Author Archives: mindpersuasion

Ultra Polite Seduction Magic

Seduce Her With Politeness

Excuse Me, Miss?

A long, long time ago, humans developed a need for polite language.

Linguists tell us it was due to certain societies where higher class people had the right to kill lower class people if they felt their honor was questioned.

They tell us that polite language was developed to keep lower class people safe from death. It was developed so that the higher class folks would not feel threatened by the lower class language.

Fun With Grammar

In English, the second conditional is used. For example, it’s much more polite to say “Would you mind if I opened the window” rather than “Do you mind if I open the window?”


In the second case, when you say “Do you mind…” it’s a direct question. Meaning your putting the person on the spot. To them, it feels like you’re asserting your authority over them.

On the other hand, the first case, “Would you mind…” is in the second conditional. The second conditional combines “would” and a past tense verb. It’s used ONLY in when speaking hypothetically.

It’s as if you’re asking the person, “I’m NOT going to open the window, but supposing I did, would you mind?”

This makes it sound MUCH less like an authority grab.

In The Field

Why does this matter when talking to girls? One thing you want to be careful of is to NEVER put them on the spot, at least when you first start talking to them.

No matter where she is, who she’s got around her, she’s going to feel vulnerable talking to a guy she’s never met before.

Now, some people put them on the spot on purpose, just to quickly sort them out. These are the kind of guys who walk up to hundreds of girls per day and number close before they even exchange names.

Don’t Be Too Aggressive

But if you see some really cute girl who happens to be pretty shy, that approach will almost always scare her away.

Which is always a good idea to NEVER put her on the spot.

Meaning, you should NEVER say things like, “You’re really pretty,” or, “Do you have a boyfriend?” or anything that forces any questions or feelings of attraction up to the conscious level.

It’s ALWAYS a good idea to talk about non-threatening stuff CONSCIOUSLY, while using your covert language to talk about all the attraction stuff.

Which means she’ll think you’re talking about the bar, the band, her job, whatever, while you are carefully creating MASSIVE attraction on a deep, unconscious level.

Which means SHE will think it “just happened,” which to shy, attractive girls, is pretty magical stuff.

Learn More:

How To Become A Social Jedi

Jedi Skills Of Social Behavior

Energy Manipulation

I have a friend who is a high level black belt in Aikido.

Aikido is not like other martial arts. I’m no expert by any means, but it’s my understanding that most martial arts are offensive and defensive. True fighting skills.

But Aikido is mostly defensive. It uses the opponents energy against him. Meaning somebody comes at you, you simply adjust and deflect. There’s not a lot of “attack” strategies.

Now, when most people study martial arts, it’s so they can avoid conflict. It boosts your confidence, and it helps to keep control of your anger whenever you get into tense situations.

Fight Or Flight?

If you don’t have any training, and you are in fear of your safety, your instinctive programming takes over, and you may say or do things without much conscious thought.

On the other hand, if you know deep in your bones that you can defend yourself, you’ll likely be in much more conscious control. Allowing for calm and relaxed dialogue which can keep fights from starting.

But as my friend tells me, Aikido is a much different level. He says that while Karate will keep you out of fights, Aikido will get you out of the bar an hour before the fight even starts.

Read Social Cues Like A Genius

You get this massive insight into social crowds and behavior, and instead of waiting until things are about to boil over, you simply exit when the temperature rises slightly.

Of course, this is only a secondary effect of practicing Aikido.

Clearly, having such levels of social intelligence can help you out in plenty of situations.

Being able to “feel” the energy of the room can give you a HUGE advantage.

Even in a one on one situations, feeling the energy of the person you’re talking to is like having X ray vision.

Not only to you know what their words really mean, but you’ll get a sense of what they’re really trying to say. What they’re really afraid, and what their deepest desires are.

If you can be the one to give that to them, while covertly respecting their fears, they’ll see you like they see no other.

Your Own Mental Dojo

And you don’t need to spend years inside the Aikido Dojo to get this level of social intelligence.

All you need is a few minutes a day of mental practice (the RIGHT mental practice) and you’ll see the world like few people do.

Learn More:

How To Talk Your Way Into Her Bedroom

Powers of Language

What Must Be True?

In NLP, there’s a set of presuppositions.

These really don’t have anything to do with NLP, they are just things that are assumed to be true about life in general.

One of them is that the more flexibility you have, the more you’ll be able to get.

And if there’s any contest for something, the person who has the most options, all things considered, will get whatever the prize is.

If you’ve got two football teams, the team with a wider diversity of plays and players will usually win.

If you’ve got two boxers, the one that’s got twenty different punches will usually beat the guy who’s only got five or ten different punches.

If you and a bunch of guys are digging for gold, the guy with the widest variety of digging equipment (shovels, spoons, filters, pans, etc) is going to get more gold than the guy who’s only got a pickaxe.

Everybody Wants The Same Girls You Do

When going out and meeting girls, it’s just as much a competition as anything else.

Girls compete based on their looks. Guys scan the place and pretty quickly come up with a list, in their heads, from the hottest, to the least hottest.

Girls, on the other hand, aren’t so lucky. They can’t simply scan a room and find out who’s hot and who’s not.

Believe it or not, looks are really NOT that important to girls. Girls would MUCH rather find a guy with a decent personality and confidence level than some brainless goof in a hot body and a thousand dollars worth of clothes.

Don’t Think Like You Think

As guys, this is hard to wrap our minds around, since a hot girl in a hot dress is marriage worthy to most guys before she even opens her mouth.

But girls need to talk to guys. They need to feel them out. They need to find out if their confidence is real, or fake. They need to feel those emotions that ONLY come through conversations. Girls are simply NOT turned on by looks.

Naked Girls Sell More Than Naked Guys

This is why there are SO MANY magazines filled with hot chicks, but very FEW magazines filled with naked guys.

And even the magazines with hot guys on the cover are usually men’s magazines anyhow.

Girls are simply NOT that into looks as much as we think they are.

This is FANTASTIC news. That means that there is a LOT you can do to improve how wet you make her panties.

Develop Your Language Power

Conversational skills are KING when it comes to girls. And like the examples above, the more flexibility you have with your word skills to moisten those pink panties, the quicker it will happen.

It may take a little practice, but once you’ve got these skills down, you’ll be able to walk to almost anybody and spin their mind in all kinds of directions.

Money, girls, friends, whatever you want, you can get.

Start Now:

The Never Ending Hill

Keep Going Up!

Helter Skelter

I used to love riding my mountain bike up and down hills in my old neighborhood.

Believe it or not, I used to really enjoy going up hill. Getting into a rhythm, putting my bike in the lowest gear possible, and just slowly cranking up the hill.

A combination of breathing, sweating, working and an expectation of FLYING back down the hill once I got to the top was a pretty cool feeling.

The combination of endorphins, which comes with heavy exercise, and flying down a hill faster than it would be safe to stop in a hurry on a bicycle is a powerful mix.

Perfect Slope

There was one really big, long hill was ideal. It was steep, it was long, and there were NO traffic lights, until it flattened out considerably at the bottom. Meaning I could just let loose, and not worry about having to stop in a hurry. I would routinely get over 50 MPH on my mountain bike just coasting downhill.

Going up, though, I sometimes ran into problems. Especially if I was going up some hills in an area I’d never been before.

I would be going up this long hill that LOOKED like I was coming up to a top, but then when I’d gotten to the top, I was faced with another long hill.

Now, when I KNOW how long the hill is, I can mentally prepare. But when I THINK the end is near, and it’s really not, that becomes a problem.

Powers of Self Deception

That’s when I learned to “trick” myself. Instead of thinking the top was near, I just saw it as a point to reevaluate where I was. If it WAS a top, great, I’d ride down and have some fun. If it WASN’T a top, I’d rest, look back at how far I’d come, drink some water, and then keep on moving up.

The same thing happens with self improvement. We can delude ourselves into thinking that ALL WE NEED is one more product, one more seminar, one more “thing” and our lives will be set.

But the truth is that our lives are on a continuous path that NEVER peaks. We just keep getting better and better.

Once I stopped imagining that I was almost done, and just figured I’d accept whatever was ahead, I had a LOT more energy.

You’re Never Done

See, if you THINK you’re almost done, but you’re really not, it’s pretty tough to keep going.

But when you see every step, every process, every discovery, every experience as something as BOTH an end, AND a means, you’ll have TONS more energy to just keep on going.

The more you learn, the more you get. The more you get, the more you’ll want to learn. A fantastic cycle of continuous improvement that you can carry with you your entire life.

Here’s another POWERFUL tool you can use:

How To Become A Verbal Ninja

Verbal Ninja

Mad Word Power

There’s a lot of guys selling a lot of products regarding seduction.

In a way, that is absolutely fantastic. That means there’s a big market for seduction products. That means plenty of guys are making decisions, every single day, to finally take action to get what they want.

To learn skills, overcome anxieties, and build relationships with the women of their dreams.

However, there’s a lot of mythology and misdirection in this particular marketplace.

Eager Customers or Eager Marks?

Any time you’ve got something as desirable as sex or relationships with hot girls, you’re going to have a lot of snake oil.

Let’s back up a bit and talk marketing. Somebody makes a product, and then they try and sell the product.

If the product is to fulfill an existing demand, it’s pretty easy. Like opening up the only hamburger shop in a town with three high schools. Or opening up a surfboard shop in a city by the sea, that’s got awesome waves.

But sometimes, people make products that are brand new. Which means people have never seen them before. Which means the product maker has got to CREATE demand.

Generate Demand

This is a lot more difficult. First you need to convince somebody they need the product, then you’ve got to convince them they should buy it. Not an easy task.

Obviously, seduction products fall into the first category. Men are always horny. A friend of mine told me recently he met a girl, went back to her place, had sex several times, and then the next morning he went out to pick up breakfast. On the way he saw a couple of cuties, and started feeling deep feeling of sexual desire.

Unlimited Demand

Because that deep feeling of sexual desire is ALWAYS there, it’s an easy thing to sell.

Most guys would LOVE the ability to walk up to any girl, anywhere, any time, spit out a bunch of memorized words, and have her beg him for sex.

Which is why products like this sell like hot cakes.

But is it really possible? Can ONE memorized set of patterns really turn a girl on, no matter WHO she is?

Kind of, but not in the way some of these marketers promise.

Play Chess

It’s best to think in terms of “moves” rather than patterns. If a boxer memorizes fifty moves, for example, and can use them in any order, he can come up with literally an ENDLESS amount of patterns on the spot.

Compared to a guy who’s got three or four patterns memorized, and once those are done, he’s done.

So, which is better, memorizing TEN long patterns, or 20 or 30 small “linguistic moves” that you can use in any order, with any girl?

Meaning you can use these same “moves” combined with her unique personality, and fire up her emotions and attraction for you to levels more powerful than most guys ever imagine.

Learn How Now:

The Most Powerful Con Job Of All

Con Artist?

Sucker Born Every Minute

Most people are easy to con.

This is an unfortunate aspect of human nature. In fact, according to most evolutionary scientists, one of the BIGGEST problems facing human society (ever since human society was invented) was how easy it was to con others, and to be conned ourselves.

See, in a small band of hunters and gatherers, everybody knew everybody. So if somebody screwed you over, EVERYBODY would know about it. Because of this, everybody was honest and up front.

But as soon as we started living in societies of over 1000 people or so, we suddenly had a problem.

What To Do?

Some guy is standing in front of us, telling some story, but we aren’t sure if we believe him. If we DO believe him, and he’s telling us the truth, we can benefit. But if he’s lying, we are going to get screwed.

Quite a dilemma!

Scientists tell us that we humans developed the ability to “sniff out the con” as quickly as con artists got better and better at it.

One powerful method that con artists (with the help of the ever present Mother Nature) was self deception.

See, if you believe the story yourself, it’s MUCH easier to get others to believe it.

Of course, this presents problems all on its own. Having super powers of self deception is pretty good, as it helps you moving forward looking for better and better stuff.

But it can also make you vulnerable. It can also make it VERY DIFFICULT to overcome your own shortcomings, which is necessary for real and lasting success.

Easy To Point The Finger

Believing it’s somebody else’s fault is the often the biggest con of all. Most people go to great lengths to “keep” their victim status. So long as they can blame somebody else, they don’t feel bad for failing.

But if you REALLY want to achieve MASSIVE success, in any field, you’ve got to ditch the victim thinking. You’ve got to own your life, own your actions, and own your choices.

This can be the hardest thing you’ll EVER do. And it is not one simple switch you flip in your blame. It requires effort to get there, and it requires effort to stay there.

Own your choices. Own your decisions. Own your outcomes.

Own your life.

Gain the skills now to jettison your success to the next level:

Show Her Your Magic Box

Her Treasure For You

Different Perspectives

Here’s a nice mind flip for you.

You ever do jigsaw puzzles? For every squiggly piece, there’s some squiggly piece somewhere that’s a perfect fit.

Guys approach girls like they are pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. Meaning there’s a certain thing to say, in a certain order, that will unlock her heart and her panties.

If you say the wrong thing, she’ll send you packing. If you say the right thing, you’re in between the sheets faster than a starving bunny on a carrot.

Now, let’s take a step back and see what this means.

In order for this to be true, she’s got to have an idea of what she wants you to say. She’s also got to have an idea of what she doesn’t want to say.

Is this even possible?

No Conscious Mind Required

We all know that attraction isn’t a choice. We all know it happens unconsciously. Nobody can CHOOSE to be attracted to somebody, anymore that you can CHOOSE to be hungry, or thirsty or tired or scared. When it happens, it happens. You can only go along for the ride. As the Borg like to say:

Resistance is Futile

Now, back to that girl. Is it even possible that ANY line would work? Maybe.

But think about this metaphor. Instead of talking about physical attraction, let’s talk about hunger instead.

You Love Broccoli!

Same process. If you’re hungry, you want to eat. Some things you want to eat more than others. Some things you LOVE to eat, some things you won’t eat even if you’re starving.

A girl in a club is hungry for affection. She wants to meet a guy. All girls who aren’t in a happy relationship are starving.

The problem is she doesn’t know what she wants.

If she LOVES chicken, and you show up with a plate of cheese fries, you’re out of luck.

If she’s a vegan, and you show up with a steak, you’re out of luck.

Don’t Rely On Specifics

This is the trap most guys fall into. They think there is ONE set of lines, or patterns, or techniques that will work on ALL girls.

This is just as useless as thinking that ALL hungry people want to eat the same thing.

But consider this.

The Magic Box Theory

Supposing you had a magic box. A magic box that could create ANY kind of food.

You’d walk up, find out what she wants, and whip it up with your magic box, and everybody’s happy.

Seduction is the same way. Just walk up, figure out what spins her wheels, and give it to her.

Because the magic box is your mind. And your language skills. And your ability to tell stories and move her emotions around.

Instead of throwing a bunch of memorized junk at her, talk to her. Get to know her. Give her what she really wants. And she’ll give YOU what YOU really want.

Learn More:

How To Make Knowledge

Knowledge Creation

Magic Brain Juice

They say that knowledge is power.

But you know as well as I do that knowledge by itself is as useless as an unread book in an unknown library.

As Mark Twain famously said, “What’s the difference between somebody who can’t read, and somebody who doesn’t read? Nothing.”

Meaning if you have knowledge and don’t use it, there’s no difference between you and somebody who doesn’t have any knowledge.

Don’t Be Scared!

I remember once I was in grade school. I was in love with my teacher. We were doing some kind of Sudoku puzzle, she had us “race” to see who could solve the puzzle first. I finished before anybody else, but I was too scared to stand up.

What if I was wrong? What if my teacher (my crush) rejected me in front of everybody. I had knowledge, but I was afraid to use it.

My buddy stood up, and received MASSIVE praise from my teacher. All I could think was, “That should have been me!”

Wisdom From Sages

As Led Zeppelin famously said, “Nobody’s Fault But Mine.”

It’s one to have knowledge. It’s something else entirely to actually put it to use.

But even then you’re at a disadvantage. Having knowledge and putting it to use is NOTHING compared to somebody who knows how to CREATE knowledge.

Sure, it’s one thing to read a recipe off the internet, make some cookies, and impress your friends.

It’s something else completely to whip up a new recipe from scratch, based ONLY on your imagination and experience.

The Stumble Upon Theory

When you get down to it, this is where ALL Knowledge comes from. Everything that we “know” is true, every bit of science, every law of chemistry, was once completely unknown.

Then once upon a time, some clueless but adventurous person said, “Hmm, what happens if I try this?”

And BAM!

Instant knowledge.

Most people don’t have any knowledge. They are content to live passively and let others do all the heavy thinking.

A few people have knowledge, and like to second guess, and armchair quarterback.

An even smaller group knows a thing or two, and consistently puts that stuff to use.

Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before

But a very tiny minority are the REAL HEROES. They create knowledge. They take risks, see what happens, and reformulate their beliefs and ideas based on their experience.

Their lives are an ever present journey forward into the unknown, where everybody else on Earth simply follows them.

If you want to be a creator, a explorer of ideas, not just a follower, check this out:

How To Get Her To Follow You Anywhere

Create Massive Attraction

Be A Leader First

How you deal with frame tests will make or break your game.

Most guys are terrible at this. At the first sign of trouble, they eject, run home, write some post on their favorite forum about how girls are evil, and they shouldn’t behave the way they do, and get all kinds of positive support and feedback from a world filled with keyboard jockeys.

Now, think about this from a female perspective. Most guys never do this. Most guys think of “women” in the abstract, and expect them to behave in a certain way, and then they get all butt hurt when they don’t.

Don’t Expect A Pushover

Imagine a woman moving through the world. She wants a strong leader. She wants somebody who will make her feel safe. She wants somebody who will “softly” overpower her frame, with respect and kindness.

She DOESN’T want some guy who’s going to expect her to behave in a certain way, they get emotionally wounded when she doesn’t.

She is hard wired to shake your frame any way she can, just to make sure you’re the real deal. The STRONGER your frame, the STRONGER her attraction for you. The ONLY way she will know if your frame is strong is if she tests it.

Crude Example

Think of a blind guy going to a bar. He only likes girls with big boobs, so he’s got to cop a feel whenever possible to qualify of disqualify girls. Now, he won’t just reach out and grab them, that would get him slapped. So he’ll talk to her, touch her shoulder, and eventually rub up against her boobs with his arm or something.

When a girl talks to a guy, she’s got the same disadvantage. She’s got to “feel out” your frame. She can’t tell by looking, and she can’t tell by surface structure conversation. She’s got to rattle you a bit, and see how you respond.

How do you prepare for this? Practice verbal flexibility. Practice choosing an outcome, an intention for the conversation, and gently steer it back to that intention no matter WHERE the conversation goes.

Language Ninja

That way, no matter WHAT she says, you’ll just see it is a short detour, and then get back on track.

Every time you steer the conversation back on track, she’ll follow you, and any time a girl follows a guy, physically, conversationally, or metaphorically, that spells attraction.

How do you learn how to do this?

Here’s How:

One Skill To Rule Them All

Rule The World

Amazing Skills At Your Fingertips

To be successful, there’s plenty of skills that deserve to be in your tool kit.

Being persuasive, able to speak to people so that your ideas sound easy and natural.

Being flexible, always having a plan B, C and D in case things so south (which should be expected).

Having a solid set of goals, chosen by you, so you always know where you’re going, no matter what happens.

Says G.I. Joe

These are understood as necessary by most people. Now, most of us realize they’ve got work to do in all of these areas, but understanding their importance in our lives is half the battle.

There’s one skill that is as crucial if not more crucial, than the above. And because the very nature of this skills is not sexy or flashy and doesn’t lend itself to any lengthy late night discussions, it tends to get overlooked.

I’m sure that you know about Napoleon Hill and his “Burning Desire.”

This kind of refers to this skill, without talking about it directly.

So, what is this magical mind tool that will make everything run smoother?

Lower Your Time Preference

Being able to delay gratification. I know, it’s not sexy, it doesn’t sound “magic” and it certainly isn’t easy. But if you can’t delay your gratification, you aren’t going to get more than what you’ve got.

It sounds like something simple, like not eating desert so you can hopefully lose a few pounds. Or getting up early so you can get in an extra hour of writing or whatever.

But it is much, much more powerful.

Push It Out Into The Future

Being able to take your burning desire, out there in the future, and feel it now, in the present, is the most magical thing you can do.

It will spur you to action that you wouldn’t otherwise take. It will literally change your behavior on a fundamental level, so that it shows up in ALL AREAS of your life.

Instead of being some wishy washy goof who is easily swayed by every other idea and popular meme that comes on TV, you’ll be seen as a “Man With A Plan.” (Or a Woman With A Plan).

There will be SOMETHING about you that people notice. Something that says, “This person is a leader, not a follower. This person know’s what’s what.”

Most people are constantly looking around for support, help, validation, somebody to blame.

It’s Always In The Future

But when you set your sights on the distant future, and live TODAY so that future gets closer and closer, you’ll feel as if you’ve entered into a new era of life.

This is one of the many side effects of increasing your intelligence. The smarter you are, the easier it will be to ignore the day to day noise, and focus on where you are, where you want to be, and how to get here.


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