Your Inner Genius Is Waiting
According to evolutionary biologists, long, long ago, something interesting happened.
Our brains kept getting bigger and bigger. Pretty soon, they got so big (compared to our body) that it became impossible for humans to be born fully formed.
Otherwise, we would have lost our ability to walk, since female hips (which means men’s as well) would had to have been HUGE.
So Mother Nature decided to do something different, since walking was pretty important to us.
We were born WAY LESS than fully formed.
Compared to all other mammals, humans spend WAY MORE time as kids and adolescents.
All other mammals are born, and quickly become full adults.
All other mammals are born with all kinds of instincts.
Humans, on the other hand are born with tons of instincts as well. But we also have INFINITE learning capacity.
Now, some people say learning shuts off when we get to a certain age, but that’s simply not true.
What DOES happen is we move outside of our family into a different environment. We go from a loving, supportive family where learning is our ONLY goal, to a group of people we’re not related to.
Then learning takes a back seat to discipline, obedience, not rocking the boat, etc.
But that natural learner is still within you. Your brain didn’t suddenly reorganize its structure when you turned seven.
You left a supportive, everything-taken-care-of environment, where learning was safe, natural and supported.
You entered an environment that was sometimes hostile to learning.
Problem is, that since that was officially labeled as a “learning” environment, that’s where we draw our experiences and feelings from whenever the topic of learning comes up.
But it doesn’t have to be that way.
You can learn anything you want. All you need to do is re-create that supportive environment.
And as an adult, you can create it yourself.
How do you do that?
Relax, and release fear. Accept that you are OK. Accept that mistakes are natural and normal and NECESSARY for learning. Have fun.
Get in touch with your higher self, the higher self that KNOWS everything is going to be OK.
You can do this when meditating on your Root Chakra.
When it’s closed off, the world can be a scary place. You feel fear, anxiety, worry. Money problems, shelter problems. The problems Napoleon Hill referred to in “Think and Grow Rich” as the big killers of wealth.
But when your Root Chakra is open, you’ll feel safe. Easy. Relaxed,
Back to your natural self. The part of you that wants to continue to explore the world, and learn.