How To Enjoy Any Conversation

Do You Use Robot Game?

Memorized lines can work wonders, but they can also set you up for massive failure.

There was a group back in the day called Milli Vanilli.

They became famous because they were totally fake. They had a couple of number one albums, but they embarrassingly exposed themselves as frauds.

They didn’t write OR perform any of their music. All they did was lip sync. And during one concert, it went horribly wrong. The track they were lip syncing to got stuck. It kept repeating the same part over and over.

It only took a couple of days before their whole careers went down in flames.

Don’t Be Milli Vanilli

This is kind of what happens if you rely too much on memorized lines and patterns.

Now, don’t get me wrong, it’s always good to have a couple of memorized openers, but that’s about it.

But how you respond to her and interact with her IN THE MOMENT will determine your level of success.

Which means you need to have a couple of things.

Think On Your Feet

One is conversational flexibility. Meaning if you’re in the middle of some story, and she blurts out something completely off the wall, you’ve got to deal with it.

The BEST way, is not to ignore her, or diss her, but to PACE what she said, and then simply fold it back into your story.

This is a great way to validate her AND keep the frame at the same time.

This can be tricky if you don’t have a lot of experience with social conversations.

Build Up Your Confidence

But when you start to work on your social confidence, AND your social intelligence, you’ll see going out in public, and just talking to random strangers (girls AND guys) in a whole new light.

You won’t see ANY conversation (girl or guy) as a Pass/Fail scenario, but just a fun conversation that can serve two purposes.

One, to have fun.

Two, to increase your skills.

And this will give you the relaxed, confident attitude that women LOVE.

To increase your social intelligence, check this out:

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