How To Learn About Her And Easily Resonate With Her Attraction Triggers

Find Her Heart

Are You Trying To Be A Seduction Robot?

What’s the difference between learning and doing?

It’s really just a matter of perspective.

Most guys fall into a trap (at one point or another) of thinking there is some specific procedure or process of getting girls. All they need is to somehow “put the pieces together” and they’ll suddenly have all their lady problems solved.

The simple, and sometimes harsh, truth is human interactions are incredibly complex, and are never the same. Just like the old saying, “You can never step in the same river twice,” you can never talk to the same person twice.


Always In Flux

Every second you are moving forward through life. And every second you add to your experience, which slightly changes your perceptions, your beliefs and your ideas.

Even the physical biology and chemicals that make up “you” are always changing, with every inhale and exhale.

Scientists believe that about every seven years, EVERY SINGLE MOLECULE in your body has been changed out.

So when it comes to human interaction, how could there EVER be a step by step process, that would guarantee ANY result?

Nobody Stays The Same

Even couples who have been together often drift apart because they “change.”

If you’ve ever had a girlfriend for more than a couple of weeks, you KNOW this. That person you talked to after a month or two is TOTALLY DIFFERENT than the girl you first met.

If you can’t predict the behavior of ONE SINGLE PERSON, how in the world are you going to predict the behavior of ALL PEOPLE?

Mental Shortcuts Or Mental Myths?

Yet this is what a lot of guys expect, and think exists. Some kind of step by step process, some kind of memorized lines and patterns that will REMOVE RISK, and GUARANTEE that they get laid.

Many people can be married for YEARS and still not know how to talk to their partner.

Does that mean that it’s all random? Not at all.

The specifics will change with every person, but the basic principles and structures still apply.

Always Be Learning

The secret of becoming successful with women is ditching any kind of “process” that you think you need to “know” before taking action.

The secret is to see every single interaction as a LEARNING PROCESS that will add to your collection of experience.

If you see all interactions as a learning process, you will NEVER fail, because you will ALWAYS learn something.

And once that worry of perfection is gone, and you open yourself up to learning, you’ll be a lot more relaxed, and a lot more successful.

To make it much, much easier, learn to open up your natural learner, so you can learn how to learn even FASTER.

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