How To Vanish Painful Memories

Mental Magic

Mental Time Travel

There’s a lot of cool movies involving some kind of age regression.

Some adult goes back to his high school days, for example, but with an adult mind.

I’m sure you could think of PLENTY of things you could better if you had a chance to do them again.

Of course, if you KNEW you were going to go back in time, and had a week to prepare, that would be pretty cool.

You’d check a couple years ahead of your “target” time period, and refresh your memory on all the news, sports results, and yes, stock market results.

Of course, then you’d have to worry about the whole “butterfly effect” thing.

You might come back to the present only to find everything’s changed. (Like when this happened on The Simpsons, everything was the same except it rained doughnuts!)

This is also a pretty good plot device in any kind of Sci-Fi or fantasy based movie. Terminator, Star Trek, and many, many others.

This is likely a popular plot device because it’s such a common desire. We’d LOVE to go back and change the past!

If only to take advantage of that one opportunity that we didn’t, or NOT say or do that thing we did.

As we move through life, we really don’t have the benefits of hindsight. Everything looks so easy after we’ve been through it.

It’s always so easy to see where we went wrong, or what somebody else did wrong.

Or is it?

The thing about human memory is it is INCREDIBLY weak. Even things you are SURE happened one way, they maybe happened another way.

You’ve probably had discussions like this with your friends, where either you or them were absolutely CERTAIN about the way things went, only to find evidence of the contrary.

This is kind of a weird, and somewhat uncomfortable feeling.

You’re absolutely positive beyond doubt that there’s three slices of pizza left in the fridge, but there’s only one.

Like some ghost snuck into your place while you were sleeping and ate them all!

Even criminal prosecutors know our memories are pretty undependable. If they have an eye witness, and NOTHING else (no weapon, no evidence, etc.) there’s not much they can do.

A cop even told me once when they talk to witnesses of accidents, even within minute or two of the accident, there “testimony” is all over the place.

This is actually pretty good news.


Because of us have some pretty painful memories. But when you realize that not only are many of these not so accurate, but also that we can easily change them, we open up a whole new world.

You can go back in time (in your mind) and NEUTRALIZE all those bad memories, until they’re gone!


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