Your Secret Source Of Energy
If you’ve ever been in a “do-or-die” situation, then you’ve experienced this.
Maybe you’re completely spent emotionally, physically, even spiritually.
But then you see something or experience something that allows you to get a burst of energy.
It’s like we’re jamming along in “normal” mode, and we have a certain amount of life-juice at our disposal.
But then with the situation changes, we shift into overdrive. Kind of like when Mad Max would switch on the Nitrous Oxide on his Interceptor, giving his car a sudden boost of enormous power.
I’ve you’ve never experienced this, I’m sure you’ve heard about it. Mothers lifting cars off their kids. People suddenly getting enormous bursts of fear killing power and rushing into burning buildings.
This comes out in other ways as well. If you’ve ever been highly intoxicated, yet somehow made it home, got undressed and into bed without issue. It’s like we’ve always got a “watcher” that’s making sure we’re OK.
A lot of folks have trouble with this. They like to believe that our conscious minds are all we have. If we don’t understand something, or if we can’t control it, it doesn’t exist.
But you know the reality of our mind-body system is much, much deeper and much more profound than we can understand consciously.
If you’ve ever known the phone was going to ring, or somebody was about to knock on your door, you have experienced this.
That “other” part of you that is much more than anybody will ever know.
Sadly, most people refuse to acknowledge this. Maybe they are afraid, maybe it threatens their imaginary control over their lives, who knows.
But in the deep silence of your mind, you can connect with your “friend.”
And you’ll find that this “friend” is much more than you will ever realize.
He or she is only a thought away. A connection of deep and lasting resonance. To help you, to guide you, to support you.
Are you ready to listen?