Show Her Your Magic Box

Her Treasure For You

Different Perspectives

Here’s a nice mind flip for you.

You ever do jigsaw puzzles? For every squiggly piece, there’s some squiggly piece somewhere that’s a perfect fit.

Guys approach girls like they are pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. Meaning there’s a certain thing to say, in a certain order, that will unlock her heart and her panties.

If you say the wrong thing, she’ll send you packing. If you say the right thing, you’re in between the sheets faster than a starving bunny on a carrot.

Now, let’s take a step back and see what this means.

In order for this to be true, she’s got to have an idea of what she wants you to say. She’s also got to have an idea of what she doesn’t want to say.

Is this even possible?

No Conscious Mind Required

We all know that attraction isn’t a choice. We all know it happens unconsciously. Nobody can CHOOSE to be attracted to somebody, anymore that you can CHOOSE to be hungry, or thirsty or tired or scared. When it happens, it happens. You can only go along for the ride. As the Borg like to say:

Resistance is Futile

Now, back to that girl. Is it even possible that ANY line would work? Maybe.

But think about this metaphor. Instead of talking about physical attraction, let’s talk about hunger instead.

You Love Broccoli!

Same process. If you’re hungry, you want to eat. Some things you want to eat more than others. Some things you LOVE to eat, some things you won’t eat even if you’re starving.

A girl in a club is hungry for affection. She wants to meet a guy. All girls who aren’t in a happy relationship are starving.

The problem is she doesn’t know what she wants.

If she LOVES chicken, and you show up with a plate of cheese fries, you’re out of luck.

If she’s a vegan, and you show up with a steak, you’re out of luck.

Don’t Rely On Specifics

This is the trap most guys fall into. They think there is ONE set of lines, or patterns, or techniques that will work on ALL girls.

This is just as useless as thinking that ALL hungry people want to eat the same thing.

But consider this.

The Magic Box Theory

Supposing you had a magic box. A magic box that could create ANY kind of food.

You’d walk up, find out what she wants, and whip it up with your magic box, and everybody’s happy.

Seduction is the same way. Just walk up, figure out what spins her wheels, and give it to her.

Because the magic box is your mind. And your language skills. And your ability to tell stories and move her emotions around.

Instead of throwing a bunch of memorized junk at her, talk to her. Get to know her. Give her what she really wants. And she’ll give YOU what YOU really want.

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