Are You Trying To Save The World?

Are You Trying This?

How To Save Your World

The world is a mysterious place.

The second you think you’ve got it figured out, suddenly you don’t.

I remember a long time ago, when I was a kid. I was interested in science, and I figured if I read a few science books, I’d have the world figured out.

I took this mindset all through college, where I got a degree in physics. But the more I knew, the less I knew.

All along I figured physicists would be able to definitively say what was what. But in reality, they really don’t know. Sure, sometimes they’ve got a theory that can be proven in a laboratory, or in the skies, but often times this isn’t the case.

Most people have an idea that they’d like to “change the world.” But if you can barely grasp how the world operates, how in the heck are you going to “save it?”

The answer is “one step at a time.”

OK, but which steps?

Who decides what they are?

The Invisible Hand Always Rules Supreme

The Invisible Hand

There’s this fantastic theory in economics called “Spontaneous Order.” It basically means that when you put a bunch of humans together, even if they don’t know each other, they’ll start or organize themselves, from the bottom up.

This happens without any goof in charge telling people what to do. This is just people, on their own, figuring out what they need, and what they can contribute. 

There’s plenty of examples of this in prisons, especially POW camps. This is a place where the guards definitely DON’T want people to organize themselves, but they do anyhow.

In WWII for example, where they had POW camps filled with soldiers for years at a time, entire economies sprung up out of nothing. Some guys became barbers, some guys grew vegetables, some guys became laundry cleaners.

Now, this can only happen if it’s programmed into us. Deep into our DNA. Part of the human mind is hard wired to get in the game, and interact with others.

Helping others get what they want, so you can get what you want. WHATEVER that is.

And since we’re living in a GLOBAL economy, with BILLIONS of people, there’s really no limit.


All you’ve got to do is get in the game.

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