How I Blew A Threesome

Three Girls

So Close!

I remember once I had a three-way in college.

Hang on there, it’s not what you think!

I have no idea how or why it started, but it ended quickly, and it was all my fault.

I was at this party, hanging out with my boys, drinking, smoking etc.

And I found myself sitting in a chair, up against the wall, kind of facing the main room.

And there were two girls on either side of me.

Out Of Nowhere

I don’t remember how it started, but I was in the PERFECT mood for pick up. I was enjoying myself, I was enjoying the company of the girls and I didn’t really care what happened.

So the two girls started getting ULTRA playful. I’m talking MAJOR kino. Tickling me, whispering in my ears, breathing on my neck, running their fingernails up my legs.

Wait, What?

I was flabbergasted. Since I wasn’t paying much attention, it was like it came out of nowhere.

So what did I do? Enjoy it? Allow them to keep doing what they were doing?

Nope. I wrecked the frame, and ruined everything.


In my nervousness, instead of just accepting what was happening, and going with it as congruently as possible, I let my ego take over. I suddenly looked out over the party, and took on a huge fake alpha stance, and tried to “show off” my new found “game.”

Ego Killer

My attitude quickly went to “Hey everybody! Look at me! I’m so cool! I’ve got two girls on me!”

The girls quickly picked up on this, and left.


As soon as it started, it was over.

Now, could I actually have gotten both these girls into bed? Who knows. Maybe. Probably. They were in a frisky mood, the alcohol was flowing. Finals had just ended. It was a one of time opportunity, but I blew it.

Instead of just pacing the situation, pacing the frame, pacing the energy, I tried to exploit it.

Moral of the story?

Don’t Use Girls To Prove Your Alpha-Ness

If you’re picking up girls to show off what an alpha dog you are to your buddies, your success will be very limited. In order to pull this off, you REALLY have to be that ultra alpha jerk that SOME girls go for.

But if you’re picking up girls because you want to enjoy their company, enjoy their energy, and enjoy their sexuality, you’ve got to learn to pace the energy, pace the frame, and then slightly lead them to where you want to go.

If you try and do this consciously, it’s easy to mess it up. But when you trust your unconscious, trust your instincts, it will be like magic.

And THIS is the stuff that girls FANTASIZE about.

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