Author Archives: mindpersuasion

Love The Path Get The Result

Rewire Your Brain

Rewire Your Brain

Getting in shape is a great metaphor for getting rich.

Most people want more money, and most people would like to be in better shape.

However, getting there, as most people imagine, is not so easy.

I saw a movie recently about these kids who were in a reform school. The older kids were in charge of the younger kids.

One of the younger kids (the hero of the movie) had angered one of the older kids. So the older kid had the younger kid move a pile of rocks.

One at a time. He was barely able to lift them. Once he’d move the pile, the older kid told him to move it back.

I know a guy who used to drive a forklift, and sometimes, to pretend they were busier than they really were, they would move stuff to one side of the warehouse, and then move it back.

They’d do this for weeks at a time, and anybody who walked in would see all this activity and then lay off giving them any new work.

If you were paid ten bucks an hour to be that kid moving the rocks, that would suck.

Really, really suck.

But what if the rocks were made of gold? What if every one you moved you got to keep?

Same labor, same physical activity, but a COMPLETELY different mental attitude.

This is the REAL secret between making tons of cash, getting your ideal soul mate to fall in love with you, or getting a super sexy sick pack.

It’s not CHANGING what you need to do to get there.

It’s simply LOVING the steps.

Take guys that are super naturals with girls. They don’t worry about rejection, or what to say. They just LOVE the entire process. They do the same thing anybody else would need to do in order to get the same results.

They just love doing it.

People that make tons of cash are the same way. They go through the same process. Trial and error, learning and improving, getting rejected over and over. Until finally they hit paydirt.

Only the they are LOVING every single minute of it. To them, it’s not work. It’s fun. It’s exciting. It’s anything but the normal, boring as crap, nine to five.

Getting in shape is the same way.  Love the process, and the outcome is easy.

All you’ve go to is rewire your brain.


How To Make The Impossible Easy

Build Your Own Proof

Create Your Own Proof

Long time ago, it was thought impossible to run a mile faster than four minutes.

Then one guy did it. And pretty soon, lots of others did it.

If you look at the world record in various sporting events over the last 100 years, you’ll find that they consistently get better and better. Or faster and faster. Or stronger and stronger.

Yet if you compare the times for horse races, they’ve been about the same, time wise.

This is strong evidence that it’s not technology or nutrition that is pushing the limits of human performance, but what we believe is possible.

Most people are scared of doing something. Especially if nobody has ever done it before. But then when we see somebody do something, then everybody’s doing it. 

This is the reason role models are so crucial. Especially when we’re young. We see how to behave, what’s possible, and how to deal with things that are unexpected.

Belief and behavior form an inextricable feedback loop.

The more you do something, the more you’ll believe you can do something. The more you believe you can do something, the more you’ll do more of that something.

Whether it’s making money, talking to attractive people, or doing pushups in the morning.

If you’ve never done one pushup, you might think ten is impossible.

If you do only one pushup every morning for a week, suddenly doing ten is pretty easy.

Maybe in a few weeks maybe 50 seems pretty easy.

Funny thing about your body is that you carry it with you everywhere you go.

Which makes it a PERFECT thing to PROVE to yourself that you can do anything.

For example, do you think it’s possible to do 100 sit ups, right now?

If you’re like most people, probably not.

But how long until you not only thought it was possible, but easy and natural?

Maybe a month or two.

Then you’d be carrying around PROOF, (right there in your gut) that using ONLY your mind and body, you can take what seems difficult or even impossible, and make it simple and easy.

Then when you come across an idea or situation, and you hesitate because of those common doubts, just pat yourself on the stomach to remind yourself of what you’re capable of.

“I can take the difficult, and make it easy.”

All it takes is a few minutes a day.

Release Resistance To Creation

How To Remove Internal Blocks

Dissolve Internal Blocks

If you’re ever having a difficult discussion with a significant other, here’s a trick that will help.

When speaking, face each other sitting down, feet flat on the floor, legs uncrossed, and palms face down on your legs.

This keeps the subconscious lines of communication open.

If you want to see who’s “in sync” and who isn’t, take a look at couples next time you’re at a restaurant or coffee shop. People with open and matching body language are usually pretty into each other.

Regardless of what of hypnosis or meditation you practice, or would like to practice, being relaxed is a crucial component.

Simply slowing your breathing will lower your heart rate and blood pressure. Do this long enough and your brainwaves will slowly drift down from beta into alpha. If you are really advanced, you can get your brainwaves down into theta without the assistance of any binaural sounds.

One of the most overlooked aspect of manifesting is physical health. If you’ve got a lot of stress, you won’t manifest much.

Stress weakens your immune system, tenses your muscles, and closes off your vision. This is made more difficult by wanting something on one level, but being scared of getting it on another level. This inner conflict will create tension, which will actually push away that which you desire.

Doing some daily breathing exercises, yoga, stretching, or anything consciously aimed at reducing stress will make everything easier.

If you practice releasing stress with breathing, for example, you’ll be able to do it anywhere.

Instead of letting it bottle up all day, you can let it pass right through.

No matter what you’re building in your life, building your own body, through directed exercise, is a powerful motivator.

It sends a strong message to your subconscious that you’re serious. It lowers your stress, increasing your immune system and giving you all kinds of other health benefits.

It will leave your muscles more relaxed during the day, giving you more freedom to see all those opportunities around you.

Doesn’t matter WHAT you do, just do something. Even leaning over and grabbing your toes for a couple minutes right after your alarm clock goes off.

When you treat your body with respect, wonderful things start to happen.

Create Planned Creativity

Easily Get In The Zone Every Time

How To Create Zone Thinking

I’ve had the best things “happen” to me when I wasn’t really expecting them.

That’s kind of the definition of “luck,” when preparation meets opportunity.

If you’re sitting around on your couch waiting for the Goddess of Opportunity to come knocking, you maybe waiting a while.

There’s a unique balance of movement, thought, openness where suddenly opportunities suddenly manifest.

You can do certain things to make these happen a lot more frequently.

Mind Mapping, for example, is a pretty good process for digging through your creative brain to come up with ideas you hadn’t thought of before.

Mozart often said that most of his inspirations came when he was out walking. Nowhere in particular, just walking and the ideas just “came to him.”

Any kind of repetitive movement is kind of hypnotic. Even driving, so long as you don’t have the radio on, is a good way to let your mind wander to creative places.

If you’ve ever been reading a novel, and had to reread the same page a bunch of times, that’s exactly what happened.

Part of your brain kept reading, but the deeper part was reminded of something, and that something reminded you of something else….

Paradoxically, you can create creative space where creative ideas are much more likely to pop up.

Jogging, walking, riding the stationary bike, doing yoga. All of these are PERFECT for letting your creative juices flow.

Only most people are so terrified to be alone with their own thoughts they HAVE to fill their ears with the latest pop music.

But when you consider the multitude of benefits you’ll get from regular exercise, in addition to the inspiration, it’s a wonder more people don’t do it.

Some of the greatest examples of visualization success comes from sports.

If you spent a ten or twenty minutes a day, doing something physical and at the same time using that precious to let your mind wander, the benefits would FAR outweigh the costs.

If you’re ready to get started, this will help:

Prove To Yourself What You Can Do

Slow Down

The Wisdom Of Slow and Steady

Whenever you want to make big changes in your life, it’s tempting to go full steam ahead.

I know from experience that this is usually unsustainable. Meaning you get burned out, and instead of dialing it back, you end up quitting altogether.

You might convince yourself you’re doing to do an hours worth of work every day. Maybe practice some kind of skill, or maybe do some meditation. You go all out for a couple days. Then it suddenly becomes a chore.

The motivation is there. But motivation tends to wear off. Usually what kicks off the motivation in the beginning only lasts a few days.

Unless you have a deep, burning desire, it’s tough to overcome this natural tendency.

One way is to start VERY slowly. Instead of jumping in and doing an hour a day (of whatever you want to do) do only five minutes. So easy you can do it real quick after you wake up, or right when you get home.

The trick is to develop the space in your mind, and your day, to do this kind of practice. Once it’s established, then simply expand it by a couple minutes a week. Yes, only two minutes or so a week.

After all, you’re building a great new habit or skill or belief system FOR LIFE. Shouldn’t you take some time to make sure it REALLY becomes part of you who you are, rather than some super energetic short term motivation?

Long time ago I read that one POWERFUL way to train your brain to REALLY BELIEVE that you can set and achieve any goal is by jogging every day for one hundred days.

I started, and for the first few weeks, I only jogged about five or ten minutes. But after that, once I built in the habit, I actually looked forward to it. Pretty soon I was running 3-4 miles every morning.

Many people find that before doing ANY kind of mental self development, doing some kind of exercise program is extremely helpful. You’re proving to yourself that you can set and achieve goals. You’ll get REAL FEEDBACK (time spent outside, etc.). 

You’ll feel better, sleep better, naturally eat healthier.

All things that add up to a better mental state anyway.

And when I was going on those morning runs (nowadays I go on morning walks for an hour or so) I do my BEST thinking. Ideas I NEVER would have thought of in front of the TV or sleeping in an extra hour.

If you aren’t doing something physical daily, at least five minutes worth, you should.

You’ll DEFINITELY see an improvement pretty much everywhere.

How To Maximize Your Travels

The Road and the Inn Are Both Essential

The Road Is Essential

When I was a kid I loved building things.

Well, not really. I love nailing boards together. I ended up with a bunch of weird looking shapes that didn’t do much.

Once I got the bright idea to make a HUGE kite, so I found the biggest boards in the garage.

I nailed them together in a big cross (bigger than me) and found an old bed sheet, and nailed it to the boards.

Then I got some string and tried to fly it. My brother looked at me on the way to the park, and did the classic facepalm.

Building it was fun, but flying it was another story.

Long time ago I had a situation where I had long spans of time with nothing to do. This was back in the day before MP3s became popular. I had a regular tape player in my car. I would go to this store that rented books on tape. 

Great for learning.

I’d rent these self-help tapes, and just listen to them as I drove around. Sometimes while walking around.

I’d tried a couple of times to listen while sitting and taking notes, but it just didn’t work. My mind would wander too much.

I’m sure you’ve heard the expression, “The Road is better than the Inn,” right?

Well sometimes you don’t even need an Inn! Just a decent road and something to do along the way.

Only if you live your life like that, you might not end up anywhere good.

See, the problem with not having an end is you end up just running around in circles.

Which is fine, if you’re just killing time or having fun nailing stuff together.

But the real progress comes in the unexpected places when you HAVE a destination.

Especially if it’s a BIG goal, that’s a LONG way off.

If you’ve got kids, or if you remember being a kid, going on a road trip was half the fun. Staying at the cheap motels, eating in the crap diners. 

Sure, you had fun at the destination, but you were expecting that.

It’s those unexpected stops along the way that make those moments you’ll remember forever.

Where are you going in your life? Have you chosen your destination yet?

Is it BIG enough?

Does it make your eyes go wide with anticipation? Does it cause you to stop and daydream about it when you’re sitting in traffic?

It should.

Once you’ve chosen, then get moving.

These will help:

Break All The Rules

Have Fun Trying New Things

Have Fun Winging It

Most everything can be thought of as being along some kind of continuum.

Taking cooking for example. I’ve taken a total of two cooking classes in my life. Both were on opposite ends.

One was taught by a lady who was very STRICT. Exactly one cup of this. Precisely sixteen grams of that. Cook on medium heat for only 40 seconds. No more, no less.

The second class was the opposite. A handful of this, a dash of that, cook on regular heat for a bit, and Bob’s your uncle. 

Another example is how people travel. On the one side, there’s those that are super control freaks. Everything has to be planned down to the last minute. Every ticket must be purchased ahead of time. Every hotel room is booked, every restaurant is chosen.

On the other side, you’ve got goofs like me. I’ve traveled a lot, and I book my plane ticket, and the first night in a hotel. After that, I wing it.

Often times, I’ve been in some bar, struggling through my basic understanding of the local language, and asking people what’s good to see. 

Of course, this gets me in trouble sometimes. I’m a sore thumb for scammers. Once I thought I was on my way to see some ancient relic, and I ended up in some back ally with some lady showing me a flier for hookers!

Another time I actually saw some pretty cool stuff, but ended up at an underground jewelry shop filled with fake goods.

When you plan everything, you don’t get conned. But you often don’t have much fun either.

The trick is to find a balance. Plan a little bit, and leave plenty of room for spontaneity. And have enough faith in yourself to avoid trouble as it comes up. As it will ALWAYS come up. In fact, if you DON’T run into trouble from time to time, you’re probably not doing it right!

Many people describe life as a journey. A visit through this planet. Maybe we only get one pass through, maybe a million. Who knows.

Maybe each pass through is a chance to do better than we did last time.

Maybe this is our ONLY shot. Either way, don’t you owe it to yourself to make the most of it?

You were given GREAT gifts. Are you using them? Have you even discovered them?

It’s easy to be scared, and stay safe. Secure in your bubble of comfort. 

But there’s no fun in that.

Open your mind. Expand your skills. Get on those side streets and explore.

Rearrange Your Brain

Rearrange Your Brain

You Don’t Have To Keep The Default Settings

Some of the simplest things can have the greatest impact.

It’s easy to get into a rhythm. If you’ve ever gone on a diet or started an exercise program, you know what I mean.

Getting started is the hardest part. But once you’ve got enough momentum, it’s part of who you are.

Pretty soon the hour or so you spend at the gym is part of your daily routine. 

But the first week or so, it sucks.

On the other hand, when you get stuck into some kind of negative loop, it can be hard to get out of.

Even if it’s so bad in and of itself, it can be deceptively defeating. If you spend an hour or two in front of the TV, that’s not exactly considered self destructive behavior.

But think of the time you could be spending on other things. What if you took one hour per night, and learned an instrument? After a year or two, you’d have a skill most people don’t.

Even if you mindlessly change channels during the commercials, you’re eating up valuable time. Imagine if you were to spend just the time during commercial breaks learning something, or reading something, or doing some kind of mental exercise, like Image Streaming.

Every hour of TV has about 20 minutes of commercials. If you did image streaming, for example, for 20 minutes a day, you’d increase your IQ by a point or two a week!

Of course, humans aren’t hard wired to always be on the lookout for increases in efficiency.

We aren’t robots!

But the secret is not to be a robot all the time. It’s to simply “take inventory” of how you spend you day. Maybe once every few months.

Once you build in the habit of spending ten minutes per hour of TV time doing something productive, then you can go back to automatic human behavior. 

Only now, that automatic human behavior will be building up some skills or abilities, instead of just wasting time. (Or worse, having your brain programmed with more needless junk you don’t need to buy with money you don’t have!)

They say an unexamined life isn’t worth living. This doesn’t mean that you have to always be a super hyper meta thinker who’s questioning every single step through life.

Just take a look at your daily activities from time to time, and see where you can find room for improvement.

This is a great place to start:

Lead The Hero’s Journey

Always Go First

Go First

Long time ago I was reading a book on human behavior.

The author was describing a lot of our “learned” behaviors look instinctive, since we all do the same things.

But in reality, we all have the same structure as children, so we learn the same behaviors.

The example given was shaking our heads back and forth to say “no.”

When we’re very, very young, we can’t move our neck muscles very much. Only slightly to the side.

When we want something, we open our mouths and make a noise. Hopefully we’ll get some milk. But then when we’re full, the idea of “no” pops into our head. And the only thing we can do when we think that thought, is turn our heads slightly to the side.

This is the same reasoning Joseph Campbell gave for explaining why most mythology shares the same structure. Young boy or girl in a safe but boring place. Something pulls them into some wild “hero’s journey,” where they learn new skills make new friends.

He explained (in one of his books) this is precisely what we go through when we are born. Womb to birth canal to the world.

Our lives start out as a hero’s journey. And if you’re honest with yourself, every new experience, every new situation, every new phase of life is yet another hero’s journey.

We also have a lot of the same shortcomings and fears. Public speaking, walking across the room to talk to an interesting person, suddenly being the focus of social attention.

All these were “learned” in childhood. 

If we keep stumbling through life on auto pilot, we’ll never know. We’ll just think “we” are broken, or something’s wrong with us.

But when you realize that we are ALL in the same boat, we ALL have the same fears, it’s not so bad.

Especially when you consider that person you want to talk to is scared of the same things you are.

Those people in that social scenario who are all staring at you are GLAD it’s you and not them.

When you stand up to give a speech, people are imagining it’s them and are nervous.

The EASIEST way to blast through all those irrational fears is to simply go first. Set an example. Show everybody it’s not so bad.

This isn’t so difficult when you remember that everybody around you has the same fears, uncertainties and anxieties as you.

Show them how easy it is.

These tools will help:

Small Risks Are Essential

Income Stream Generator

Embrace The Unknown

When I was a kid one of my favorite old movies was Trapeze, with Tony Curtis.

He had struggled to complete the triple flip throughout the movie. In the final scene, he had finally gotten up the courage to try, just as they were removing the safety net, thinking the act was over.

He did it anyway, and it went off perfectly.

I also remember watching a REAL act, only the lady fell. She had spotters, but they didn’t catch her in time, and she broke her wrist.

I remember the VERY uncomfortable feeling that suddenly fell over the crowd when that happened.

The truth about human life on Earth is that it is dangerous. We can try to avoid risk at all costs, but it’s always there. The insurance industry has been around for centuries because of this. 

Nobody knows what’s going to happen when they try something unfamiliar. Even the old days Western Imperialism, many of the ships wouldn’t have sailed unless they knew they were covered against loss.

On the other hand, if you never take any risks, you’ll never have any fun. The trick is to know which risks are smart, and which aren’t.

The biggest risk you can take is not to take any risks at all. Then you’ll be at the end of your life wondering why it was so frikking boring!

Obviously, risks involving physical or financial danger should be undertaken with MASSIVE caution.

On the other hand, risks involving social safety are usually not risky at all. We only think they are, since we’re still carrying around those hunter-gatherer instincts from when we were surrounded by the SAME people our entire lives.

Sure, back then, if you looked like a goof in front of your peers, it may have cost you.

But today? You can just laugh it off and try again.

Even financial risks don’t have to be life or death. Sure, a lot of people want to make a LOT of money in a SHORT amount of time, but this either involves MASSIVE luck, or MASSIVE risk.

Luckily, the best way to get rich is to slowly grow your wealth.

Take small risks you can afford. See what happens. If it pays off, take a little bigger one. If it doesn’t, learn the valuable lesson, and take some time to digest it.

This is PRECISELY the mindset that has turned even the simplest business ideas into MASSIVE fortunes.

Sure, it didn’t happen overnight. But it happened.

Patience, SMALL risks, and persistence.

Any idea you have now could be worth millions.