Category Archives: Persuasion

How To Float Through Life Without Resistance

People who take the time to improve their skills generally do much better in life than those who don’t.

Sure, some people get lucky, and somehow stumble their way to love or riches, but for the most part, people who have achieved greatness in their lives do so simply because they made a decision to do so.

And they stuck with it, no matter what. There’s all kinds of stories and anecdotes, most of which you’ve likely heard, that support this. Every successful business has three or four failures behind it, you’ve gotta get through ten “no’s” before you get to that all important, “yes,” etc.

The idea of “keeping your eye on the prize” has been around for a long, long time. The reason is that this statement is true (keep your eyes on the prize) both literally and metaphorically.

If you’re running a race, for example, you’d be much better of starting directly at the finish line that your competitors.

If you’ve got a big goal in life, it’s MUCH easier if you focus on that big fat juicy goal than all the little problems that WILL come up from time to time.

If you look at those tiny problems in light of the massive accomplishment your life is becoming, they’ll be small blips. But if you lose sight of your purpose, and stare at those little bumps in the road, they’ll likely morph into giant mountains of doom.

Kind of like when I went parachuting for the first time. The guy told me, right before I jumped out, “Don’t look down!” But he also described WHY I shouldn’t look down. 

Not because it was scary or anything, but he said that when people tend to look down, they “fixate” on something down below, and miss the wonderful experience of just “floating” in mid-air, which is what it feels like when you reach “terminal velocity.”

And that “floating” feeling something that I completely didn’t expect. Nothing I’ve ever experienced comes close.

Well, almost nothing. The truth is that we all tend to move through life and “forget” about who we are and who’s around us.

The only thing that compares to that wonderful “floating” feeling (besides sex, anyway) is when you get into a conversation with somebody, and it’s just a free flowing exchange of wonderful ideas, each one building up the last, into a self sustaining loop of wonderful creativity and discovery.

Most people rarely experience this, but with the right language technology, you can literally generate that feeling at will.

Turn On Your Natural Charisma

What makes somebody charismatic?

You know, the kind of person who walks into a room, and all heads turn. The kind of person who slowly checks out the people, and all the people are thinking the same thing:

“I hope they come and talk to me!”

Most people assume this is purely based on looks. Certainly, if an ultra hot guy or girl walked into a room, they would have this effect.

But this is something much deeper than that. This has to do with incredibly magnetic personal energy that people are drawn to, on a very basic unconscious level, that goes WAY beyond looks or physical appearance.

In fact, even if somebody isn’t otherwise attractive, but they have this magnetic quality, people will be MUCH more interested in them than some brainless beauty (guy or girl).

How can you get that quality?

On a deep level, it’s how you view yourself, and the world around you. 

Most people are worried what people will think about them, and all their thoughts, behaviors, and even micro-movements are designed to elicit that desperately needed approval and validation.

The first step is to get rid of that need for validation and approval from others. But that’s only half the battle. If you only did that, you wouldn’t care what people thought about you, but you wouldn’t much care about other people as well.

That’s why the second piece of the puzzle is crucial. And that is to simply realize that within other people, is treasure.

Wonderful treasure that will take somebody like you to carefully elicit and magnify.

This will change your energy on such a deep and fundamental level that it doesn’t matter WHAT you look like, what kind of clothes you wear, or any of that other “surface level” stuff.

They’ll just notice that YOUR energy is much different than anybody else’s.

You feel comfortable in your own skin, you totally accept and appreciate yourself, and you are genuinely interested in them.

And when they hear the language you use, and how you structure your communication, they will be completely and absolutely transfixed.

In you.

How To Leverage Her Desires For Incredible Attraction

One of the easiest ways to get a girl interested in you is to use her own naturally occurring desires.

Every human has a huge collection of unmet wants and needs. As soon a we achieve something, it’s not long before we want something else.

Nothing wrong with this, it’s just human nature.

Some of these things are simple, like getting something to eat or drink.

Some of these are much deeper and more powerful, like expressing your true self, and getting that deep feeling of accomplishment.

Whenever we look out into the world, we do so through a set of filters. How we see the world, and interpret it will be HUGELY influenced by these filters.

Most people don’t even know they exist, let alone understand how we can not only adjust our own, but how to covertly adjust the filters of others.

Advertisers have known this for centuries. You put an attractive girl next to a product, any product, and she’s going to evoke feelings, sometimes unconscious, of sexual desire.

We then see that product through that filter of sexual desire, making it much more attractive, no matter what it is.

If you can get a girl looking at you through similar filters (not necessarily sexual desire), she’ll have a hard time NOT being attracted to you.

What kind of filters?

Anything that has to do with those deep desires that we all have. Feelings of excitement, hope, wonder, joy, deep emotional pleasure, dreams for the future.

The secret is that these are pretty easy to elicit. All you’ve got to do is establish a base level of rapport (which is pretty easy and automatic, since humans are “pack animals”), and you’re good to go.

Just ask the right questions, follow up questions, and leverage those things that she wants.

Truth is, when you talk about HER deep desires, wants and dreams, you really won’t have to talk about yourself at all.

Learn to do this, and you can literally create attraction in pretty much any girl you meet.

How To Create Congruence

The power of congruence is often misunderstood, or not even realized by many.

Sometimes we feel like everything’s easy, and other times it just feels like everything we do is doomed to failure. Sometimes we get all green lights, other times it seems we can’t help but to get stuck in traffic.

The deep feeling of congruence, when everything just effortlessly “flows” is pretty cool. Everything just “clicks” in the right way, and stuff happens without any effort or scarcely any conscious thought.

Even simple things like going to see a show with your friends are ten times more enjoyable when everything just automatically falls into place. You get the best parking spot, you show up and get the perfect seats. You get up to buy some popcorn and nobody’s in line so it only takes a couple seconds.

Congruence is even better when it’s happens spontaneously between people. Either somebody you’ve just met or an old friend.

Once I was in an airport bar, waiting for my boarding call. I had about two hours, and I hadn’t brought anything to read. Then I saw some girl reading a book that I’d read. She noticed I was looking at her book, and we started a conversation. Turns out we both had loads in common, and the two hours seemed to pass in a few minutes.  One thing just let to another, conversationally speaking, and before I knew it I heard my boarding call. Easy, effortless and enjoyable.

Most of the time this happens spontaneously, but it can be created. But if we wait for conversational congruence to happen spontaneously, we’ll be missing out on a LOT.

Because once you open yourself up to all the potential, you’ll literally find opportunities everywhere you go.

Doesn’t matter if you’re selling something, looking to make a friend, or just want pass the time with an enjoyable conversation.

When you understand the structure of language, and how to let the other person’s criteria lead the conversation, you’ll find it easy to make friends wherever you go.