Category Archives: Goals

How To Find Gold

Set Your Vision

Clear Goal With A Strong Desire

One of the biggest migrations in human history was the California Gold Rush.

A bunch of people, hanging out on the east coast of the United States. Working regular jobs, living in regular houses with regular families.

Then somebody discovered gold. Now, human nature is human nature. If you go to any point in human history and ask people if they’ve got enough money, they’ll all say the same thing.

“Well, if I had just a little bit more, I’d be OK.”

Study after study shows that’s true today, no matter HOW much they’ve currently got. So you can imagine what it felt like, back then, to just want a “little bit more” and hear the news.

Out yonder on that there west coast, people are digging gold nuggets right up out of the dirt!

And this was enough for a significant amount of people to up and leave. Leave their jobs, take their kids, their belongings, pack them up in a covered wagon, and start heading West.

There was no health insurance back then, no 7-11’s every twenty feet, no 911, no cops, no paramedics, no Triple A to call if they got a flat.

Only a burning desire, and a destination. Not a vague destination. A clear, easy to imagine picture with clear benefits.

Even now that’s easy to imagine. Digging up some dirt, and finding a gold nugget. One’s that’s big enough to solve all your financial problems.

Now, all of those people, up to that point, had a desire for more money. But it was a vague desire, without any real plan of making it happen.

But when they heard news that it was really possible, enough of them made the sacrifice to literally change U.S. history.

That visualization they kept in their heads kept them motivated to traverse thousands of miles of dangerous territory.

This is the power of a clear, specific, burning desire.

This is what happens when you take those vague desires and wishes we ALL have (money, love, career, etc) and turn them into a specific desire that seems real when you imagine it.

Now, back then, people imagined more money all the time, but they didn’t have much of a reference. No internet, no TV. All they had were newspapers and dime store novels.

But once they heard of specific evidence, and a specific method of finding their riches, they were off.

Today, it’s EASY to find specific evidence AND the techniques to get what you want to create.

All you’ve got do is the up front planning, and get going.

And today, it’s a lot easier than spending a few months crossing barren deserts!

Get Started:

Goal Setting

How To Uncover Hidden Roadblocks

Release Internal Resistance

Release Internal Resistance

Most people have heard about that Harvard “Goal” study.

Or maybe it was Princeton? Who knows.

Anyhow, the story goes that they did some kind of study on one graduating class. They checked to see which of them had written goals, and which of the didn’t.

Then they checked later on, like twenty years later on, and were surprised.

They figured the people who had written down their goals would be more successful, but they were shocked to find out how much.

Turns out that small group of folks who had written goals upon graduation (about 5%) made more money than everybody else combined.

Now, at first it seems like all we’ve got to do is write down what we want, and like magic it shows up!

But it can be one of those chicken and egg questions.

Did those people make all that money because they wrote down their goals, or was there something else?

Maybe they had some quality that compelled them to not only write their goals, but achieve them.

Maybe writing down their goals was not a  cause, but merely one small piece of evidence of their internal drive to achieve.

Of course, because you’re reading this now, YOU also have that deep drive to achieve. Otherwise you’d be spending your time following the latest twitter trend, or wondering how long the sale is going on down at the mall.

One thing that’s not taught in almost every “goal setting” course or even workshop is how to maintain present positives.

This is the one hidden roadblock that keeps MANY of us from achieving our goals.

For example, many people would LOVE to lose weight, but somehow can’t. The reason is there are some benefits that we are usually not aware of that we simply aren’t ready to give up.

And this goes beyond the wonderful sensation of letting that chocolate ice cream melt in your  mouth!

Eating reduces stress, being heavier than you would like can give you a ready excuse to not get out there and mingle, or any other kinds of reasons.

These are just examples of course, but many things we THINK we’d like, there’s part of us that is not really willing to move forward.

Unless we address THAT part of us, we’ll stay stuck. We can either charge through with super human will power and determination (like those dudes from Harvard), or we can do it the easy way.

Just figure out we want to keep, and make sure we keep it AFTER we get what we want.

Once you figure this out, it’s pretty easy. Goal setting isn’t boring, isn’t scary, and once you realize that you really CAN get anything, it’s pretty exciting.

Learn How:

Goal Setting

Are You Wandering Through Life?

Plan Your LIfe

Make A Plan

Imagine if you decided to build a birdhouse. 

So you went down to the dumpster behind the do it yourself shop, and grabbed some boards.

You thought maybe you had some tools at home, so you didn’t worry too much.

You got home, and kind of nailed the boards together. Then you got bored, and went to do something else.

Is this a good strategy for building a bird house?

How about this. You’re hungry, so you decide to cook something.

You fire up the stove, and put on your favorite frying pan. You aren’t sure what you want, so you start chucking things into your pan haphazardly. Pretty soon it’s smokey, and pretty stinky. You give up, and head down to the local convenience store.

OK, one more example.

You feel like going somewhere. So you go down to the bus station. You put down a handful of bills and coins on the counter.

The guy behind the counter looks at you and says, “OK, where to?”

And you say, “Uhh…I dunno…anywhere.”

And he says, “Well, how much do you got?” while he looks at your pile of cash.

“Beats me,” you say.

Are any of these good strategies?

Of course not. Silly. Ridiculous.

But that’s how most of us live our lives. We put in half baked plans, without knowing what we really want.

Sure, we all want more money, better relationships, a better place to live.

But beyond that, we just kind of wander through life and hope for the best.

Sure you might get lucky. You might bump into dream lover in the produce section.

You might accidentally sit next to your next boss for your ideal job on the bus.

But if you’re plans are based on luck, they’re kind of out of your control.

The truth is you really can create any life you want.

But you not only need a specific goal, but you need a specific plan.

Once you’ve got these set up, it’s pretty simple, really.

With the right set of plans and tools, anybody can build a birdhouse, cook a decent meal and plan a vacation anywhere.

It may take some time, but planning is half the fun.

If you want to get more out of life, you aren’t alone.

EVERYBODY wants more out of life. Few people do anything about it.

Luckily, there’s a step by step method. 

Tons of videos, worksheets, even a hypnosis session.

Get Started:

Goal Setting