.

But in reality, this mindset puts you at a HUGE disadvantage. And truth be told, most men NEVER leave this mindset. That’s why most men, even grown professional men making tons of cash and holding huge positions of importance, still look at their wife as some kind of authority figure.

Especially if they met when they were young, like in their twenties or earlier.

Why is this? Men take a lot longer to “grow up” than women. Even in ancient societies, boys had to be forced into ceremonies where they were transformed from boys into men. If they didn’t go through the ceremony, they’d stay boys their whole lives and be a danger to the tribe.

Why didn’t they do this for girls? Why no ceremonies for turning girls into women?

Because back then, it happened naturally. Having a baby does that to a girl. When you’ve got a little kid who is absolutely desperate for you to keep them alive, it’s kind of hard NOT to “grow up.”

Of course, this isn’t so true any more. But there’s still a lingering “gap” between the maturity level of boys and girls.

Just ask any school teacher.

And when you walk up to a girl in a club with that attitude that she’s got all the goods, and you “hope” that she decides to “give you” some, you’re not doing yourself any favors.

Ideally, you should have such a good life that girls are trying to convince YOU to let THEM in.

Now, this may seem impossible with so many people just barely able to pay the bills.

But the good news is that this comes from the INSIDE, not the money in your bank account.

On a deep psychological level, attraction is triggered by your BELIEF of your own life, and your own potential.

If you need her to be happy, you’re not worth too much to her.

But if you DON’T need her to be happy, she’ll be much more into you. 

Now, most guys are pretty good at pretending or faking this. But they quickly slip back into the beta-male role after a month or two of a relationship.

Which is why girls lose interest a lot in the first few weeks or months. You’ve lost that quality. Or she finds out that quality was fake.

How do you get that quality, on a real and lasting level?

Always see the big picture. If you don’t have huge dreams in your life, get some. It doesn’t matter if they seem a million miles away. Just BELIEVE they will come to you some day, and do things to make that happen. Even small things. Remember, you only need to convince yourself.

So next time you talk to a cutie, or are about to, ask yourself something like this:

“Does the achievement of my life’s dreams depend on this girl? Can she help me achieve them? Or is she just looking for entertainment? Let me go and talk to her and find out if she qualifies.”

Then go and talk to her.

Essential Mind Tools:

How To Manipulate Reality

How To Get Anything

Take Control Of Your Life

One of the easiest things for humans to do is blame others.

Politicians have known this for thousands of years. If you convince a whole group of people that their problems are not their fault, they’ll eagerly give you their votes.

Trouble is, once you get into the “blame game” you voluntarily give up all your power and potential.

Usually without realizing it.


When you blame others, or even blame things like your genetics or upbringing or neighborhood or the economy, what you’re saying is you are completely dependent on those “things” for your success.

Which means it’s no longer up to you. It’s up to somebody else (real or imagined) to give you what you want.

Now, this may indeed happen. On the other hand, it may not.

The sad truth is that most of humanity are “waiting for somebody” to give them what they want.

I know it seems unfair and even scary to “take responsibility” for your life, but if you want to truly succeed beyond the vast sea of mediocrity, that’s precisely what you’ve got to do.

Here’s something else to consider.

Most of us start life with the same set of skills. Then it’s our job to learn what we need to learn, to get what we need to get.

Those that aren’t afraid to take uncertain action, and continue to learn and improve themselves, regardless of the outcome, generally do pretty well in life.

The truth is that life is a journey. It doesn’t end until you take that long dirt nap.

Along the way you’ll succeed, fail, find magic, start and stop again and again and again.

The only difference between people that fail and people that succeed is what they believe about themselves.

People that succeed generally look out into the world and think things like, “I wonder what will happen if I try this? Who knows, maybe something good!”

While people who fail, don’t really fail, they just never get started. They usually think things like, “Yea, but what if it doesn’t work? I’d better wait for a safer opportunity.”

The truth is we all live in the same world, surrounded by the same people, and the same opportunities.

Are you ready to take advantage of them?

Are you ready to try something, just to see what happens?

If you are, then this is for you:


How To Practice Seduction Confidence

Drills Are The Quickest Way To Improve Your Game

A Little Practice Yields Huge Results

Many people have tried, and failed with various NLP “procedures” when it comes to seduction.

What’s even more frustrating is when you go to a high priced seminar, try a bunch of goofy NLP stuff that works GREAT in the seminar room. Then a couple weeks later and you’re back to square one.

Many NLP trainers are borderline snake oil salesmen in their marketing. I get why they do that, but I’m not sure it’s so helpful.

For example, consider these two “buying” headlines:

Come To Our Seminar And Learn The Secrets Of Easy Seduction


Come To Our Seminar And Learn The Skills That Will Allow For Better Seduction After About Six Months Of Practice

One sounds great, the other one doesn’t. But one is much more accurate.

The reason that NLP “tricks” don’t work as advertised is that they need to be practiced.

Think of it from a purely biological, chemical and electrical perspective.

Our brains have neurons, which transmit electricity, and depending on where that electricity goes, certain emotions are felt. (I know, WAY over simplified).

When we see a girl, part of our brain generating intense pleasure at the potential possibility.

But another part of our brain generating fear at the potential negatives.

On a purely physical level, this is two circuits that are hard wired into our brains and are very THICK circuits. Imagine a very thick superconductor with no resistance.

Our eyes see the girl, and both parts of our brain (fear and pleasure) that are wired with the super conducting brain circuits light up.

When we do an NLP procedure, we are indeed laying down new circuits. But since these circuits are new, they are very thin and don’t conduct electricity nearly as well.

Like a one lane road vs. a super highway. Or a very thing copper wire vs. a superconductor.

When there’s no girl there, that “fresh” circuit works well.

But when we SEE a real girl, we default back to our original programming.

This is why doing an NLP procedure only once doesn’t do much.

Which is why you need to practice.

Just like practicing lay ups or scales or punches. The more you practice, the better you’ll do.

How do you practice?

One very powerful way is to simply go in the field, where there are MANY hot girls, and simply practice feeling confident around them. Purposely recall confident memories, just like in those seminars.

Once you naturally feel confident without much effort in the presence of girls (when your new wire is nice and thick), move on to the next step.

Sure, it’s a slow process. But keep in mind the ultimate goal.

To be able to walk up to any girl any where any time, and speak confidently, persuasively and seductively.

Isn’t that a goal worthy of some daily practice?

More Mind Tools:

Do You Like Driving On Dirt Roads Of The Brain?

Super Highways Of The Brain

Take The Easy Way To Happiness

If you were driving across a few hundred kilometers of land, which routes would you take?

Huge, wide, super highways, or small back roads?

Unless you had plenty of time to kill, and wanted to experience local culture, you’d take the highway.

Generally speaking, when we decide to do anything, we take the shortest route possible. This doesn’t have to involve physical movement.

The idea of “killing two birds with one stone” is embedded deep into our psychology for economic reasons. Every calorie we burn must be accounted for on a microbiological level, so our subconscious minds quickly calculate the least amount of energy needed to get what we want.

Sometimes, though, this doesn’t help us.

Just like real roads, our brains are a collection of superhighways and back roads. Whenever thoughts move around our brains, they take the easiest route.

Unfortunately, the routes that lead to fear are HUGE. This is so we stay safe, no matter where we are, and what we are doing.

Long time ago, our brains decided the most important rule, in all cases, was to not get injured.

This worked great in primitive cultures and environments, but not so much anymore.

Now we get tons of “false positives” when our brains think there’s something to be afraid of when there really isn’t.

This is why so many things that SHOULD be easy aren’t. We know what to do, but for some reason we think it’s hard, or we keep putting it off, or we imagine there’s somebody “out there” that is stopping us.

But here’s the deal. When we build up those back roads, in our brains, so that they are BIGGER than those factory programmed, fear-based super highways, taking action, ANY action will seem easy.

The false images of fear will be removed, and getting what we want will be as easy as baking a cake. (At least if you know how to bake a cake!)

How do you do that? How do you build up those positive, “good feeling” paths in the brain so they are the go-to path for your thoughts?

A combination of mental exercises and hypnosis.

These the basic elements of Belief Change.

When you change those back roads into super highways, you’ll truly believe, on a deep level, that getting whatever you want is easy.

Learn More:

Belief Change

Real Game Or Paper Game?

How To Develop Solid Inner Game

Become A Natural Seducer

What’s the difference between paper game and real game?

First, let’s consider the different reason girls go for certain guys. Every girl has a list of what she thinks she wants in a man. These are socially acceptable things like a decent income, decent parents, a sense of humor, good friends, no prison record, etc.

On the other hand, there are things a girl unconsciously responds to. Thing she can’t help. The things that create REAL attraction. These are less “definable” things like self confidence, charisma, assertiveness, and always feeling in control of his frame anywhere, any time.

Now, if a girl is super lucky, she’ll meet a guy who satisfies both categories. How likely is that?

Consider the ideal girl for each guy. A super sweetheart, cute face, nice body, good upbringing ,but a total freak in between the sheets.

How likely is this?

For guys, study after study shows that we like freaks for short term flings, but “good girls” for long term relationships.

Girls are the same way. They like the bad boy in their bed once in a while, but they want to hook their wagon to the nice guy with the decent income.

Even genetic studies have shown that ten or twenty percent of the time, they’re married to the good guy, but making babies with the bad boy.

Does this mean that all girls are evil sociopath’s and we should hide in the closet?

Not in the least.

But as a guy going out into the world, just realize that having “paper game” will only take you so far. Some guys assume that “paper game” is all you need.

But when it comes down to it, real game will trump paper game all the time.

Even if you’ve got not much going on for you financially, developing real game will not only get you good results with the ladies, but good results in life.

All those real game qualities (self confidence, frame control, mad social skills) will also work VERY WELL in pretty much any business situation.

You may even say that this “real game,” or more correctly, “inner game” is THE most important skill to cultivate in life.

Because once you’ve got rock solid inner game, money, jobs, careers, ladies, those will be easy. They won’t be automatic, but you’ll feel much more in charge.

You’ll have the experience of walking into a place and noticing that all the girls are noticing you, and hoping that you come and talk to them.

How do you improve your inner game?

Outer practice, and inner practice.

Outer practice is just getting out there and being a human. Interact with people. Practice feeling comfortable in strange situations. Practice holding your frame in uncomfortable situations. Practice speaking your mind when you know most people will disagree with you. Practice starting conversations with strangers and making them smile and feel good because of you.

You Can Learn Inner Practice Here:

What Do You See When You Look “Out There”?

Master Your Own Brain

Master Your Brain

Your brain is an amazing tool, much more than most people realize.

It’s lighting quick, and can hold limitless amounts of information.

As much as people are hyping up science and computers and artificial intelligence, nothing comes close to the computational power between your ears.

One thing that makes it so incredible is its amazing efficiency.

It knows when to conserve resources, and when to go “all in.”

For example, scientists tell us that much of what we “see” out there is really generated “in here.”

Meaning our brain does a quick check of our environment, notices it’s pretty similar to things its seen before, and then calls up it’s “brain cache” or its pre-recorded information.

For example, once I was driving down the freeway, and saw a pickup truck a hundred meters or so ahead. There was a dog in the back.

Then, when I got right up next to it, I looked over, expecting to see a dog, but instead saw a pig. (He was looking right at me with a “what are you looking at” expression).

I almost drove off the road!

What happened was my brain saw a pickup truck with a four legged animal in the back. It decided the accuracy of the situation wasn’t crucial, so it looked in the back of my brain for all my memories of four legged animals in the back of pickup trucks, and came back with a bunch of dogs.

So I saw a dog.

Only it wasn’t a dog, it was a pig.

Now, had the situation been important, and I was actively looking for something (like I needed to find a pig to keep a bomb from destroying the Earth or something) I would have seen the pig straight away.

On the other hand, had I been nearly eaten to death by a gang of hungry pigs as a child, I DEFINITELY would have seen the pig. Not only that, but I would have gotten a HUGE negative emotion because of it that told me to stay the heck away from pigs!

So what we “see” out in the world is HUGELY dependent on what we’ve ALREADY got stored in our brains.

We can see things, events, situations, people, you name it. And depending on how we interacted with those same things before, we can get positive, neutral or negative feelings.

Most people think that once those memories are there, you can’t change them.

Like if you get nervous when talking to attractive people, you may think you’ll simply ALWAYS be nervous talking to attractive people.

But it doesn’t have to be that way.

All you’ve got to do is change how you access your memories.

Notice what filters your brain is putting up between you, and the world.

And change them.

Learn how:

Belief Change

Why You Should Be A Qualifier Of Women

Have A List And Stick To It

Make Her Pass Your Tests

When a guy is checking out a girl, he’s making a LOT of assumptions about her.

Plenty of guys only need a picture of a girl to literally fall in love with her.

Now, think about what’s going on for this to happen. They’re basically assuming all kinds of things about her personality, her likes, dislikes, beliefs, etc.

All from her pretty face and smoking body. All of which are highly made up to accentuate the “good” parts, and minimize or hide the “bad” parts.

If you’ve ever had the “let down” experience of seeing a favorite actor or actress in an interview, or give a speech during an awards ceremony, this is why.

We see them up on the screen, and imagine their characters (whose words are written by others and actions dictated by others) and actually think that’s really them, on some level.

Then when they’re in an interview, and sound nervous, super shy, or just plain dumb, it’s kind of a let down.

That’s what will happen when you walk over to that girl, imagining that she’s a super perfect princess.

And from her standpoint, it seems really creepy.

Think about it this way. Imagine some guy grabbed you off the street, and told you he had a job at a big company, and he KNEW you were perfect for the job.

He didn’t want to know your skills, your background, your education. He just told you he’d pay you alot, and he KNEW you’d be a PERFECT MATCH for the company.

On top of that, he seemed to be totally desperate to hire you.

Would you take the job? Unless you were one meal away from dying of starvation, probably not.

After all, what kind of job and what kind of company doesn’t care about your skills?

To even further expand this mind experiment, imagine that you’d just spend four years in school, working on a degree you thought was really important.

And this crazy hiring guy didn’t seem to care.

How would THAT make you feel?

This is precisely how girls feel when you walk up making all kinds of assumptions about her based ONLY on her looks.

Sure, a girl needs to look good. There’s no reason to interact (if you’re looking for a relationship of some sort) unless you’re physically attracted.

But don’t let that be your only reason.

You need to talk to her. Find out what she’s like. Figure you need at least FIVE things that must be true about any girl you date.

And only ONE of them can be her looks.

What would the other four be?

If you don’t have a list, you should have one. A good solid list of things about her that need to be true.

Then when you see a cutie, you KNOW she’s only 1/5 of the way there. The rest you need to find out via regular, old fashioned conversation.

This will not only make her easier to talk to, but YOU will be much more attractive.

Essential Free Mind Tools

Why Thinking Makes It So

The Power Of Positive Beliefs

You’ll See It When You Believe It

A long time ago I used to go rock climbing with a few buddies.

All the different routes are rated on difficulty, and since all of us were at different levels, we had to pick a route that everybody could do.

Which meant the guy that was the least skilled controlled our choices.

That guy, by the way, was me.

But once I was climbing with this one guy, who really wanted to go up this really tough route.

It was a few levels above what I was capable of.

So he just fudged the numbers a little bit.

The way he presented it to me, was it was one more quick route that would only take an hour or so, before we drove home. It was “easy” and it would be a good one to end on.

When we were done, he told me that it was a couple levels higher than anything I’d ever done before.

But while I was climbing, I thought it was easy, so it was easy. I didn’t slip, didn’t miss any holds, I basically just walked right up. Like climbing a ladder.

Had he told me how hard it REALLY was, I would have been terrified.

The truth is that many things are like this, only the opposite.

We make things seem much harder, in our heads, than they really are.

And that, of course, makes them harder for real.

But what if could reverse the process?

What if we could look out into the world, look at something that USED to be hard, and simply convince yourself that it’s easy?

What would you be able to do?

If you could make anything easy, simply be changing what you believe about it.

How much more could you accomplish?

How much more could you get?

The good news is that there ARE proven techniques that will teach you this.

Allowing YOU to decide if something is hard or easy.

To learn how, check this out:


How To Slowly Build Your Own Harem

How To Get Tons Of Girls - No Colored Feathers Required

How To Surround Yourself With Gorgeous Girls

If you want to get a girl to notice you, it’s pretty easy.

Now some guys will go to great lengths to make this happen.

They’ll spend hours a week in the gym. Deprive themselves of their favorite foods so they can get that six pack that allegedly attracts women in droves.

They’ll drop half their paycheck on clothes to hopefully get one or two ladies to turn their heads when they walk in the place.

Some will even wear big goofy hats that you can’t help but notice.

Of course, if you’re a peacock, this works pretty well. But in the world of peacocks the dude just shows up with all the other dudes, and the ladies pick the guy with the brightest feathers.

If this is the way it worked for humans, all those billboards and magazine ads you see wouldn’t be for women’s clothes, they’d be for men’s clothes.

And men would be the ones paying twice as much for dry cleaning, and worrying about what shoes to go with what outfit. 

Luckily, we’re not peacocks. We can do more than change our appearance, and then sit on the bar stool hoping we get noticed.

So, what’s the secret?

Well, you already know this, so it’s not much of a secret.

Walk over there and talk to her!

See, as much as guys pound their chests about how they’re super hero alphas who slay the ladies at every turn, most guys are TERRIFIED of talking to girls. Especially girls they are interested in.

Sure, they do a good job of covering this up, even to themselves.

Some guys even choose entire CAREERS based on the women they think it will get them.

But if you can talk a good game, NONE of that other stuff matters.

And what’s the best way to get good at talking to girls?

Well, this isn’t a trick question. 

Talk to more girls!

Here’s a mind experiment. Really think about this one.

What if you made a commitment right here, right now, to NEVER try and “pick up” a girl.

You NEVER asked for a phone number. You NEVER made any kind of suggestions about getting together.

From now on, no matter what, all you wanted to do was talk to girls and enjoy the conversation, ANY WAY you could.

Now think about this for a minute.

If you were really serious, and decided to NEVER close a girl in any way shape or form, what would happen?

Well, you’d talk to a lot more girls since there would be no pressure, only fun.

Which means you’d get more relaxed.

Which means you’d enjoy their company, and they yours.

And your subconsciously driven, natural feedback loop would kick in. Just like a little kid learns to walk based on natural feedback, your ability to make her laugh, smile and feel good would naturally and consistently improve.

And pretty soon, girls would start closing you. Remember, the ONLY RULE of this “mind experiment” is that you can’t close them. If they close you, and you’re into her, then let her have you.

What would your life be like in six months?

All the girls in your life would be TOTALLY INTO YOU.

You’d never worry about flakes, never worry about how long to wait until she called you back etc.

All the nonsense would take care of itself.

Now ask yourself this honest question:

How much action have you gotten in the last six months?

Would you be willing to do this experiment for the next six months?

Try and see what happens.

Girl Getting Mind Tools: