Author Archives: mindpersuasion

 How To Practice With Girls And Improve Your Skills

Way, way back in the old days, you had to learn through apprenticeship.

Meaning before schools were ever invented, if you wanted to learn a trade, you had to find somebody that was already successful in that trade, and who would take you on as an apprentice.

And often times, these “apprenticeships” lasted years. It served a lot of purposes. One was to make sure you were really trained in the field. Another was to limit the amount of people entering into the field. Another was to preserve whatever “traditions” were associated with that field.

Learning By Doing

Of course, all of these trades were hands-on, skill dependent. Artists, plumbers, welders, etc.

It took a long, long time before you “entered” the profession before you were considered a “master” of the profession.

This was GREAT for customers, because they KNEW that any person they hired would know what they were doing, after having spent decades perfecting their craft.

What’s this got to do with seduction and getting girls?


See, most guys have been conned by slick talking marketers that there’s some secret “method” or magic set of words that will get any girl in your bed.

Always Expand Your Skills

As if picking up a girl is like baking a cake, where all you need to is learn the right steps in the right order, and expect them to work every time.

The truth is that EVERY SINGLE GIRL is different. One “line” make work like magic on one girl, but fall flat on the girl sitting right next to her.

That shirt you wore last weekend may make you look like a stud to one girl, but may make you look like a geek to another girl.

Constantly Evolving

The HARSH truth about LIFE, (and seduction) is that there really isn’t any one-size-fits-all strategy.

Even those old school artisans took YEARS to learn their craft, and they were operating on inanimate objects, or animals.

But if you are intending to “operate” on others, it’s going to take a lot longer than a weekend seminar to get proficient.

The ONLY thing that will help you is YOUR OWN experience. The more girls you talk to, the more experience you’ll have, and the more stuff you’ll be able to think up IN THE MOMENT.

Think On Your Feet

The more flexible you are IN THE MOMENT, the more attractive you’ll be.

Consider talking to girls as ALWAYS part of your “apprenticeship” of life.

Since it’s only practice, there’s really nothing to lose. Just have some fun, gain some experience, and increase your skills.

It will help A LOT if you turn on your natural learner, so you can learn even more.

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Are You A Worker Bee?

I love reading about history.

The story of the developments of various society is pretty fascinating. Who did what, why what armies attacked what cities, strategies that worked, strategies that didn’t work.

Once I bought this HUGE book that was filled with historical timelines all the way back to the beginning.

My friend thought I was nuts, as the book was about fifty bucks.

Everywhere Tells A Tale

However, choosing a point on the globe, and then starting back at the dawn of history, and getting all the important events on an easy to read timeline was pretty cool. You got all the good stuff, without having to wade through all the boring stuff.

In school, though, history was the subject I absolutely HATED.

Incredibly boring, AND it was right after lunch, where I had to struggle just to stay awake, let alone pay attention.

Context Is Everything

It’s interesting how the very same subject, as taught in school, is so boring I’d rather dig a ditch with a spoon, but as an adult I find it fascinating.

It’s as if they did everything in their power to make school as painful as possible. Like the teachers sit around in their teacher meetings and make sure their lessons are as mind numbingly boring as possible.

Most of us associate “learning” with school, but if you’re honest, the most important lessons you’ve ever learned in life came OUTSIDE of school.

Life lessons. Money lessons. Relationship lessons. Health lessons. Love lessons.

Lifelong Learning

The truth is that you ARE a natural learner. The purpose of school was NOT to educate you, but to turn you into a conformist factor worker. A worker bee. A drone.

Once you free yourself from the shackles of that old mindset, and realize how intelligent you are, and how much of a natural learner you are, you’ll come to a startling conclusion.

YOU can learn ANYTHING.

Any skill, any collection of information, any category of knowledge, any behavior.


What do YOU want to learn?

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Learn Like A Natural To Be A Natural

There’s a secret of game that most gurus will NEVER tell you.

If they did, their income stream would stop, and the myth that there’s ONE secret set of techniques and behaviors would get any girl would vanish.

In order to become an absolute NATURAL, so you can get ALL the girls you want, or that ONE special girl is simply by learning from the very BEST teacher.

Learn From The Best Teacher

Who’s the best teacher?


But not the “now” you, the “before” you.

AND the “future” you.


Time Travel Seduction

Imagine this, there you are, looking out into a sea of gorgeous girls just desperate for Mr. Right to sweep the off their feet and bang them silly.

You imagine a potential future you doing precisely that.

Then you look back quickly to a past you, that did something or tried something similar.

Then you quickly calculate the difference, and take a stab at it. Walk over, try something, and see what happens.

Continuous Improvement

No matter WHAT happens, if you get some get told to take a hike, you WILL add to your experience.

So that the NEXT TIME, you’ll do even better.

This is the NATURAL way that ALL HUMANS are hard wired to learn.

Not from some goofball in front of a seminar room, but from their own experience.

The more experience you get, the better you’ll get.

Are You Relying on Magic?

Now, I know a lot of people believe in magic. That there’s some kind of magical “fix” that will suddenly transform you into a lady killer, so you’ll NEVER have to worry about “game” again.

But you KNOW that is pure nonsense. Marketing crap. Advertising snake oil.

Seduction is a skill, like any other skill. The more you practice, the better you’ll get.

The quickest way to get better, with an absolute minimum of anxiety and rejection is learn in congruence with your natural programming.

Instead of “forcing” anything, just relax, and do what comes natural. Every single action will get easier and easier.

Trial and Error Is The Key

And just like being a kid, and learning to walk, ride a bike, or whatever, you’ll find the learning process is not only natural and easy, but very rewarding.

That means that the simple process of “learning” seduction will be so enjoyable, you won’t even feel like you are “working.”

You’ll feel like you are playing. And you will be.

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Lifelong Learning - Learn Like A Kid Again

There’s a myth that humans stop learning when we turn seven or eight.

To be sure, the stuff we learn BEFORE we turn seven or eight can be difficult to UNLEARN, but that doesn’t meant that it gets harder to learn new stuff.

Linear Progression

Meaning most people don’t change their religions a bunch of times as they move through adulthood, but they certainly DO learn all kinds of new skills.

In fact, your brain is hard wired to LEARN for LIFE, not just as a kid.

So what changes?

The main thing that changes is your environment. Before seven or eight, you’ve got NOTHING to worry about, except learning. Not money, not relationships, not school, only learning and staying out of trouble.

But then they stick us in school, and we’ve got all kinds of other stuff that gets in the way.

We’re stuck in a room all day with people we don’t know very well, and FORCED to sit still and pay attention when that’s the LAST thing we want to do.

Imagine going back in time, to the caveman days. Imagine looking at a group of kids 10-15 years old.

Super Boring!

Would they likely be sitting under a tree listening to some old guy talk about ancient history?

No way. They’d be out and about, following the adults, and learning how to BE an adult.

Not filling their heads with silly nonsense just so they can pass a test so they don’t get yelled at.

The truth is that humans are a very, very unique animal. Sure we’ve got TONS of instincts, (food, sex, running away from tigers and cockroaches) but we’ve also got UNLIMITED learning capacity.

Unlimited Capacity

No matter how much stuff you’ll learn, your brain will NEVER get full.

Which means the amount of knowledge and skills can ALWAYS grow.

Whatever you WANT to learn, you can.

Whatever skills you want, you CAN get them.

Unlock your genius, and the world is yours.

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Linguistic Ninja Techniques

Being conversationally fluent is a fantastic skill to have.

Meaning if you can talk about a lot of different stuff, it WILL make you a lot more attractive?


What’s In It For Me?

Remember the old rule from Dale Carnegie, that everybody is always listening to their favorite radio station: WII-FM, which of course means “What’s In It For Me.”

If you walk up and start jabbering away to some gorgeous girl about what YOU find interesting, it will only “work” if she happens to also find it interesting.

But chances are, she’s going to be bored to tears.

The secret is to find out SHE’S interested in, and then talk about that, as if YOU’RE an expert.

Then share your own experiences on the subject, entice her to share hers, and then use HER desires and interests to covertly move the conversation wherever you want.

Their Model Of The World

The secret to getting anybody to do anything is to simply take what YOU want, and speak about it using THEIR terms, their ideas, and there desires.

This is pretty easy in a straight up sales conversation, where everybody knows their “roles.”

They’re buying something, you are selling something. So asking them what they are interested in when it comes to “Product X” is a pretty straightforward question.

But if you ask a girl you’ve just met what she’s looking for in a boyfriend, it will seem a little forced, to say the least.

Ease Your Way In

That’s why you’ve got to be a bit sly. Start off in her frame, then slowly pull her into your frame, then dip back into her frame, then back into yours, etc.

With enough conversational flexibility, this game of “cat and mouse” is INCREDIBLY seductive on a deep level.

Keeping Her On Edge

By moving her around with stories and emotions, most based on HER information, it will be like nothing she’s ever experienced.

Now, this may seem incredibly complicated, but it’s pretty easy once you get the hang of it.

There are some pretty easy ways to seriously jack up your verbal flexibility, making you a seduction ninja.

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Rediscover Your Brain Power

Once upon a time, you were a raving genius.

Your brain and the world, through your perceptions and experience, were like opposite sites of a magnet, irresistibly attracted to one another.

You looked out into the world through your eyes, saw beautiful and fascinating things, touched and felt things, and learned how to interact with reality to get what you wanted.

It wasn’t always easy, in fact it rarely was. But it was fun. Trying, getting feedback, and trying again was pretty much the story of your life.

Relentlessly moving forward, learning, experiencing, and learning some more.

What Happened To Your Genius?

Then something happened.

All those helpful and loving adults suddenly changed their tune.

Instead of being so “cute,” you were suddenly a pain in the you-know-what.

Then when you went to school, it got even worse. A bunch of people, just like you, were being herded like cattle.

Told to sit there, (for hours and hours) in really uncomfortable chairs while you were forced to listen to some boring person talk about some boring subject.

Lifelong Learning Is Natural

There’s a myth that the brain somehow “shuts off” when we reach a certain age, and to some extent, maybe it does.

But I’m sure being plucked out of a fun, learning, and safe environment and forced into some scary brainwashing center (um, I mean “school”) doesn’t help much.

The good news is your genius is still there.

Get Rid Of The Junk

All you’ve got to do is remove all those layers of gunk that were laid down on top of it by years of education, and you’ll be amazed what you can do.

Luckily, it’s not so hard. Kind of like remembering to ride a bike again after being told it’s impossible.

Just get on and start peddling, and let the fun being.

Learning, discovering, and unleashing your MASSIVE creativity.

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Generate Natural Attraction

How do you talk to a girl?

If you’re like most guys, you’ve got a problem. You see girls everywhere. You are attracted to girls everywhere. But when it comes time to walk over and say something, your brain suddenly shuts down.

The truth is that your language, self confidence, self esteem and frame are all linked together.

Forget The Tricks

A lot of guys think all they need is a bunch of memorized lines, or some bling, or some magic tricks, and then they’ll be getting some.

The problem is that girls are hard wired on a deep an ancient level to spot “fakes.”

From a biological perspective, when a woman has sex, and then gets pregnant, she’s out of commission for a while. So over the hundreds of thousands of years, women have developed an ultra powerful method of sniffing out cheats.

The absolute WORST thing that can happen to a woman, from an evolutionary perspective, is to be conned into bed by some sleazy caveman who’s going to sneak away before she wakes up.

Honesty and Congruence

Sure, being a single mother is tough. But back in the caveman days, being a single mother usually meant you AND your kid were doomed.

So the only ladies that survived were the ones that could effectively sniff out those cave men who were practicing some kind of pick up routine.

Whenever you talk to a girl, then, the most important thing is to NOT set off her “this guys is a fake sleaze” filters.

Meaning no matter WHO you are, and WHAT you’re going to talk about, keep things on the up and up as much as possible.

Now, here’s a secret that most guru’s won’t tell you.

If YOU like YOU, so will she.

It doesn’t matter who you are, how much money you make, or even how tall you are.

All Starts With Inner Game

If you REALLY like and appreciate yourself, AND you’re open and honest when talking to her, you’ll have a MUCH better chance of creating that magical female attraction that feels so incredibly good.

To give yourself an even better chance, talk to her about her. Let her ask about you whenever she feels comfortable enough.

Generate some natural self appreciation, walk over there, and just find out about her.

Ask The Right Questions

Find out what makes her tick. Find out what’s she’s interested in. Find out what she dreams about at night.

No pressure, no games, no manipulation.

Make it even easier with language technology that has been reverse engineered from the most naturally persuasive and charismatic folks EVER:

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Secrets Of Self Validation

Humans crave validation from other humans, and from ourselves.

Now, some people think that those who overtly seek validation should be dismissed as “shallow” or something, but the bottom line is ALL humans are hard wired to NEED validation.

The problem is when we try and ignore this, we open ourselves up to manipulation. It’s one of those subconscious drivers of human behavior that’s there whether we like it or not.

Impossible To Ignore The Instincts

If we become overly concerned with “short term” validation, then it can become a problem, and we start to behave like “those people,” meaning everything we do is perceived as selfish and self serving.

I like to think of short term validation as like a “sugar high” from eating a donut or something. It feels really good in the moment, but it quickly fades and you feel like crap. The tendency is to seek more short term sugar highs, which can lead to a cycle of self destructive behavior.

On the other hand, longer, deeper and more natural validation is like eating fruits, veggies and healthy fats. Slow burn, long term energy.

Short Term Gain, Long Term Pain

Short term validation is always seeking approval “in the moment,” while long term validation is like developing a good “reputation.”

Somebody who’s genuinely kind, genuinely interested in helping others without needing an immediate reward, and somebody that’s genuinely pleasant to be around.

Then there’s the best validation you can get, which is that which comes from within.

It’s one thing to build up a solid reputation, so whenever you behave “selflessly” you’re also keeping your reputation, (which necessarily depends upon the opinions of others) intact, but it’s something altogether different to ONLY be concerned with how you view yourself.

Like maybe you KNOW you are doing the right thing, but you also know that NOBODY will ever know.

Think Long Term

They say the truest measure of character is how you behave when nobody is looking.

Ultimately, we ARE the judges of our own behavior, so you’d be better be able to sit quietly with yourself in peace.

Paradoxically, this mindset is also the absolute BEST way to persuade and influence others.

Figure out what they want, figure out how you can present your ideas in terms of their desires, and do so in a way so it seems like it was their idea all along.

They’re happy because they’re doing what you AND they want, and you’re happy because you are at peace with yourself.

When you can do this consistently, almost without thinking, then you’ve got it made.

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Hit And Run Attraction

One frame of mind that REALLY helps when out interacting with females is the “hit and run” frame.

Now, this is just a metaphor. I don’t really mean to go out and run over girls and then drive off.

Many guys, when talking to girls, are consciously or subconsciously looking for some kind of “reward.”

They seem to think that attraction is a conscious choice on her part, which means they imagine walking up, saying some goofy pick up line, and her looking at him and saying, “Wow, that’s a great line, I really like you! Can we have sex?”

Of course, this does happen in the movies, but remember, movies are NOT real life.

If ANY attraction DOES occur, it will happen subconsciously. She’ll get just a feeling, and she won’t know why.

This is where PLENTY of guys mess up.

They’re expecting some kind of conscious signal, some kind of verbal “OK” from her.

If you’re waiting for that, you’re going to be waiting a long, long time. Guys that have trained themselves to look for subtle clues in between the lines are the most successful.

So, where does the “hit and run” model come in?

One way to wean yourself away from expecting consciously feedback is to think of COVERTLY turning her on, and then leaving.

This is definitely a LONG TERM strategy. Most guys start talking to girls, and hang around WAY TOO LONG.

They’re waiting for some super obvious green light, that her attraction has peaked and is starting to diminish significantly.

The trouble she’ll associate those diminishing feelings of attraction if you wear out your welcome.

But if you leave when they are still rising? She wont’ be able to get you out of her mind.

If you’ve blown your load, so to speak, and you’re standing there waiting for her to give you her number or something, she’ll start to get nervous and wonder what she’s supposed to be doing.

IF, on the other hand, you walk over there, quickly turn up her attraction, and then SPLIT, she’ll be left with a desire. For you.

And guess what? When all she’s got is her desire for you, it will grow. And grow and grow.

So the NEXT TIME you talk to her, she’ll be pleased as punch. Not thinking, “oh it’s that weird guy.”

Blast Away Social Anxiety

Most of us are shy when we ask for something.

At the very least, we’re a bit nervous before interrupting somebody and getting them to do what we want.

Even if it’s their job, like a waiter or waitress in a restaurant, or a teacher in a classroom, a lot of us are a bit timid when breaking somebody’s training of thought and asserting our wishes in there.

After all, they could say no.

Truth is that we’ve all been programmed to one degree or another to be a little “nervous” when asking for something. Since if “they” (whoever they are) say “no,” we’re pretty much done.

On a deep level, it feels like we are giving them complete control over our lives, just for a little bit.

They have, for a brief instant, the power of approval or disapproval. Approval feels fantastic, disapproval feels terrible, and it’s completely OUT of our hands.

All mammals are hard wired to absolutely HATE situations where they don’t have power and choice. All kinds of studies on rats and other simple creatures show this over and over.

Is there away out of this trap?

There most certainly is. Most of us just “pop the question” without any regards to the other persons wants and needs.

Now, if you already know the person, as a friend or partner or spouse, there’s not much risk.

But if you don’t know them, that anxiety can creep up.

However, when you first find out what THEY want, and then frame your request or suggestion in terms of what THEY want, rather than what you want, something pretty cool will happen.

They won’t see you as “imposing” on them. They’ll see you as “helping them.”

When they satisfy your request, whatever it is, instead of seeing it as “accommodating” you, they’ll see it as a win-win outcome where you’re BOTH getting your needs met.

More like an even trade, rather than one person giving somebody else something.

And when you can get people to feel that, you’re doing pretty good.

Pretty soon all that anxiety vanishes, and you start to REALLY feel your power.

Relationships, interactions, even basic communication all becomes a lot easier.