Should You Hide Your Attraction For Her?

Be An Open Book PUA

Ditch The Day Game

Many guys think they need to “slip in under the radar” when they are out meeting girls. To some extent, this is true. If it’s obvious that you are in a club, for example, and are chatting up and number closing every girl in sight, you might put out the wrong vibe.

Nobody, girls included, likes to feel like they are just another number in a book that you get to when all the others don’t pan out.

Of course, if you see a cute girl in a place that’s NOT a meet market, then it’s usually OK to let her know why you’re talking to her. Naturally, you won’t have to say anything, since girls pretty much know that if a guy walks up to her in public, it’s not for the time or some lame, “I’m shopping for my sister” pick up angle.

If you make eye contact, do a bit of non-verbal flirting, then she knows what’s what. She likely, in her own mind, has already sent you a clear and conscious message she wants you to walk over. No point in covering up your approach by pretending your not approaching, especially when she knows you’re approaching.

So why do guys use lines like that? Short answer is they want to bypass the non-verbal flirting stage. They approach at an angle, surprise her, and try to “sneak their way in” to her mind. Then if the conversation goes well, they figure they can number close.

But unless you are VERY smooth, she’s going to know you were just running game. Now, some guys might think this makes them ultra suave and alpha PUA. But in reality, she’s going to think you were to shy to simply be straight with her.

Remember, girls like a guy with confidence. A guy that can look at her, and let her know in no uncertain terms that he likes looking at her because she is pretty. Pleasing to the eyes. Guys that are afraid to do this, and come up with “approach at an angle” type of game can come off as kind of less than honest. And weak.

Since first impressions last a long time, you may be shooting yourself in the foot before you even call her.

Bottom line is if you see a pretty girl, don’t be shy about it. Let her know you think she’s cute. Be comfortable checking her out. If she responds in kind, walk over. She’s already invited you. And when you, don’t worry about any lines or any goofy game. She knows what’s up.

Lay it all out. Say she’s pretty, say you’d like to know more about her personality. Say it in your own words, and go from there.

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