Category Archives: Kundalini

Develop Instant Rapport With Anybody

Learn To Appreciate The Silence Within

Learn To Appreciate Silence

A lot of us feel it takes a while to “get to know us.”

Which is true, in many ways. After all, humans are very complicated beings with many different layers of complexity.

You can know somebody for a long, long time, and never really know everything there is to know about them.

This part is very straightforward.

Meaning it will take a while to learn anything that’s complicated and diverse. You can only handle so much at any given time.

But on another level, it takes most of us a while to feel comfortable enough with somebody to share certain things about ourselves.

It’s funny when you see a couple at a restaurant, and they’re obviously on a first date. Or maybe some kind of sales meeting, or an interview.

Both people are very careful to project the “right” image to the other person. If you pay close attention, you can usually figure out who’s trying to impress whom, regardless of the situation.

On the other hand, it’s pretty easy to spot couples (opposite sex or not) that are completely comfortable with one another.

They are much more relaxed, have much more open body language, and seem to not worry too much.

One thing that is a clear signal of people who are totally comfortable around each other is how they handle silence.

If you’ve been on a first date, and there was that uncomfortable silence, it can seem terrifying.

But when you’re with a close friend, you can sit for a long, long time and not really say anything.

One of the hallmarks of people who are naturally charismatic and magnetic is they feel this way, all the time, no matter who they’re around.

That’s why we love being around them so much. It’s like they’ve figured out a way to shortcut the “getting to know you” phase and go straight to the “comfortable with long silences phase.”

How do they do this?

Well, for starters they just simply feel like they belong, everywhere they go. They feel comfortable, no matter who they are with, and no matter what they are doing. If a stranger comes up and starts talking, they don’t wonder who they are or what they want. They just enjoy their company.

Many people feel this is a special gift. One that you either have or you don’t.

Luckily, that’s not true. It’s easy to cultivate that ever present feeling of comfort. Just accept who you are, and understand that no matter what happens, you’ll be fine.

Once you get to this level, you’ll be able to relax, and enjoy the world. 

And everything, and everybody in it.

Get Started:

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Do You Have The Brakes On?

Release The Brakes!

Eliminate Internal Resistance

When I was a kid I was in a couple of “races.” 

One was when we had to build these race cars out of wood. The track was just a bit long ramp, and the cars had to coast.

We all had a basic kit to build our cars with, so they were all pretty similar. Adult help was not allowed.

Then we had some kind of tournament where we’d just let them loose, two at a time, until we finally had a winner.

It wasn’t very scientific, more a process kind of thing. Get the kids involved in some kind of project where they have to do things on their own, without any help, and then stand by the results they got.

As you can guess, the biggest difference was resistance. Whoever got their friction levels the smallest had the fastest cars. Since they just coasted, due to gravity, the ones that went the fastest had the least resistance internally (from the wheels) and externally (due to wind resistance).

I remember another time, when I was going on a long bike ride with my buddy. He was having a hard time keeping up. Which was strange, since we’d often trained together and we were in both pretty similar physical condition.

We stopped, thinking maybe something was wrong with his bike. There was. Somehow, his rear brake was slightly engaged, holding him back, and stealing some of his pedaling energy.

This happens quite a lot. Often times we think what’s holding us back is somewhere “out there.” It’s pretty easy to point fingers at others, as it keeps us from owning up to our shortcomings, whatever they may be.

But often times what’s holding us back is something inside. False fears and anxieties, based on stories we told ourselves long go, that we still think are true.

And just like my friends brakes, these false fears are stealing our forward momentum. We are moving forward, but part of us is holding us back. The struggle we feel is completely internal.

Once my friend had uncovered his brake problem, he easily took off ahead of me. Compared to how he was huffing and puffing before, keeping up with me was easy. Too easy, so he left me in the dust.

This is what happens when we learn how to dismantle our internal brakes. It seems easy. So easy we can take off, and leave our old selves in the dust.

Free to sprint up ahead, and achieve things much greater than we’d ever thought possible.

Are you ready?

Kundalini Activator

Are You Hobbled By Brain Bias?

Good Things Come to Those Who Wait

Patience Always Helps

The human mind has all kinds of biases.

One reason is to simply cut down on brainpower energy.

If we find a shortcut in thinking, and it works out, we tend to keep thinking that way.

Sometimes though, we keep thinking that way long past its point of usefulness.

Like when we’re little kids, we learn that it’s sometimes a good idea to keep our mouths shut, or else we’ll get yelled at or get some kind of unwanted social pressure.

Of course, that strategy doesn’t work so well into adulthood, but most of us still have it.

Other biases are hard wired in, as they helped our ancestors. For example, we tend to make cause and effect relationships between things that don’t really have anything to do with each other.

This helped when our world was simple, and filled with predators, but not so much anymore.

This doesn’t stop mainstream media from pushing all kinds of crazy “links” in our face. Of course, two things can be linked, but that doesn’t mean one is causing the other.

There was a scene in the old movie, “The Jerk,” with Steve Martin, where some crazy killer was trying to shoot him. He kept missing, and was blowing up a stack of oil cans.

Steve Martin’s character (The Jerk) came to the conclusion that, “He hates these cans!”

Many of our conclusions based on what we see around us aren’t much better!

Another bias is something called “cognitive dissonance.” This is when we flat our refuse to see things that may prove we are wrong, or not as good as we think we are.

This, of course, can help to protect our ego.

But often times, it keeps us stuck. One of the fastest ways to get better at ANYTHING is to try, fail miserably, look what you did wrong, and then try again.

We did that great when we were kids, but now we’re terrified.

Now when we fail, most of us don’t acknowledge it. Not only that, but we tend to point fingers at others, as if it’s their fault we can’t do what we want, or are even afraid of trying.

But if you’re honest with yourself, you know the truth. This takes a great deal of courage. An amount of courage most people don’t have.

But in those quiet moments with yourself, you’ll know what’s up.

The secret of doing ANYTHING is just getting out there, trying, and learning from all the feedback you get.

Instead of trying to keep your ego safe all the time, imagine how much better you’ll be in the future.

Like I said, most people are terrified of this. They’d rather stay safely in their comfort zone and blame anything and everything.

What about you? Are you willing to do what it takes to unleash your brilliance?

This will help:

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Are You Running From Pain?

How To Change Your Filters

How To Flip Your Internal Script

There’s a theory in NLP called “meta programs.”

It basically describes a collection of filters that we carry around with us, to make it easier, quicker and less tiresome on our poor brains to make sense of the world.

Scientists have known for a while that our brains take many shortcuts in thinking to save on energy.

Most people are surprised to find out that up to 25% of the calories you burn in any single day are from your brain.

Which is why you feel so tired after studying or thinking or worrying. 

So long ago, Mother Nature decided that shortcuts in thinking would be a good thing, all else considered.

Which is the theory behind these “meta programs.”

They’re not quite set in stone, meaning you can change them, but they do take a while to change on their own.

One of the most well know is whether a person is motivated by pain, or pleasure.

If you’re motivated by pain, then you only get motivated when there’s a clear and present danger. If the danger goes away, so does the motivation.

This is what leads plenty of us to look in the mirror, get disgusted with our bodies, and then vow to change our physical shape. Only when the pain of looking at our flabby belly passes by, we lose the motivation.

Same goes with making money. When you’re close to the end of you’re rope, you’ll do anything for a buck.

But once you’ve got enough to pay the rent, the bills, and a little extra in the bank, that motivation fades.

On other hand, you could be motivated by pleasure, rather than pain. Meaning if you’ve got a goal, and the closer you get to it, the more motivation you feel.

I’m sure you won’t be surprised to find that most people are motivated by pain, and not pleasure.

This is why almost all advertisements rely on building up pain, then promising to take it away, so long as you buy the product.

Then as soon as you buy the product, the pain is gone. Until you see another advertisement. Then the whole process repeats itself.

I don’t know about you, but making pain avoidance your main strategy doesn’t seem like a great way to live life.

If you are totally successful, all you’ll do is avoid pain. If you’re in pain, getting rid of it IS the most important thing.

But once the pain goes away, there’s not much else.

Like I said, this can be changed. It takes time, and effort, but it is worth it.

Instead of running away from things, you can train your mind-body system to run toward things. Things you want. Things that inspire you. Things that empower you.

Your higher self.

You may say that becoming a fully enlightened human is learning to stop focusing on what you’re moving away from, and start focusing on where you’re going.

This will help:

Kundalini Activator

Listen To Your Friend

Your Unlimited Source of Energy

Your Secret Source Of Energy

Scientists believe we humans have a secret source of energy we almost never know about.

If you’ve ever been in a “do-or-die” situation, then you’ve experienced this.

Maybe you’re completely spent emotionally, physically, even spiritually.

But then you see something or experience something that allows you to get a burst of energy.

It’s like we’re jamming along in “normal” mode, and we have a certain amount of life-juice at our disposal.

But then with the situation changes, we shift into overdrive. Kind of like when Mad Max would switch on the Nitrous Oxide on his Interceptor, giving his car a sudden boost of enormous power.

I’ve you’ve never experienced this, I’m sure you’ve heard about it. Mothers lifting cars off their kids. People suddenly getting enormous bursts of fear killing power and rushing into burning buildings.

This comes out in other ways as well. If you’ve ever been highly intoxicated, yet somehow made it home, got undressed and into bed without issue. It’s like we’ve always got a “watcher” that’s making sure we’re OK.

A lot of folks have trouble with this. They like to believe that our conscious minds are all we have. If we don’t understand something, or if we can’t control it, it doesn’t exist.

But you know the reality of our mind-body system is much, much deeper and much more profound than we can understand consciously.

If you’ve ever known the phone was going to ring, or somebody was about to knock on your door, you have experienced this.

That “other” part of you that is much more than anybody will ever know.

Sadly, most people refuse to acknowledge this. Maybe they are afraid, maybe it threatens their imaginary control over their lives, who knows.

But in the deep silence of your mind, you can connect with your “friend.”

And you’ll find that this “friend” is much more than you will ever realize.

He or she is only a thought away. A connection of deep and lasting resonance. To help you, to guide you, to support you.

Are you ready to listen?

Do You Follow Holy Men?

Beware Of False Prophets

The Kingdom Of Heaven Is Within

A long time ago, there was a great rift in the Catholic church.

Up until then the “structure” was kind of like this. There was God and the heavens. Then there were the special holy men who were trained to interpret the heavenly messages.

Then there were the regular, everyday people. They had to do what these chosen holy men said, since they were the only ones who could understand the word of God.

Then they had a great upheaval. Many ex-holy men decided that these holy men were really con artists. Maybe they didn’t start out this way, but they certainly abused their power.

For example, they would sell people tickets into heaven. The way it worked was you had some sins, you confessed them to these holy men, and they handed out your punishments. Of course, they saw this as an opportunity to make some cash on the side, and they did.

After a while, enough of these ex-holy men were so disgusted, they started their own churches.

“The Word of God is available to everybody!” They said. No longer would people have to listen to an “interpretation” of some holy man who had gone through some special training.

And the world hasn’t been the same ever since.

Just think, the idea that a normal guy or girl, meditating on the scriptures (or any other ancient texts) could actually discern valuable teachings!

Of course, this “structure” still exists today, in many forms. Some self proclaimed “holy man” claims he or she knows the secrets, and only he or she knows how to interpret them. 

Even things that are worlds apart from religion falls under this category.

Medicine, science, philosophy, art, entertainment.

It seems that humans are hard wired to fall into the “authority trap.” Unless the wise words come from somebody with recognized authority, we don’t recognize them as valid.

This can help, saving us a lot of time.

But it can also hurt. We may find that after years of following a “holy man” we find he or she’s been a scam the entire time.

Not to mention how easy it is to abuse such power. History is filled with men and women (mostly men) who had the power of authority only to lead people to horrible ends.

Ultimately, it’s up to you. To be sure, a truly wise and honest “holy man” is a wonderful thing to find.

But in the end, only you know what’s right. Only you are responsible for your own life, your own truth, and your own path.

It’s easy to let somebody else choose for you.

Few can choose their own path. Few can listen to their own truth.

Can you?

Do You Deserve What You Want?

Let Loose Your Power Of Creation

Creation Is Easier Than Receiving

One of our worst fears is rejection.

This is at the root of many of our other fears. We want something, but we feel if we express our desires, we’ll get shot down. From the tiniest things like asking for the salt to asking a cute person for their phone number, it feels as though we’re on center stage when we’re warming up to pop the question.

However, like many other elements of our personality and communication, there’s a lot of stuff going on.

One thing that people will respond to is our interpretation of ourselves. Little kids have no fear, no shame, no worries. They just blurt out whatever they want. Sometimes they get it, sometimes they don’t.

But you’d have to be an ogre living under a bridge to NOT think this is the prime reason kids are so cute.

Now, if this happens to be your kid announcing to the world what they want at any given time, it can be pretty embarrassing. But to everybody else, it’s pretty cute.

One important distinction to be aware of when discussing adult communication is the difference between structure and content.

The content is that specific thing we are asking for. The salt, the phone number, the raise, etc.

The structure is HOW we are asking for it. And a primary driver of the structure we wrap around our content is our interpretation of the content, and our “deservingness” to receive it.

If we are asking for something we don’t think we deserve (for logical or completely illogical reasons) that will come across in how we ask. So when we DO get shut down, it’s not because there’s anything wrong with the content (that which we are asking for) but our own interpretation.

If we don’t think we deserve it, why should anybody else? Especially if they’re being asked to put time and even money into us getting it?

Now we can also fool ourselves just as easily. We can overcompensate, and “pretend” that we REALLY deserve, and ask for it with all kinds of fake enthusiasm. But then we sound like some sleazy salesperson trying to be our friend.

How can we believe we deserve it (whatever IT is) without sounding like we just came from a super charged guru seminar?

Remember who you are.

Remember why you are here, and what you are creating. You weren’t put here to be “given” stuff, like a kid who cleaned his room on time.

You were put here to create things. And on the other side of everything you’d like, you have something equally as valuable to give.

That part of yourself that is pure energy. Pure spirit. Pure wisdom.

Get in touch with THAT part of you, and you’ll never feel fear again.

How To Generate Charisma

Generate Massive Charisma

Enjoy Life And Others Will Enjoy You

Being charismatic is a powerful skill to have.

One thing about us humans is we are generally fixated on content, when it’s the structure that drives out emotions.

Take a pretty good stand up comic. He or she will tell some pretty common stories. Ones that, on their own may  not seem like much on paper.

But how they deliver them is what makes the difference.

Not only do they use incredible gestures and “out of the box” facial expressions, but they take those normal stories, and break them up so we can’t help but focus our attention on them.

For comparisons sake, take a regular person. They start talking to one or two people at a party. For some reason, they really get into their story. A cool feedback loop is created between speaker and listener.

Before long, a crowd grows. But then something happens. The person suddenly gets nervous. Instead of telling their story to close friends, now they’re the center of attention, and it may feel a bit strange.

What if you could feel outgoing, energetic and charismatic around not only your friends, but strangers as well?

What if you didn’t have to wait around for moments like that to “just happen”?

The truth is that you can. But it takes some practice.

The thing about people who are naturally charismatic is that they appreciate life. Not just the awesome parts, but the normal, everyday parts.

Remember, it’s really not the content (WHAT we are talking about) that people like about us. It’s the structure, it’s HOW we are talking about it.

Now, some people go overboard, and lay on some really fake charisma. This is easy to spot a mile away.

This what cheesy salespeople do when you talk about stuff you KNOW they don’t care about, but pretend to.

What I’m talking about is real, honest to goodness appreciation.

How do you practice this?

Just take a few moments every day, and take a few minutes off. Close your eyes, slowly breathe in and out, and feel the force of life pulsing through you.

Feel and appreciate that deep presence of energy that has been there since the dawn of time, and will be there long, long into the future.

Slowly feel this energy resonate through you, and generate genuine appreciation for this energy.

The energy of you. The energy that allows you to experience the world, be in the world, and change the world every time you interact with it.

Practice feeling that appreciation, and that appreciation will grow.

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Nonsensical Physics 

Leverage The Unseen

Mysteries Of Science

When I was a kid used to LOVE quantum physics.

Well, at least the concepts. I’d read a bunch of books where they’d taken out the math, so to make it more accessible to everyday guys like me.

Now, from an ultra “meta” standpoint, everything makes sense. Everything is governed by laws and principles.

But from a human standpoint, only a small sliver of a sliver makes any rational sense.

There’s plenty of psychological tests to prove this.

They take a logical puzzle, put it in non-familiar terms (like cards and shapes and colors) and most people fail miserably.

They take the same logical puzzle, put it in a familiar social setting, and everybody gets it. Easy peasy.

Same goes with simple math. Two plus two is four. Two times four is eight.

But start talking about economics, especially when you get into what some economists called the “unseen,” then things get crazy.

One of the most mind numbing aspect of quantum physics was Heisenberg’s Principle of Uncertainty.

He mathematically showed that ultra tiny systems behave in different ways when they are being observed, and when they aren’t being observed.

This is assuming there’s no interaction between the observer and that which is observed.

Why this happens, nobody really knows.

Another thing that blows people’s minds is the derivation of the Ideal Gas Law.

(The what of what??)

You know how when you pop a balloon, it makes a big sound, right? Or if you poked a hole in an inflated tire, all the air would quickly rush out, right?

Why does that happen?

Most of us assume it’s because all those air molecules are in there, crammed so tightly together they can’t stand each other, and can’t wait to get away from each other, right?

Makes perfect sense, but it’s wrong.

There’s a certain equation that describes EXACTLY how much pressure is inside, based on the temperature, etc. And exactly how fast the gas escapes when there’s a hole, etc. And precisely how quickly a balloon will deflate when popped, etc.

So it’s clear this equation is pretty on the money, right?

But here’s the thing. That equation is based on this assumption that DOES NOT MAKE SENSE.

What’s that?

That every single particle of air in there (the balloon, the tire, etc) THINKS that it is all alone.

That equation is based on the assumption that there is ZERO interaction between particles in there.

Which means there must be some OTHER explanation why they all rush out so fast.

Maybe the universe has some deeper laws, that NOBODY understands.

And all we can ever see is what’s on the surface.

Kind of like you.

Most people you interact with only see the OUTSIDE. The very outer layer of what you present.

Inside, you know there is much, much more.

Are you ready to discover it?

What Happens When People Start Yelling?

It's Not You It's Them

It’s Not You, It’s Them

Most people have heard of the “Pareto Principle,” or as it’s more often called, the 80/20 rule.

In any kind of distribution, 20% of the stuff is doing 80% of the action.

If you’ve got a large sales force, 20% of the salespeople are making 80% of the sales.

If you’ve got a hundred shirts, you wear 20% of them 80% of the time.

This also comes into play when we’re talking to strangers. One huge fear that most people have is getting rejected.

So when we’ve got some idea or even a desire to simply get out there and express ourselves, we hold back because of what we fear.

But as you know, most of our fears never come true.

So what’s going to happen when we actually get out there and start talking to people (for whatever reason)?

That familiar 80/20 rule is going to kick in.

80% of the people we talk to won’t budge one way or the other. They won’t hate us, they won’t love us.

They won’t disagree with us, they won’t agree with us.

And within that twenty percent, ten will absolutely fall in love with us and our ideas, and the other ten will act like we’ve committed the gravest sin even in looking at them.

A long time ago, I used to sell cars. This young couple came in, and wanted to buy a car, but we didn’t have the right color. I told them I’d order it for them, and call them when it came in.

Only when they wrote their number down, I couldn’t read the last two digits. So I just started with 01 and worked my way up to 99 (at least that was the plan). 

I was shocked to find out that one in ten (that ten percent) were very angry that I’d called their home. I wasn’t trying to sell them anything. I just was asking for a specific person. 

Most people said, “Sorry, wrong number.” and I said, “Oops.” and that was that.

But one in ten got really angry.

At first, it made me a little intimidated. But after a couple people started yelling at me, it started to become kind of funny. 

Now, I’m not saying you should go out and hassle people on the street just to have a few laughs, but it is pretty interesting how tightly wound up people are.

And after the third or fourth person started into their tirade, I didn’t feel it was me at all. I KNEW they were yelling at me for their own reasons.

After all, how could they possibly be angry at me, when all I said was, “Hi is Robert there?”

Think about this next time you’re thinking about interacting with strangers. One, all your fears are false. Two, the people that do give you grief, is on them, not you.

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