Release Internal Resistance
Or maybe it was Princeton? Who knows.
Anyhow, the story goes that they did some kind of study on one graduating class. They checked to see which of them had written goals, and which of the didn’t.
Then they checked later on, like twenty years later on, and were surprised.
They figured the people who had written down their goals would be more successful, but they were shocked to find out how much.
Turns out that small group of folks who had written goals upon graduation (about 5%) made more money than everybody else combined.
Now, at first it seems like all we’ve got to do is write down what we want, and like magic it shows up!
But it can be one of those chicken and egg questions.
Did those people make all that money because they wrote down their goals, or was there something else?
Maybe they had some quality that compelled them to not only write their goals, but achieve them.
Maybe writing down their goals was not a cause, but merely one small piece of evidence of their internal drive to achieve.
Of course, because you’re reading this now, YOU also have that deep drive to achieve. Otherwise you’d be spending your time following the latest twitter trend, or wondering how long the sale is going on down at the mall.
One thing that’s not taught in almost every “goal setting” course or even workshop is how to maintain present positives.
This is the one hidden roadblock that keeps MANY of us from achieving our goals.
For example, many people would LOVE to lose weight, but somehow can’t. The reason is there are some benefits that we are usually not aware of that we simply aren’t ready to give up.
And this goes beyond the wonderful sensation of letting that chocolate ice cream melt in your mouth!
Eating reduces stress, being heavier than you would like can give you a ready excuse to not get out there and mingle, or any other kinds of reasons.
These are just examples of course, but many things we THINK we’d like, there’s part of us that is not really willing to move forward.
Unless we address THAT part of us, we’ll stay stuck. We can either charge through with super human will power and determination (like those dudes from Harvard), or we can do it the easy way.
Just figure out we want to keep, and make sure we keep it AFTER we get what we want.
Once you figure this out, it’s pretty easy. Goal setting isn’t boring, isn’t scary, and once you realize that you really CAN get anything, it’s pretty exciting.