Category Archives: Charisma

Open Ancient Energies Of Life

Science Or Magic?

Science Or Magic?

It’s been said that science that is beyond the current level of understanding will seem like magic.

It’s also been said that all things MUST be explained by science.

One of Einstein’s famous quotes is “God does not play dice with the universe.”

Which means the entire universe is governed by laws, not by some kind of random chance.

However, it’s also pretty clear that science can only explain so much. Beyond that, it’s pretty much guesswork.

Things like the origins of the universe, the nature of space-time, and the strange “missing matter” of the universe.

All these things make the smartest scientist on Earth utterly confused.

Science can be fun, but it can also be a roadblock.

If you need to understand everything about everything, you’d never leave your house.

Imagine forcing yourself to understand the entire mechanics of your car before driving anywhere.

Of course, understanding it to a certain point is necessary. Otherwise you’d run out of gas, wear your tires bald, or let the engine seize up from not changing the oil.

But beyond that, just get in the thing and drive.

There are a lot of useful metaphors to describe things that would be beyond human understanding if we tried to describe them accurately.

The famous saying from NLP, “The map is not the territory,” is true. But often times, the map is all we’ve got.

If you’re going from point A to point B, it’d be kind of silly to travel all the different routes just to find the quickest. Having a map would be MUCH easier.

And because the map can ONLY approximate the territory, it’s much like metaphors we use to describe reality.

So long as they work, and get us what we want, they’re plenty good enough.

Often times when scientists are trying to figure something out, they’ll go through  many “models.”

They’ll come up with a theory of what they think is going on, test it out, and see how well their model holds up.

Us non-scientist humans have been doing that since the dawn of time.

Trying to describe the vast mysteries of the universe in easy to understand metaphors, or “maps” of the territory.

So long as these maps get us to where we want to go, they’re perfect.

Once such “map” is the idea Kundalini Energy. The life force that, when present, makes everything smooth, natural and easy. Fully awake, open and actualized. 

When closed off, it’s common to feel lack, fear and frustration.

How exactly does it work? What are the equations that describe it?

Nobody really knows.

But it’s been working for thousands of years, and it can work for you.

Open Yours:

Kundalini Activator

The Wisdom Of Silence

Listen To Your Friend

Listen To Your Friend

There are many popular myths and stories that are metaphors for self discovery.

A young explorer leaves his home, searching the world for riches.

After his many adventures, he comes home, only to find the riches were there all along. Buried in the last place he’d think to look.

Dorothy was in Oz trying to get home. Battling villains, flying monkeys, and discovering the man behind the curtain (whom she thought held the key) was a fraud. Then she found the power return was with her the entire time.

Long ago, before humans were created, the gods had a problem. In the world was a great power, but they feared humans would misuse it.

No matter where they thought to hide it, they knew humans would find it. On top of the highest mountains, in the bottom of the deepest oceans.

All places men have been to.

Then they found the place we’d never look.

Within ourselves.

Many of us spend our entire lives looking “out there” for the answers. Relationship after relationship. Job after job. Hobby after hobby. City after city.

But the answer lies within.

It always has.

it’s been said that our biggest obstacle to discovering this is lies in our inability to sit with ourselves.

No TV, no smart phone, no music, no friends. Just sitting and listening to the quiet, inner silence.

A silence filled with infinite wisdom, compassion, and understanding.

Consider making it habit of sitting quietly, if only for a few moments, at least once a day.

Quiet your environment. Quiet your mind. Listen for the guidance of your inner sage.

That ancient energy that exists before thought, before awareness.

Before you.

If you make it a habit of cultivating this inner awareness, you may notice some wonderful surprises showing up in your life.

But then again, maybe they’re already there.

Find Them:

Kundalini Activator

Trust Your Inner Angel

Let Your Brilliance Shine

There Is Treasure!

Imagine if you went to a new job.

You asked your boss what you should do, and he showed you your work station.

Maybe the first couple weeks, it was kind of intimidating. But after than, it started to become routine.

After that, maybe pretty boring. Trading time for a paycheck.

Now, if you’re out of work, this may sound like a dream come true.

But if you’ve ever been in this position, it can make the days last a long, long time.

Especially if you go home every night, eat the same foods, watch the same TV shows.

Sure, if you’ve got kids, that’s a different story. Watching and helping them grow up can make even the most horrible job doable.

But even then it can feel like you’re stuck in a hopeless rut that will never end.

What if life were like that?

What if some angel or spirit came down from the heavens, and explained everything to you?

And after understanding it, life itself became as boring and unimaginative as that factory job.

That would most definitely suck.

One of the best things in life is looking forward to something. Especially something you’ve got to make or do, and you aren’t quite sure how it’s going to turn out.

Maybe going to a vacation spot for the first time, or going on a date with somebody for the first time.

If you’ve got a uni degree, that feeling of first leaving home to study is a pretty exciting adventure. Or if you’ve moved to a new city for a new job. Or even moving into a new apartment. (What will the neighbors be like?)

That excitement that’s kind of mix of happiness, nervousness, and a bit of anxiety.

THAT is the stuff of life.

We were meant to be explorers. Not necessarily of the world, but of our own capabilities and skills.

Of relationships, new and old.

You’ve got greatness within you. And no matter how much you discover, there’s always more.

What will you discover next?

Check This Out:

Kundalini Activator

Develop Magnetic Attraction

Magnetic Lines of Force

Head Turning Social Charisma

What is the secret of charisma?

People who seem to have that “gift” simply walk into a room, and suddenly they’ve got everybody’s attention.

I’m not talking about famous people, or super gorgeous people, or obviously rich people.

In fact, “charisma” is pretty easy to fake. Once a college student decided to do an experiment. He made up a name, created some kind of “persona” and went to his local mall.

He brought a few other students who posed as publicists, bodyguards and a cameraman.

They just followed him around, all playing their part. He wasn’t walking or acting differently. Sure enough, a few people asked some of his “people” who he was.

Before long, the whole place was buzzing with excitement. Suddenly everybody “remembered” hearing that name before, even though he’d made it up.

Soon there was a crowd of people following him. Tweeting, taking pictures and posting everywhere.

He was fake, but their excitement wasn’t.

Obviously, while an interesting insight into human behavior, (and how easy we are to trick) charisma, REAL charisma, goes much deeper than that.

People who are genuinely charismatic have this energy about them. It’s always there. They don’t need a crew or any props.

You can’t quite put your finger on it, but it’s there.

They have a certain kind of relaxed focus. A slow and steady movement. Slow and steady speech, each word flows naturally, yet is perfect to describe the ideas in their mind.

No matter who they are talking to, they focus on them completely. They not only accept and respect themselves, just as they are, but they accept and respect others, just as they are.

They don’t talk down to people, they don’t seek approval from people.

It’s as if they have a glimpse into the entire meaning of the universe, and they know their part. They accept their part. They appreciate their part. They enjoy their part.

It’s as if they see some deep connection between all people that most of us miss.

No matter what situation they are in, they know, deep in their bones, everything will be OK.

Now, many people will say having this type of “energy” is like being born tall and good looking. You either have it, or you don’t.

Luckily, they are wrong.

This energy can be developed. Cultivated, expanded, and shared with others.

You’ve had this energy all along. Waiting to be released.

Learn How:

Kundalini Activator

Your Pre-Built Dream Machine

Dream Machine

Unleash Your Genius Entrepreneur

What does it mean to be an entrepreneur?

Many people imagine some kind of well funded inventor launching the next billion dollar start up.

Others may imagine some guy in his garage searching for that one invention that will save the world.

In reality, EVERYBODY (including YOU) is an entrepreneur.

What’s the structure of an entrepreneur? They think of something that may make them some money. They take action based on this idea. They get feedback from the marketplace. They adjust their ideas based on this feedback and try again.

This is the same process behind all human action.

You take a quick inventory of your state, right now.

Then you imagine a future that is better than now. Then you take action to attempt to create that future. We get a result, which gives us feedback. If we’ve improved our state, great. If not, we take action again.

The human mind-body-system is hard wired to operate on this behavioral structure. From the most basic movements, like shifting in your seat, to creating your biggest dreams, it’s the same.

Sometimes it’s unconscious, sometimes it’s conscious.

Sometimes is very small, and the outcome is almost guaranteed. Sometimes the actions are HUGE, and the absolute best we can do is move step by step toward our goals. Getting valuable feedback along the way.

Sometimes it CAN feel very magical. These are times when we’ve taken HUGE leaps, but they were unconscious, so we really didn’t know we were taking leaps.

There are ultra lucky people who live their whole lives like this. They never really try, they just do what comes natural, and get paid, get famous, and take their places in the history books.

The biggest mistake you can make is in thinking that if it’s NOT going to happen naturally, (or magically) that it’s not going to happen.

Since this strategy is build into every single human, all you’ve got to do is bring it up to the conscious level.

Choose your dreams, and then do something. Anything. Did you get closer? Great! Do more!

Did you move further away? No problem! Do something different!

However, this ONLY works if you CHOOSE your goals. Own your decisions. If you wait for it to happen magically, it most likely won’t. The dream fairy’s not going to show up to hand you the goods.

But if you own your life, own your behaviors, and own all the feedback, you can create anything you want.


Get started:

Prosperity Generator

Are You Selling Out Or Starving?

The Food Truck Of Love

Find The Magic Middle

I watched a pretty good movie on Netflix the other night.

It was a good metaphor for the difference between “selling out” and “following your dreams.”

Many people abhor the idea of “selling out,” meaning ONLY doing something to make a buck.

Anyhow, the main character in the movie was a chef (also the name of the movie.)

He had a job in a pretty popular, high-end restaurant. But he felt he was “selling out” as the owner wouldn’t allow him to “experiment” with different dishes. They had a fight, he quit, and bought a food truck.

Even though he was selling stuff on the side of the road for 4 or 5 dollars a pop, they were HIS creations, and he didn’t have a boss telling him to only follow the money.

Naturally, since it was a movie, everything worked out. He made a ton of cash, got his gorgeous ex-wife back, and reconnected with his kid.

Life, however, is far from a movie. If you follow your dreams, there’s a chance you won’t make a lot of money. (Starving artist.) At least at first.

On the other hand, if you ONLY “follow the money” you might get rich, but you’ll feel empty inside.

Are these the only two options?

Luckily, whenever we’re presented with two complete opposite scenarios, they are really extremes on either side of a continuum.

Which means if you put some effort into it, you’ll find a some good middle ground.

Where you can follow your dreams, AND make a ton of money in the process.

Problem is many people aren’t so patient. It’s easy to “sell out” and get a job you hate, and figure “that’s the way it is.”

It’s also pretty easy to just give up and become a “starving artist” with the attitude that the world just doesn’t “get it.”

It takes real effort to take your passions, and cultivate them into real skills that people will pay real money for.

It’s not easy, which is why you’ll find most people in the “starving artist” category or the “sell-out” category.

You look up the personal history of ANYBODY who made it big, in ANY field, and you’ll find that it didn’t come easy.

In fact, many great creators went through plenty of struggle, in the beginning.

You might consider that to be the very purpose of your life.

To first identify your passions, and then do whatever it takes to cultivate them into something magnificent.

Something people will appreciate.

And something that will generate real wealth.

Get Started:

Prosperity Generator

Is Being Yourself Really Bad Advice?

Are You Too Reliant On Game?

The Dangers Of Too Much Game

What’s the biggest mistake most guys make? They try to create attraction when none is there.

Sure, there are some things, many things, that will improve your odds. If you wear nice clothes rather than something out of a dumpster, or you shower once a day instead of once a week.

There’s a myth that you can do or say certain things that will make her like you. Take a close look at that last sentence.

If a girl is to like “you,” then your words and behaviors have to be an accurate representation of “you.” Which means if you’re looking for somebody to tell you what to do or what to say, then you’re not really being “you.” 

This is one reason many guys crash and burn after only a short while. If you practice your game until it’s really tight, sure you can pull it off for a while. But sooner or later, you’re going to run out of material.

If you’ve ever talked to a stand up comedian in real life, you know they are usually pretty different in person, in an unscripted, un televised, unrehearsed conversation. Some people make the mistake of thinking they’re always running around telling funny stories to everybody they meet.

Sure, if all you care about is short term flings, then this will work very, very well. But if you want something more, you’ve got to be somebody that she is attracted to.

Meaning when she gets to know the real you, which she will eventually, she’s got to KEEP that level of attraction.

Which means that it if you’re looking for something long term, using any kind of game technology that’s NOT part of who you are might not be a great idea. 

It might even lead to the wrong conclusion about women in general, one that is very prevalent today. You practice a little bit of game, you use some techniques to increase her attraction. You get some success, but then you run out of material, she loses interest, and she’s gone.

If all you know is the above scenario, it may seem like all women are shallow, immoral creatures who’ll only stick around if you’ve got a lot of money.

If that’s how you feel, you may want to step back a bit, and dial down the game. Just be yourself. I know that on all kinds of dating forums this is the worst possible advice.

But many guys confuse “being yourself” with “being a nice guy.” Being a nice guy is the furthest thing from being yourself.

A nice guy is terrified of rejection, so he’s ultra careful about what he says or does.

But when you are yourself, you’re yourself no matter WHO you are talking to.

Sure, if you’re talking to some old lady in line at the supermarket, you might not want to cuss like a sailor, but you can certainly talk like you normally talk to your buddies.

Same with girls at the club, or girls at the library.

Talk to them like normal people, and you may be surprised.

Get Your Ego On Your Side

Embrace Your Inner Monkey

Trust Your Inner Caveman

There’s a lot of ways our ego can get in the way.

Even coming to an agreement on what the ego is can be difficult.

From a purely biological standpoint, it can be considered a leftover set of instincts from our days as hunters/gatherers.

Back in those days, we lived with the same group of people our entire lives, so their opinions of us were VERY important.

If they were talking trash about us behind our back, we could be in serious trouble. Life threatening, kicked out of the tribe trouble.

On the other hand, if everybody thought you were the bees knees, then you got a better looking mate, first dibs on all the big kills, and all the best spots to live whenever the tribe found a living spot.

So it became advantageous for those primitive humans to be super-hyper-sensitive to the opinions of others.

But like most other instincts, what worked well back then can only get in the way today.

For example, you could make a LOT of money in sales. It’s not that complicated, you’d just have to memorize a “pitch,” and call enough people, and you’d be making some serious cash.

Only problem is after getting yelled at by people who don’t like being called at home, you’d quit in a hurry.

Most sales that are based on commissions have a HUGE turnover rate. People are lured in by the potential big money, then run away in terror after getting their ego’s beat up.

Unfortunately, those instincts are pretty hard to ignore. For example, another instinct is to stuff our pie holes with food whenever it’s available. Worked back then, but not so much now.

But just understanding it doesn’t really help much. (Those burgers fries and ice cream sure do taste good!)

The trick isn’t to ignore or suppress your ego. 

The trick is to accept it, appreciate it, and manage it.

Think of it as your ally, rather than your enemy.

The easiest way is to have an overarching goal that is MORE IMPORTANT than the short term gratification of your ego.

One of the most important skills to develop, regardless of what you’d like to create in life, is to step back and see the big picture.

See your current situation in the context of your entire life.

Many people think of what they’d like to create, but then get stuck when their fear-driven ego (and all that other baggage) shows up.

But when you train your ego think long term, rather than short term, it’s a lot easier.

This will show you how:

Prosperity Generator

Magical Mathematics

Grow Your Skills

The Powerful Exponential Function

Many things are what we call a “double edged sword.”

This is one of those expressions that some people throw around without really understanding.

A sword with two edges means it cuts both ways. If you can imagine being in battle, standing their pushing your sword against your enemy, if he pushes it back against you, you get cut by your own sword.

As a metaphor, it’s used to describe something that can be both extremely beneficial, if used correctly, or extremely dangerous, if used incorrectly.

One thing about humans is our brains aren’t really hard wired to understand anything intuitively more than basic math. Meaning if we want to understand higher order math, we’ve got to do some thinking.

That’s why one misunderstood aspect of mathematics is one of the most potent “double edged swords” around.

What I’m referring to is the exponential function. Nature certainly understands exponential growth.

Humans, on the other hand, don’t.

Exponential growth is anything that increases as a percent, rather than a fixed about.

For example, if you’ve got a pile of money, and every month you add $100 to it. It’s ONLY going to grow at $100 a month. In ten years, you’ll have added $12K.

On the other hand, if you’ve got a pile of money and it increases by ten PERCENT every month, you’ve got a whole different ball game.

If you start with only $100, in ten years you’ll have over 8 MILLION dollars.

That’s the positive aspect of exponential growth.

The negative aspect, of course, is debt. Since debt is based on percent, you can be in deep trouble if you let any amount of debt go too long. 

I once read this list of the richest fictional characters. The richest one was one of those vampire guys from the “Twilight” movies. And the only reason he was rich was because he was 300 years old. He’d put money in the bank and just let it sit there for a couple hundred years, and it grew into billions. All on its own.

There are MANY ways you can apply the exponential function.

One way is your skills.

Every time you learn, you get better at learning. Every skill you add to your vast collection of skills, it just makes it even easier to learn more skills.

And when you make those skills satisfy these two requirements, you’re living a pretty good life.

What two requirements?

1) You enjoy doing them.

2) They make you a lot of money.

This is the secret of lasting wealth, happiness, and prosperity. Find something you like doing, that makes you ANY amount of money, and simply keep get better at doing it.

Get Started:

Prosperity Generator

Get Girls Caveman Style

Sexual Division Of Labor

Division Of Labor

One way to help understand male-female relationships is to imagine we are still cave people.

Humans evolved over a long, long time, and the time we’ve been living in cities is very, very short.

We’ve been in our current form, more or less, for about 100K years. Sure, there are all kinds of different theories as to the specifics, but the bottom line is that in the big picture, we’ve been cave people a lot longer than we’ve been city living folks.

Which means that all of our instincts, specifically the ones that drive male-female attraction, and the ones that serve as the glue for male-female relationships, have been with us a long, long time.

Before technology, before electricity, before running water. Before money was invented.

So the same things that got guys and girls interested in each other back then, and kept them together, still holds true today. It may not seem like it with so much distractions, but it’s still there.

One reason humans did so well was we formed pair-bonds that generally lasted a lifetime. Sure there were exceptions, but those only prove the rule.

And the reason these pair bonds worked so well was because there was a sexual division of labor. Meaning guys did one thing, and girls did something else. Bottom line was the guys hunted, and girls gathered.

Which meant we could live in a lot different environments, since both hunting AND gathering got a lot of different types of food.

Think about this. Every day, the guys would go hunting. And the girls would gather. Both working to support the family.

The idea of a “stay at home mom” is not only an aberration in recent history, due to some extreme productivity in economics, but it’s not part of our evolutionary makeup.

Why is this important?

Because when you choose a girl for a relationship, looking pretty is just the start. You’ve got to be able to trust her, to depend on her, and make sure she’s got your back, and you’ve got hers.

Meaning when it comes to building your life, you’ve both got to be on the same page.

Keeping this in mind can help with the initial approach.

You’ve got to screen pretty carefully, as many girls simply won’t match your criteria.

This, of course, assumes you’ve got some life plans aside from playing video games and checking Facebook.

Get a plan, and start looking for a girl to help you get it.

Is it really that simple?

It’s been working for humans for thousands of years, why not you?