Category Archives: Belief

Lean Forward With Perfect Balance

Always Stay In Balance

Stable or Unstable?

When I was a kid me and my buddies went to a local amusement park.

We were on this one roller coaster, and just as we were about to be “launched,” the operator gave us some advice.

“If you lean forward, you’ll go faster!”

We all dutifully leaned forward.

Then we debated over the next several weeks if that really worked, or if he was just messing with us. In our third grade minds, we could easily see both sides of the argument.

Leaning forward is a pretty good metaphor.

Sometimes you’ll be jamming along, and everything is going perfectly. Green lights, parking spaces, everybody’s laughing at your jokes. Everybody you smile at smiles back like you’re a movie star or something.

But as soon as you realize what’s going on, you can mess things up. Kind of like leaning forward in your mind. Just enough to get you that momentum, but too much and you fall over.

In physics, there’s this thing called “unstable equilibrium.” Something is at rest, and all the opposing forces are in balance (the equilibrium part) but one small push can mess everything up,

Then there’s “stable equilibrium” where no matter how hard you push, the system will go back to the way it was.

Like a marble at the bottom of a big glass bowl with huge sides. No matter how much you push the marble up one of the sides, it will slide down to where it started.

On the other hand, if you flip the bowl over, and balance the marble on top, it can stay there. But even a small breeze will knock it off.

It seems there’s a perfect balance of “positive expectation” as it rests between our conscious and unconscious minds.

Too much in the conscious mind, and there’s not enough deep belief, or “knowing” that is required.

It’s like having a slight suspicion that everything’s going to work out when it does. Like you’re surprised, but not really.

Too much expectation and you fall on you face. Pride goes before a fall, as they say.

One thing that can throw a monkey wrench into the whole process is any kind of nervousness, anxiety or fear.

Being an overly cautious driver, for example, will almost ensure you get all the red lights.

You see a signal way up ahead, and you start slowing down because you’re afraid you’ll get caught in the intersection, so you almost hope the light turns red before you get there.

Sure, certain things SHOULD cause us fear, as they keep us physically safe. But most of the things we are afraid of, will never happen. 

Most of the things we are worried about exist only in our imagination, and are based on false memories and assumptions about ourselves.

Get rid of those, and it will be MUCH EASIER to lean forward through life.

Get Started:

Emotional Freedom

The Power Of The Pen

How To Train Your Brain

Prime The Mental Pump

One powerful self development tool is writing.

There’s all kinds of ways it can help.

One is to simply carry a small notebook around with you. Any time you’ve got an idea, take some time to write it down.

Using an actual paper and pen is helpful. It takes a bit more time than typing, and is more of an involved process from a mind-body perspective.

So whatever you are writing down, your subconscious is going to figure it’s pretty important, since you’re making the effort.

Otherwise it may think your texting or tweeting something not so important.

Sometimes I’ll go to a coffee shop, sit there with my notebook and pen, and just start writing. After a few minutes, it’s hard to keep up with my brain. Once you train your subconscious that you’re really serious, it will start feeding you all kinds of creative ideas.

I usually make a list of things I want to do, and the list is WAY longer than I have time. Which means I get to choose the best ones, and try them out.

If you’re the type who likes using your dreams, this is also a good method. Keeping a notepad and pen next to your bed, so when you wake up, just write down a few ideas from sleep.

Some of the best inventions came to geniuses while they slept.

Now, were they geniuses because they wrote down their dreams or did they wrote down their dreams because they were geniuses?

It’s very likely that one follows the other.

Another way writing can help is to review things that didn’t go so well. You can actually use this to rewrite your memory.

Take something that happened, and write it out.

Then write it out the way you wish it had happened. 

If you wanted to say something, but didn’t, or said something but didn’t want to, this is perfect.

Just write out what happened, and write out what you wish would have happened. Then come up with a reasonable scenario that would have happened if you did you wish you would have done.

Then take a few minutes remembering your NEW memory. Since you took the time to write it out, your subconscious will most likely go along with it.

And next time you are in a similar situation, you’ll actually respond as if you DID do the “rewritten” memory. Which means you’ll perform better, whatever that means to you.

If you did this once per day, you’d slowly be building up a huge collection of real successes. Which, of course, would spur even more successes.

You can not only do this to your daily activities, but your entire history as well.

Rewrite it however you’d like it to be.

So you can have whatever life you want.

Learn How:

Emotional Freedom

Are You Frozen In Time?

Break The Ice

Break The Ice

Everything changes.

However, us humans tend to think many things are fixed.

Like if somebody asked you if you could juggle, you’d likely say no, you can’t.

But this isn’t entirely true. If somebody offered you 100K to learn to juggle, you probably would. I know I would!

So a more “correct” statement might be, “I can’t juggle now.”

This is a small but effective tactic that is used in NLP to help people get over self imposed limitations.

A guy goes to see a dating coach for example, and says “I can’t talk to girls.”

And the coach says, “You mean you can’t talk to girls yet.”

Once he agrees to this, suddenly his “inability” is no longer set in stone, it’s only a temporary thing.

And once we accept that something is temporary, we start to imagine a time when it’s not true.

One of Abraham Lincoln’s favorite sayings was, “This too shall pass.” While he was talking about countries, governments, wars, etc., this is true about everything.

Sure, some things take a long, long time to change. Like the Grand Canyon, or the continents slowly drifting around due to plate tectonics.

But they change. Even the universe itself is changing, on a very large scale.

This is one reason why some recommend not using the “be” verb when speaking, especially about personal abilities.

Saying “I feel sad,” is, on a deep level, a lot less limiting than “I am sad.”

Even better, saying “I feel sad now,” implies that later you’ll feel something different.

Some folks even use this in sales.

“Can you see how wonderful this product will be when you get it home?

“No. I can’t.”

“Not yet, huh? Well, lemme show you this cool part…”

This is one reason why some therapists and salespeople are so ultra powerful, while others are kind of so so.

The ultra powerful ones simply assume some positive things about the person they’re talking to.

They assume their problems and limitations are temporary, and it naturally comes out in their language.

Simply discussing them like this, without coming up with specific solutions, is often times enough.

Once you accept that all your limitations are temporary, it’s much, much easier to shrug them off.

Then it’s just a matter of doing what it takes to get rid of them.

No matter what kinds of issues you’ve got, no matter what kinds of things you think you can’t do, they are temporary.

If you want to get rid of them once and for all, so you can live the life you REALLY deserve, check this out:

Do You Keep Getting Stuck?

Stay Outta Trouble!

Know Where Your Soft Spots Are

A while back me and a couple buddies went on a backpacking trip across Scotland.

Saw some cool castles, visited some nice distilleries, and learned a lot of history.

There was this one field where a famous battle took place.

Up until that point, the only Scottish battle scenes I knew about were from Braveheart.

A whole slew of dudes running at each other screaming their lungs out. Perfect for Hollywood, but not so accurate.

In reality, the bad guys were approaching slowly across this huge marshy field. The good guys (The Scots) were slowly retreating.

Why so slow? 

It was a magnificent trick by the Scots. See, they KNEW where the solid ground was, and where the super soft ground was. But the bad guys didn’t.

The Scots led them to that field, and drew them in. Then one by one, they got stuck. This allowed one or two Scots to get close enough, kill the guy with a couple arrows, and then retreat back.

Took a while, but the bad guys didn’t stand a chance, even though they were much stronger in numbers.

A very similar battle took place in ancient Greece. A small group of ships were retreating from a large larger navy. Only the retreating ships were in familiar waters. They KNEW where all the sand bars were, but the bad guys didn’t. Again, one by one, the bad guys got stuck, a one ship got close enough to shoot some flaming arrows, and it was all over.

Most of us have plenty of those hidden spots. We could be walking along and then suddenly we feel stuck. Stuck but an unexpected and powerful surge of unwanted emotions that keeps us frozen. We suddenly feel put on the spot, or suddenly feel like we’re in danger, or suddenly feel like we’re being left out or ignored.

A good way to deal with these would be to take some to figure out where they come from. Look at the structure of the situations that keep eliciting them.

Then like the Greeks or the Scots, you’d know where they were, and you’d know how to avoid them.

Or you could go one step further.

You could eliminate them altogether.

Then it really WOULD be like a movie. Only you wouldn’t be running and screaming into battle (with your face painted blue), you’d just be running and laughing through life.

Like a bunch of little kids let loose on the playground.

Open waters, clear sailing, and no obstacles in sight.

Get Started:

Emotional Freedom

How To Vanish Painful Memories

Mental Magic

Mental Time Travel

There’s a lot of cool movies involving some kind of age regression.

Some adult goes back to his high school days, for example, but with an adult mind.

I’m sure you could think of PLENTY of things you could better if you had a chance to do them again.

Of course, if you KNEW you were going to go back in time, and had a week to prepare, that would be pretty cool.

You’d check a couple years ahead of your “target” time period, and refresh your memory on all the news, sports results, and yes, stock market results.

Of course, then you’d have to worry about the whole “butterfly effect” thing.

You might come back to the present only to find everything’s changed. (Like when this happened on The Simpsons, everything was the same except it rained doughnuts!)

This is also a pretty good plot device in any kind of Sci-Fi or fantasy based movie. Terminator, Star Trek, and many, many others.

This is likely a popular plot device because it’s such a common desire. We’d LOVE to go back and change the past!

If only to take advantage of that one opportunity that we didn’t, or NOT say or do that thing we did.

As we move through life, we really don’t have the benefits of hindsight. Everything looks so easy after we’ve been through it.

It’s always so easy to see where we went wrong, or what somebody else did wrong.

Or is it?

The thing about human memory is it is INCREDIBLY weak. Even things you are SURE happened one way, they maybe happened another way.

You’ve probably had discussions like this with your friends, where either you or them were absolutely CERTAIN about the way things went, only to find evidence of the contrary.

This is kind of a weird, and somewhat uncomfortable feeling.

You’re absolutely positive beyond doubt that there’s three slices of pizza left in the fridge, but there’s only one.

Like some ghost snuck into your place while you were sleeping and ate them all!

Even criminal prosecutors know our memories are pretty undependable. If they have an eye witness, and NOTHING else (no weapon, no evidence, etc.) there’s not much they can do.

A cop even told me once when they talk to witnesses of accidents, even within minute or two of the accident, there “testimony” is all over the place.

This is actually pretty good news.


Because of us have some pretty painful memories. But when you realize that not only are many of these not so accurate, but also that we can easily change them, we open up a whole new world.

You can go back in time (in your mind) and NEUTRALIZE all those bad memories, until they’re gone!


Get started:

Emotional Freedom

How To Erase Emotional Sore Spots

Heal Your Past

Mental Time Travel

Some people have injuries that never really heal.

I had a bad case of achilles tendonitis a couple decades ago. So bad that I had to get a cortisone injection right into the tendon.

Really, really painful. But a couple hours later, the pain pretty much went away.

There I was, thinking I was cured, and a older friend of mine casually mentioned, “You know that’s not ever going to go away, right?”

I had no idea what he meant, but now I do. Every time you get tendonitis, and it heals, the tendons can sometimes calcify, meaning they turn from tendon to bone. This is to strengthen the tendon, but it also makes it a bit less flexible, which can lead to later injury.

Now, much later, I need to spend a lot more time stretching than I used to.

That’s the trouble with these types of injuries. They are kind of a one way street. Other injuries, broken bones, etc, can heal pretty well. So there’s almost no trace later on. (I’ve had that happen to me as well).

Of course, if I could go back in time, and stretch out a lot more before working out, I would. Back when I was a young dumb high school kid. I thought I was indestructible. I even ran a marathon in high school, and spent maybe ten minutes stretching out before.

Many of us also have emotional injuries. And like physical injures, we just assume that’s part of life. We’ve got these hidden “blind spots” that we don’t really understand.

Somebody hits one by accident (or on purpose of they’re really evil) and it hurts like hell.

Luckily, these CAN be fixed. 

In fact, there’s a way you can go back in time, and rewrite your history so the original cause is erased.

Kind of like if I went back in time and spent a LOT more time stretching. I wouldn’t need to worry about popping my achilles today!

The truth is the way we interpreted those events before. Luckily, our memories are squishy enough so that we can rewrite the way we perceived things.

And once you start doing that,  you’ll see they’re all based on the same “core” set of fears of blind spots.

Get rid of the initial cause, and everything becomes easier.

All the things you do that cause anxiety, sadness, depression, worry, etc., can be obliterated.

Blasted away for good.

Leaving you free to do and get whatever you want.

And NOBODY will be able to “push your buttons” again.

Get Started:

Emotional Freedom

Do You Have Faith In Yourself?

Magic Or Science

Magic Or Science?

When I was a kid, I thought it would be the coolest things to read minds.

I went to this theme park with my brother, and this guy was doing this animal show.

He would get the participant to whisper a specific item in the dog’s ear, and then the dog would come back with the item.

I didn’t believe it until I got called up to the stage, and sure enough, I whispered an item in the dog’s ear and he brought it to me.

I was flabbergasted until I got home and my brother explained how the trick worked.

All stage magic is like that. It looks really cool, until you figure out how to do the trick.

Funny thing is we KNOW that’s going to happen. Our curiosity gets the best of us. We want to know how the trick is done, even though it will ruin the magic.

Of course, this is just pretend magic, not real magic. 

What is real magic?

It depends on who you ask. Scientists tell us that magic is any kind of technology that is beyond the current level of human understanding.

But what about any kind of technology that will ALWAYS be beyond human understanding?

On the one hand, we kind of HAVE to live in a universe that’s got specific rules. Otherwise random stuff would just keep happening, and the physical laws which bind our own bodies together might stop working.

But on the other hand, I’ve no doubt that there are MANY things going on that humans will NEVER grasp, at least in this lifetime.

But that doesn’t mean they aren’t there. That they aren’t real.

Even if you’re not a religious person, there’s plenty to be said for having a strong faith.

Even when we try something that’s a little bit outside of our comfort zone, we are demonstrating faith in ourselves.

Anytime we do something when we’re not sure what’s going to happen, we’re demonstrating faith that we ARE smart enough and courageous enough to figure out what to do once we figure out what’s going on.

The more you faith you have in yourself, the more stuff you’ll be able to do.

Most people don’t like to hear this. Most people are looking for a guaranteed, step by step, sure fire, no risk system that will get them what they want.

That only happens on TV.

But real magic requires knowing that YOU are much more than YOU think you are.

And having the faith to take action, if only to find out who YOU truly are.

Get Started:

Kundalini Activator

Unleash Your Relentless Self

Internal Peace Of Mind

Create A Quiet Place In Your Mind

I had this cool physics instructor once.

Super genius, but also super soft spoken.

He was once giving a lecture, and in his soft spoken voice, and he’d said that physics was like basketball. You can only get better if you practice.

He made the comparison to watching somebody teach how to execute some type of basketball move. It’s one thing to understand how it’s done, it’s something else completely to be able to do it yourself.

That only comes with practice.

There’s a lot of misconception in the world of NLP. It’s taught, and marketed as some kind of “once and done” system where all you have to do is sit there and soak up some knowledge from some “guru” and suddenly become an NLP genius.

When people say they’ve been “trained” in NLP, that’s what they usually mean. They’ve been to an intensive seminar. Maybe a couple weeks. They’ve done some one on one practice within the seminar (where everything usually works perfectly).

If you met somebody at a party, and they said they were a classically trained pianist, what would you imagine about their “training”?

That they’d gone to a two week intensive piano seminar, and practiced a couple of songs?

Not likely. Most people would imagine they’d spent YEARS studying under some taskmaster genius, who had them doing drill after drill, until they could play the classics beautifully, emotionally, and flawlessly.

Unless you’re doing something incredibly simple, like making toast, or buying a subway ticket, mastering ANY skill is going to take time.

And MOST skills are never “master-able.” Meaning you’ll NEVER get to a point where you can sit back and say, “Yep, I pretty much got THAT all figured out!”

Even professional athletes, who have been practicing their art since they were kids, strike out (or whatever the equivalent) plenty of time.

Life is much, much more than learning a couple of tricks, and then sitting pretty.

It’s about constantly learning, growing, risking, failing, trying again, succeeding, achieving fantastic breakthroughs after long spans of nothing.

All in completely random and unpredictable order.

There’s NO guaranteed step by step process, other than figuring out what you want, trying something, and seeing what happens.

Most people are terrified of this. Most are desperate to be told what to do, and then be able to blame somebody when anything goes wrong.

One thing that will help is having a rock solid faith in yourself. Not that you’ll succeed, but that no matter what happens, you’ll be able to figure out what to do next.

Fear is incredibly paralyzing. But once you take action, the fear will vanish. And so long as you keep forward momentum going, no matter how small, you will NEVER fail.

Having a quiet place to retreat to, to regroup and re-strengthen yourself, can help.

That way, you’ll ALWAYS come back stronger.

Learn More:

Kundalini Activator

Fear Killing Mind Tricks

Don't Constrain Yourself With Time

Detach From Time

Most of our fears never come true.

Of course, this nifty truism doesn’t keep those imaginary fears from keeping us stuck!

One thing that can help is some mental “timeline” tricks.

For example, it’s pretty easy to get stuck in the “here and now” when thinking about most stuff.

But as humans, (and not instinct-driven animals) it’s our job to use our brains to our highest capacity.

One way to do that is look at things from different viewpoints, from a time perspective.

For example, it can help to think beyond a time in the future when something particularly nerve wracking is coming up. If you’ve got an important meeting Friday afternoon, for example, you can lessen the anxiety by focusing on what kind of delicious meal you’ll be eating Saturday night.

If you don’t have enough juice left to do ten more sit-ups, you might imagine yourself a month or two in the future when all the sexy people are admiring your six pack.

If you just can’t study for one more second, imagining the good feeling when you ace your exams may give you the extra push you need.

Another way to lessen the effect of our “imaginary” fears is to simply embrace them. Close your eyes, and imagine the worst possible thing that you can imagine. Then fully accept it. Embrace it. Feel all those feelings that would happen, and the energy underneath them.

Then imagine what you’d do next, and then after that, and after that.

If you do this enough, you can lessen any inhibitions that the fear creates.

While this is pretty good for specific fears, like asking for a raise, or asking for a phone number, here’s a way to “go meta.”

Do this when you’ve got some alone time, to sit and contemplate.

Take a deep breath, and close your eyes.

Then imagine the most horrible thing you can, from the perspective of where you are in your life. Your boss fires you, you become homeless, your true love leaves you, whatever.

Don’t worry, this is just a quick mind experiment!

Then fully embrace that situation. 

Then take a step back, and instead of looking at things a couple years down the road, look at things from the perspective of your highest, most eternal self.

That self that exists beyond time, beyond space, beyond the physical body you’re currently occupying.

See this “horrible disaster” as one small speck of experience in a sea of infinite possibility. Of infinite expanding and knowing.

Kind of weird (and potentially scary) the first couple of times, but if you practice a few times a week, for only a couple minutes each time, you may notice some pretty cool changes in your life.

More peace, less fear, more emotional openness.

Give it a try.

This can help:

Kundalini Activator

How To Become Familiar With The Unknown 

You That You've Always Got It No Matter What

Trust Yourself On A Deep Level

Once I was out driving around an unfamiliar part of town, in a city I’d been in only a few days.

I’d taken wrong turn, and wasn’t really paying attention to where I was going until I realized I didn’t really know where I was.

Then when I got back on track, I noticed something kind of interesting.

The “familiar” buildings and landmarks looked pretty much the same as the ones when I was lost.

(Obviously, lol).

I recalled a few days ago when I’d gotten into town, when those now familiar buildings and landmarks were strange.

Same external environment, completely different internal state.

This happens quite a bit. You walk into a party, and don’t know anybody. So you feel strange, withdrawn, a little nervous lately.

But if you walked into the same party, and saw maybe three or four familiar faces spread out amongst a crowd of strangers, you’d feel totally different. Excited. Happy. Outgoing.

Most of us think that we need to take time to “get used to” our environment. To wait until we get the lay of the land, so to speak, until we feel comfortable.

But what if you could feel comfortable right away, even in strange situations?

One of the hallmarks of charismatic and magnetic people is that they show up anywhere, any time, and feel totally comfortable and at home.

They walk into a party, and even though they don’t know ANYBODY, they have enough experience meeting and talking to strangers, AND a strong enough belief in themselves, that they KNOW that they are going to have a good time.

They KNOW they are going to meet some interesting people, find out some interesting stories and share some interesting experiences.

All within that first glance across a room filled with strangers.

What’s their secret?

Most of us feel comfortable with people that we know.

Charismatic folks feel comfortable because they know people.

So do you. 

We all have the same fears, anxieties, worries. We also share a lot of the same strengths, hopes, and desires.

We’re just waiting for somebody courageous enough to make that first connection.

Usually, we all sit around and wait for it to happen on its own. Which is pretty slowly.

But when you develop that unshakeable trust that comes from a deep inner knowledge of your true power, it will happen a lot more quickly.

People will notice something about you. You’ll notice something about people.

Something familiar, exciting and wonderful.

Just waiting to be discovered.

Get Started:

Kundalini Activator