What’s the secret line to say to any girl and make her fall in love with you?
That is the most common desire that most guys have.
Unfortunately, it’s the wrong question.
It would be like walking into a bakery, and asking about your upcoming birthday party.
“What is the BEST icing to put on the cake to make sure everybody likes the cake?”
If you asked that question, the baker would laugh and ask you what you meant.
Similarly, what you SAY to a girl is not nearly as important as what YOU are under the words.
Think about what words are. A way to describe the thoughts in our mind.
People “judge us” (whether we like it or not) based on WHO we are.
Our thoughts and the words we describe them with give them an IDEA of who we are.
Think of it this way.
Imagine there WAS some kind of “pick up line” that had been created by seduction scientists in their seduction lab.
And imagine a few hundred different guys went out to say this “magic” pick up line.
Some of the guys were nervous and sweaty.
Other guys were confident and laid back.
Some guys had horrible breath.
Other guys couldn’t make eye contact to save their lives.
If you looked at all the results, and you did a scientific analysis, you would come to the conclusion that the words are the LEAST important.
Since that was the ONE THING that all the guys shared, but they got different results.
So the actual WORDS you say to her aren’t the most important thing.
Or they don’t NEED to be.
Or they are important but only AFTER you get the “basics down.”
What are the basics?
A certain attitude, that you CANNOT fake.
One that radiates a POWERFUL MESSAGE to every girl you interact with, verbally or not.
One that says, “there are plenty of girls, and I’m talking to you to see if you are interesting enough for me.”
With this UNDERLYING attitude, that you radiate with your energy (body language, eye contact, movements, gestures, etc), what you say isn’t nearly as important.
Of course, if you decide AFTER you talk to her long enough, that she IS qualified, you CAN use language technology.
But it won’t be to IMPRESS her.
It will be to ENJOY her.
How do you get this underlying attitude?
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