Follow The Same Path Of Success
Everybody’s been taught that they are special. They are unique. There’s nobody else like them, and there will never be another person like them. Ever.
Just like a snowflake.
No two are the same. This both true and false. To the extent you know the difference, you will be wildly successful. To the extent you don’t, you’ll spend life in emotional agony, and never know why.
Now, to start off with, let’s address the snowflake is unique myth. In reality, there are two snowflakes that WILL be the same, statistically speaking. But that’s now what we’re talking about.
Let’s just assume that the physical appearance of every single snowflake that ever was, and ever will be is different. As a metaphor if nothing else.
But that doesn’t mean that all snowflakes are created differently. That doesn’t mean that they don’t follow the same laws of physics. That doesn’t mean they’ll all eventually melt, turn into water, and get all their snowflake molecules (which is WATER, btw) mixed back in with everything else.
So yea, they’re all different. But they’re also all the same.
Which means you, as a human, are the same and different than everybody else.
You have the same basic desires. You face the same basic obstacles. You face the same basic limitations.
It’s only when you start to use your own unique qualities as a reason you CANNOT overcome the same obstacles everybody else has to overcome, is it GAME OVER.
To the extent you believe you CAN overcome ANY obstacle, if merely because somebody else did, then you will ALWAYS eventually be successful.
Here’s an example. Every guy would like a girl. Usually a girl that’s pretty, nice, friendly, and intelligent.
And every guy also has a bunch of reasons why they think they CAN’T get that girl.
Every. Single. Guy.
The ones that get the girl, don’t listen to their own excuses. The ones that don’t, do.
Once I knew this doctor. Smart guy. Good looking guy. Rich guy. Friendly guy. But he was also about 5’5″.
He had a rock solid belief, that no “quality girls” would date short guys. This was his REASON for thinking that he was EXCUSED from not facing the same obstacles every other guy faces.
Namely, trying and getting rejected and trying again. Over and over until you finally get the girl you want.
Because he was TOO AFRAID to even try, he created what he thought was a REASON to not try.
He thought HE WAS DIFFERENT. Every single piece of evidence he saw to the contrary, he kept telling himself the same lie. “Yea, but I’m different.”
If you hear yourself telling yourself this, it’s a lie. Which is good news. Because the single most powerful thing you can do that will SKYROCKET your success with women is to STOP BELIEVING YOUR OWN LIES.