Category Archives: Charisma

Generate Prosperity Momentum


Positive Feedback Loops

One of the coolest things to experience is a positive, self-sustaining loop.

These happen a lot, and unfortunately for some, we tend to remember and focus more on the “negative” self sustaining loops than the positive.

Since most people have some kind of experience with dieting and losing weight, that’s a good example of both.

A positive self sustaining loop would be when you start small, build up some momentum, and then find yourself six or so months later actually looking forward to exercising. You start needing less and less willpower to avoid those foods you know you should.

On the other hand, eating the wrong foods tends to make you feel lousy. And when we feel lousy, we tend to turn to quick “pick me ups” which tend to more of the wrong foods. And the cycle continues.

I’m sure you can identify cycles like this in all areas of life. They’re part of nature, and even inorganic systems like whirlpools and sinkholes.

In our own lives, one common difference is our time frame. When we’re in a “negative” self fulfilling loop, our minds tend to focus only a day or two ahead of time. When we feel like eating that “bad” food for example, we are intently focused on the present, without really focusing on the outcome a couple days later.

On the other hand, when we find ourselves in those wonderful “positive” self fulfilling loops, we tend to look at the long term. Because the long term looks GOOD. 

That affects our “now” decision making process, which helps us to make decisions in the “now” that are much better for our future.

It’s no secret that people that do well in business are VERY good at this. The ability to think about what they are doing NOW, and see how it will affect their lives years in the future.

Now, I know how incredibly hard it is when you’re smack dab in the middle of one of those “negative” self reinforcing loops. It can seem impossible to get out.

The trick is to start small. Very small. So small you won’t even notice. The secret of building a HUGE life of massive prosperity is not on gigantic thing you do.

It’s a gigantic COLLECTION of very small things you do. Things that will snowball into HUGE things out into your future.

All rich people have this in common. They all started small. (A surprisingly small number of rich people inherited their wealth). Then by slowly building that ever important momentum, they turned those small daily things into a life of HUGE success.

YOU can do the same. All humans can. We all have the capacity. And it only takes a small shift in thinking to kick it off.

If you start today, you’re future “you” will thank you.

Here’s How:

Prosperity Generator

Continuous Improvement

You're Not A Ninja Yet!

Keep Getting Better

Here’s a question for those of you who study martial arts. And even if you don’t it will still make sense.

Suppose you do the work required to earn your black belt. Are you done? Can you effectively defend yourself against pretty much anybody?

What about in tournaments? Obviously not. At the tournament level, getting a black belt is like your entry fee. There’s guys in tournaments who are way ahead of just a black belt. 

How about this, suppose you got a black belt, and were decent enough to win some local tournaments. Then you took a few years off. Could you jump right back in the ring and compete? Even if you stayed in shape, if you didn’t practice those specific skills, you wouldn’t do very well.

Most guys recognize this as obvious, with any sport. It takes a while to get to a certain level, and it takes a while to maintain that level.

But when it comes to dating, we suddenly think that we not only don’t need to practice, but all it takes is some kind of minimum understanding of game (no doubt read on blogs or forums) and we think we’re Jedi masters of seduction.

Now, I know that martial arts isn’t the best metaphor for meeting girls. After all, you’re not walking over there to spar. She wants you to succeed just as you do.

No girl wants to reject a guy who’s walking over to talk to her. She’d rather he be the man of her dreams. Or at least the man of the evening.

But the idea of always needing to practice, and always needing to improve yourself IS a good part of the fighting metaphor.

Most guys don’t get this. They assume if they can get laid, then it’s a matter of finding the right girl.

But consider this.

Once you can get laid on a fairly consistent basis, that’s kind of like a black belt. Sure, it’s a good accomplishment you should be proud of.

But it’s only the beginning. There’s ALWAYS a need to improve your fighting skills.

While you may not be fighting against her, you ARE fighting against every other guy she can potentially date.

And sure, if you’re talking to her in a bar surrounded by other goofs, she might see you as a hero.

But as soon as she starts comparing you to other guys, you may not seem like much.

Not fair? No, it’s not. But neither is life.

Everybody’s main objective on planet Earth is to get as much as they can while they’re here, for as little effort as possible. Nobody’s job is to give away stuff for free.

Mother Nature isn’t too concerned with evenly handing out the goodies. She’s not the kind grandma who makes sure all the kids get a piece of candy.

She’s a ruthless ringmaster who let’s us loose an says, “Go!”

And then steps back to watch the fun.

If you don’t step up your game to get the quality girl, and KEEP HER, somebody else will.

Like it or not, that’s the way it goes.

Now are you going to sit there and let all those other goofs get your dream girl?

The Myth Of Your Potential

Can You Reach The Top?

Was Maslow Mistaken?

What does it mean to be “self-actualized?”

This, of course, comes from Maslow. But how did he come up with the idea, and how did he arrive that now famous pyramid?

If you’ve read about NLP, then you know about “modeling.” It’s the best way to learn something.

It’s how all of us learned to walk, talk, etc. We basically copied those around us.

The original NLP guys basically took this process and modeled how really persuasive people talk and behave. Then they came up with a way to apply this modeling model.

Which is why some call NLP the “study of excellence.” Meaning you see somebody doing what you want, and you simply copy them until you get it right.

And this is precisely what Maslow did.

He chose a lot of high performing individuals of his day, and simply tried to figure out made them tick.

He categorized them based on their level of “performance,” and came up with his “hierarchy.”

At the top, of course, is “self actualization.”

So, what were the people doing whom he labeled as “self actualized?”

Were they meditating in caves? Sitting in the middle of the desert in the lotus position while the rain mysteriously fell around them?


They were doing things. Making things. Writing things.

Now, here’s a mind bending question for you.

If you were to go back in time, find one of those “self actualized” people that Maslow found, and asked them these questions:

“Have you learned all you will ever learn? Are your skills as good as they are going to get? Can you now rest, since you’ve reached Nirvana?”

What do you think they would have said?

I’m going to guess that they would have said a big, fat, obvious NO to all those questions.

Whatever project they were working on, I’m sure they knew deep in their bones there was MORE to do. MORE to create.

Think about this statement:

“Reach Your Potential.”

Is that even possible? Once you get to a certain level, then what? Retire down to Florida and drink ice tea?

Nope. Once you get to a certain level, WHATEVER that is, you just reach higher.

The truth is you will ALWAYS be looking to improve yourself, as you should.

Unless, of course, you’re HAPPY where you are now. You DON’T want any more.

Those “self actualized” people were DOING THINGS.

They were creators. Builders. Artists. Scientists. 

What do YOU wan to do?

How To Practice Social Skills

Drill Baby Drill!

How To Consistently Increase Your Skills

Most people have a belief that they’ll be able to “step up to the plate” when the time comes.

When it comes to girls, this is a very convenient lie guys tell themselves. They see a girl across the room they’d like to get to know, but then they feel a bit of anxiety. Since they don’t want to admit to themselves (and most likely can’t) that they’d like to, but they can’t because they’re too afraid, their hamster starts spinning.

They figure out SOMETHING about her that disqualifies her. Then they tell themselves that since she’s not really his type, he won’t bother going over there. This is a very quick self-deception that happens in a couple seconds, before he even knows what’s going on.

The human brain is ultra quick, and ultra sneaky when it comes to protecting the ego.

The the guy says something like, “Well, of course, I’m nervous, but if I ever DO see a girl that’s my type, I’ll have NO PROBLEM walking over there. Until then, I’m a super ninja observer of society.”

Unless you’re dating several super models and you’re super happy with your relationships with females, you’re likely doing this all the time. This is common, and all people do it.

How can you avoid this? Or at least diminish the effect it has on your ability to talk to cute girls you MIGHT find interesting?


As important as getting into a decent relationship is, and as dependent on social skills as that is, few people feel the need to “practice” social skills.

But think of something similar, like public speaking. People realize that if they become better and more comfortable at public speaking, they’ll make more money, and have more job opportunities. So they practice.

Just like anything you want to get better at, the more you practice, they better you’ll get.

Why should talking to girls, or people in general, be any different.

How do you practice?

Simply take whatever level you’re good at, and push the comfort zone a bit. Then practice like anything else. Choose 30 minutes, where you’ll do nothing but practice.

Just like you’d spend 30 minutes practicing scales on the piano, or down at the dojo or the gym. You don’t practice the piano or martial arts whenever you have the opportunity, do you? No, you make time to practice. And when you practice, you drill yourself.

Do the same with girls.

Pick something you’d like to get better at. Approaching, opening, flirting, whatever.

Then choose a certain amount of time, every single day, and practice doing that. Only that. Nothing more. Nothing less.

When that (whatever it is) becomes so easy it’s boring, start practicing something a little bit harder.

How To Radiate Confidence and Attraction

Don't Make This Mistake

Ditch The Nice Guy Routine

One of the most attractive things in a person is congruence. If you want to do better with the ladies, all you’ve got to do is increase your congruence.

What is congruence? Basically it means being your true, honest self. Now, this doesn’t mean blurting out whatever comes to your mind. But it does mean not hiding your emotions, intentions and desires.

Many guys, when talking to girls, tend to hold back. They’re afraid of rejection, afraid of offending her and ruining their chances, or maybe even saying something silly.

So they pretend to be somebody they’re nice. Many guys go too far in the opposite direction. They’re so worried about offending her, that they become overly nice. This is the stereotypical “nice guy” that girls don’t like. In fact, they despise them.

Not because they are mean, or they’d rather date some biker who just escaped from prison. It’s because they don’t trust him. Maybe consciously he seems OK. But on a subconscious level, he’s sending some creepy vibe. Some vibe that says “I’d really like to have sex with you but I’m pretending really hard that I just want to be your friend.”

Sex is natural, normal and healthy. Sexual desire is natural, normal and healthy.

Yea, but what about that time you were checking a girl and she gave you a dirty look?

She gave you a dirty look not because you were checking her out, but because you were checking her out while feeling like you were doing something wrong. You judged yourself before she got a chance to. Since you yourself felt you were doing something wrong, so did she.

That’s why some guys can seemingly get away with murder. They talk raunchy, tell dirty jokes, and have no problem talking about sexual topics.

Since they accept these as normal things, so does she.

She’d LOVE IT if you talked to her like you talk to your buddies. Relaxed, confident, playfully teasing her, and generally  having a good tie.

So, back to that hard to define word, “congruence.”

Simply accept your desires. Don’t be afraid to look at girls, and let them know through your eye contact and self confidence that you like what you see.

Do this, and you’ll be miles ahead of all the other clowns out there.

Dramatically Increase Your Charisma

How To Ride Into Their Minds

Ride The Fluidity Of Truth

Sometimes we get a powerful insight simply by looking at things from a different angle.

Ever since the dawn of “civilization,” (a word based on “civil” that means people that behave according to rational thinking and plans, rather than hunter-gatherer instincts,) justice has always been an ideal.

In pretty much all societies, the idea of having a trial to get to the truth is essential.

Since everybody has a different view on what happened, it’s important to get as many different viewpoints as possible.

Ideally, an impartial group of people, or an impartial judge, will consider all the evidence, which is usually testimony from all the people involved, and come to a rational decision that’s fair.

The whole existence of such a system, that shows up in pretty much all cultures, is an indication that ONE person’s viewpoint is flawed. We always look out to the world through our own lens of biases, fears, subjective beliefs, and desires.

This happens in every single conversation we have with others.

We think we’re making our point perfectly clear, but the other person just doesn’t “get it.”

Of course, they likely think we’re nuts and aren’t making any sense, and we’re the ones who don’t “get it.”

Most people simply assume that their point of view is the RIGHT point of view, and everybody else is wrong.

Just realizing that everybody has their own “version” of the truth is going to put you WAY ahead of everybody else, in terms of communication effectiveness.

And if you take the time to actually listen to and understand what other people are saying, something pretty amazing will happen.

They will suddenly see you in a new light.

You won’t be like everybody else who is only imposing truth. You won’t be simply waiting for a hole in the conversation so you can give even more evidence of your “correct-ness.”

You’ll actually be listening to them, and getting them to talk about what’s important to them. The unmet needs they have. The desires they have.

And when they’re seeing you through the lens of their desires, needs etc, (not somebody who is withstanding their truth, but somebody who is actively seeking it) you will suddenly have a huge amount of charisma and personal magnetism.

This is quite an interesting shift, one that few people will ever experience.

That’s why using these language patterns are so powerful. They’ll let you slowly and carefully open them up, so they’ll eagerly share their truth with you.

And never forget you.

Learn How:

Covert Hypnosis

Find The Treasure All Around You

Treasure Is Everywhere

You’re So Money And You Don’t Even Know It

No matter what you want out of life, there is one thing that is absolutely required to get it.

If you don’t do this one thing, you have a very, vary strong chance of not getting anything close to what you want.

However, if you do this thing well, there’s really no limit to what you can get.

None at all.

Luckily,  this “thing” is something you already know how to do. So you don’t really need to learn anything. You don’t need to do anything out of the ordinary even.

You just need to do the same thing that people have been doing since before recorded history.

Maybe you can improve yourself in this area, but it’s not something new.

What’s the “thing”?

Interacting with others.

Yea, no big surprise, right?

Yet many people think they can get stuff without doing this. Many people imagine they can make their dreams come true all alone, or via some magical force that none know exist.

Sure, there are SOME people who can get SOME things without the help of others. But that’s usually people in movies who are stuck on islands.

And even then they can only get a few coconuts and maybe some fish.

But here’s the most crucial part.

When you interact with others, it’s always some kind of exchange.

Sure, when we’re little kids and live inside families, we just express our needs and they get fulfilled.

That’s the job of our parents. That’s the job they signed up for when they decided to have us.

But harsh as it may sound, out in the real world, where you interact with people you have NO blood relationship to, nobody owes you squat.

Which means nobody’s going to GIVE you anything.

Unless of course, YOU give THEM something in return.

Doesn’t have to be tangible. Doesn’t even have to be a big deal. A stranger gives you the time, and you give them a genuine smile and “thank you.” That’s an honest and mutually beneficial exchange. It makes both people better off. It makes both people happier.

No manipulation, no con jobs, no scams.

All interactions between adults are like this. Friends, lovers, co workers, bosses and subordinates.

How do you get better at this? So you can not only give more, but get more?

The secret is in understanding that people WANT a lot more than they’re saying. They want a lot more than they’re getting.

And you (yea, YOU), have a LOT more than you’ve giving. WAY more than you think.

By opening up yourself, and learning how to open up others, you can give more, and you can get more.

All the way from a simple smile for the time, to a huge pile of cash in exchange for your skills.

And it all starts with your communication.

Make It Better:

Covert Hypnosis

Reverse Polarity Language Power

Put Hidden Treasure In Their Brain

Let Them Discover Your Hidden Truth

Lately I’ve been watching “Marco Polo” on Netflix.

So far, it’s pretty good. It’s more about Kublai Khan and all the political intrigue than Polo,  who is really the observer proxy for the audience.

If you can get past the language assumptions (some Italian guy is speaking fluently to a Mongol King in China) it’s pretty interesting how he chooses his words carefully when speaking to the “Great Khan.”

Since there’s all kinds of inter-family backstabbing and jockeying for power, Kahn uses Polo as a kind of “spy” to watch some of his family members and report what he sees.

From the beginning, Kahn decides to keep Polo because he describes things pretty well.

But most of his descriptions seem to “hide” certain truths, as he’s worried what will happen if the Great Kahn realizes what people REALLY think about him.

This is how most people use language. A great thinker once described language as a “tool to hide what’s really on our mind.”

Few people understand that’s only HALF of it’s power.

Most of us are pretty natural at using language to hide certain truths.

Somebody works for a boss and did an absolute crappy job, for example. Another manager calls the boss for a reference, and the boss says something like, “Well, he always showed up on time. And he never really used any swear words.”

Now that “sort of” sounds good, but in reality it’s clear that the boss didn’t think so, since had nothing to say about his work performance.

We do this all the time. We hear an idea that’s total crap, and we say, “Hmm, that’s interesting.”

But the real power of language is when you stop covertly hiding truths, and start to covertly expressing truths.

Truths about yourself, your ideas, your business. Anything.

And it has the incredible effect of letting your listener or reader “discover” the meaning on their own.

What ideas would you to covertly slip into the minds of others?

Learn How:

Covert Hypnosis

Your Greatest Skill Of All

Your Unlimited Word Power

Essential Language Skills

If you were dropped in the middle of a city you’d never been to, what skills would you need?

I mean if you didn’t know anybody, only had enough money for a couple days worth of food, couldn’t call anybody for help.

Basically on your own.

If you could build up three or four “mind” skills, what would they be?

A bunch of successful entrepreneurs were asked this question. It kind of strips away any kind of idea of relying on your “connections.”

One skill was the ability to talk to strangers effectively. Meaning not to timidly walk up and ask somebody the time, but to interrupt a complete stranger on the street, and self confidently start a lengthy conversation.

Another skill was to be incredibly flexible in your thinking. For example, if you used to be a chef in your old city, and you’re only idea of scratching out a living in this new city was to cook, you may be in trouble.

On the other hand, if you could seize any opportunity that came your way, you’d be in better shape.

One more skill was language. Being able to speak persuasively. After all, you’d need to quickly turn strangers into supporters. Not to go and seize the castle or anything dramatic like that. But you’d at least need to get people on your side.

I suppose you could just sit there and ask people for money, but that may not be the best idea.

If you could convince people that it would be in their best interests to help you, you’d be better off.

If you could further convince people that THEY would be better off as well, then they’d WANT to help you.

And this is the secret gold mine of human communication.

Every single person alive today is a HUGE collection of unfulfilled needs. Nobody is ever satisfied for long. Our mind-body systems are simply not wired like that. We’re always on the move. Always searching to fulfill some need.

When you learn to talk to people in a way to elicit those unmet needs, and show them that by helping you, they’ll also benefit themselves, they’ll help you do anything, create anything and build anything.

Just stop and think for a moment how good it feels to be working with somebody else, and KNOWING that everybody is going to benefit, compared to working alone, or worse, working where you suspect somebody else is getting the better part of the deal.

This is what that corny “win-win” strategy REALLY means.

And right now, on Planet Earth, there are literally BILLIONS of opportunities just waiting for somebody like you.

Learn How:

Covert Hypnosis

How To Make Them Feel Lucky To Know You

Amplify Their Interest In You

How To Magnify Their Criteria

Many people are drawn into sales because of the massive potential.

Meaning that unlike most every other job, the better you do, the more you’ll make.

Instantly. No need for waiting for a promotion every year.

And you don’t need any education, or technical training, other than knowledge about the product.

Which is why plenty of people with barely a high school diploma are easily making six figures in all kinds of sales.

On the other hand, it can be incredibly nerve racking. Because on the other of the coin is rejection, and poverty. Since most sales folks are paid on commission, if you don’t sell anything, you don’t get paid anything.

If you’ve ever had any kind of sales job, you may be under the impression (as most people are) that selling requires some kind of magical, high-energy charisma that mesmerizes the clients. Some sales people do seem to have that “in your face” quality.

But in reality, that’s the WORST way to sell things.


Because it ignored the REASONS the other people want to buy stuff.

Most people are taught to memorize a list of “features and benefits” of their product, and overwhelm the clients with all the amazingly fantastic things about the product.

Hopefully, if they do this with enough energy and enthusiasm, enough customers will buy.

But doing this just makes rejection hurt a lot worse. If you put in a HUGE amount of energy into your presentation, and they say “no thanks,” it’s VERY hard not to take it personally.

Which is why it’s much, much EASIER, more respectful, and at lot less stressful to simply to find out what they want.

The thing about human desires is once we get past the “surface structure,” our desires are pretty vague.

Which means you can take pretty much any reason somebody is shopping, find out what their REAL desires are, and link them up to quite a few products and services.

So long as they really WILL fulfill their needs, they’ll see the products (and you) as the luckiest thing that ever happened to them.

Obviously, this works just as well if you’re not selling anything, but doing ANY kind of persuasion or influence.

The basic strategy is to simply elicit their criteria, magnify it and then “hook it” to whatever you’d like them to do, using some powerful language patterns.

The BEST part is they’ll do what YOU want for THEIR reasons.

Zero “in your face” enthusiasm required.

To learn more, check this out:

Covert Hypnosis