You Made A Move – Now What?
She answers one of your questions, or you say something hoping she’ll respond, and now she’s just staring at you, waiting for you to say something.
Brain Freeze!
Open Ended Questions
Instead, asks questions that take some thought, and longer responses. However, be careful that you don’t put her on the spot, or ask any questions that might make her feel defensive. For example, if you ask her what she does for a living, or what she’s studying in school, follow up with some questions like this:
- How Did You Get Into That?
- What Would You Like To Be Doing In A Couple Years?
- Have You Always Been Interested In That?
Look For Similarities
On the other hand, if she’s having trouble choosing a major, and you are too, then say you are, and explain why. Or if she doesn’t really like her job and is looking for another one, chances are you are too.
Pay Attention To “Trance Words”
Tell Engaging Stories
That’s why it’s a good idea to do most of the heavy lifting, at least in the beginning.
Then later on, after you’ve had a few conversations, you can start to lay back a bit and let her do more of the talking. But at first, realize that you should at least be able to fill in the blanks when she comes up blank.
A fantastic way to do that is to tell stores. The good news is these can be about anything. Really, anything. Stupid boring stuff that happened on your way to work. Some old lady you saw picking her nose in the park, or your boss walking down the hall with a string of toilet paper on his shoe.
The real secret of telling interesting stories is HOW you tell them, not WHAT you talk about.
Be Prepared
Be Energetic
If you are the same way when telling stories, she’ll be into you.
Pay Attention To Story Structure
Understanding where these points are in your own stories will help.
A lot.
One thing that will definitely increase her interest in you is how you shift from story to story. If you start one story, finish it, and then go on to the next one, she’ll get pretty bored, pretty quickly.
On the other hand, if you switch from story A to story B, just as story A is about to get good, she’ll be really into you.
The human brain HATES unfinished business. So when you leave a bunch of “open loops” she won’t help getting more and more interested in you.
This does take some practice, but it’s easy to practice with some buddies or even by yourself when you’re out driving around.
(Or you could go down to your local mall and stand there alone in the food court practicing your story telling, and see how long it takes you to get arrested!)
You’ll also notice that this technique is used by some the best comedians in the world. When you think about it, the stuff they talk about is pretty common, everyday stuff. It’s how they structure that common, everyday stuff that makes them so entertaining.
How to Break Up The Stories
If you do this while smiling and having fun, she’ll literally NEVER forget you, even if you’re talking about doing your laundry. She’ll most definitely be interested in you!
Her Ideal Future
Like if she’s studying biology in school, ask her if her plans played out perfectly, and she got the perfect job, what would her life look like in five years.
This way, she’ll be talking about her big dreams, while looking at you. That’s pretty good!
No Spots
Also, avoid asking any questions where any potential answer might make her feel uncomfortable. Remember, this is a first conversation, and she’s using this conversation to form a first impression of you. And since first impressions are hard to change, you want to start off on the right foot.
Don’t Be Afraid To Disagree
If all you say is “Hey, me too!” she’s going to think you’re pretty fake. But if you take the opportunity to disagree, and tell her why, she’ll know you’re for real.
Bottom Line
And remember the most important rule of all:
There’s PLENTY of girls out there. Relax, have fun, and see each and every girl as a simple opportunity to enjoy life and have some fun. Not a life or death situation.
If YOU enjoy the conversation, chances are so will she.