Generate Natural Attraction

How do you talk to a girl?

If you’re like most guys, you’ve got a problem. You see girls everywhere. You are attracted to girls everywhere. But when it comes time to walk over and say something, your brain suddenly shuts down.

The truth is that your language, self confidence, self esteem and frame are all linked together.

Forget The Tricks

A lot of guys think all they need is a bunch of memorized lines, or some bling, or some magic tricks, and then they’ll be getting some.

The problem is that girls are hard wired on a deep an ancient level to spot “fakes.”

From a biological perspective, when a woman has sex, and then gets pregnant, she’s out of commission for a while. So over the hundreds of thousands of years, women have developed an ultra powerful method of sniffing out cheats.

The absolute WORST thing that can happen to a woman, from an evolutionary perspective, is to be conned into bed by some sleazy caveman who’s going to sneak away before she wakes up.

Honesty and Congruence

Sure, being a single mother is tough. But back in the caveman days, being a single mother usually meant you AND your kid were doomed.

So the only ladies that survived were the ones that could effectively sniff out those cave men who were practicing some kind of pick up routine.

Whenever you talk to a girl, then, the most important thing is to NOT set off her “this guys is a fake sleaze” filters.

Meaning no matter WHO you are, and WHAT you’re going to talk about, keep things on the up and up as much as possible.

Now, here’s a secret that most guru’s won’t tell you.

If YOU like YOU, so will she.

It doesn’t matter who you are, how much money you make, or even how tall you are.

All Starts With Inner Game

If you REALLY like and appreciate yourself, AND you’re open and honest when talking to her, you’ll have a MUCH better chance of creating that magical female attraction that feels so incredibly good.

To give yourself an even better chance, talk to her about her. Let her ask about you whenever she feels comfortable enough.

Generate some natural self appreciation, walk over there, and just find out about her.

Ask The Right Questions

Find out what makes her tick. Find out what’s she’s interested in. Find out what she dreams about at night.

No pressure, no games, no manipulation.

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