Author Archives: mindpersuasion

Blast Away Fear With Pots and Pans

Blast Your Way To Wealth

Take A Leap Of Faith

I remember the first time I went bungee jumping.

It was on this tall structure, about 20 stories high. Just a stairwell, and a platform on top. 

Walking up the stairs was horrible. I remember a sinking feeling in my stomach, the closer I got to the top. My friend who was watching (we’d decided that I’d go first) was laughing his ass off.

As soon as I leaned forward, the fear suddenly vanished, and turned into the one of most powerful feelings exhilaration I’d felt.

Biologists tell us that when we are gearing up for something scary, our fight or flight system starts to prime up. But once the event kicks off, all that conscious thinking goes out the window and that’s when instinct takes over.

If you’ve ever given a speech, the best way to get over your jitters is to start off strong. A loud voice, a strange comment, anything other than a shaky introduction to a boring topic.

It’s kind of like taking all the nervous energy you imagine coming at you from the crowd, sucking it up and throwing it right back at them. This gives you an enormous amount of power.

Common advice given to kids being bullied is as soon as you stand up to them, they vanish. If you realize that a bully is just aggressive behavior covering up fear, it HAS TO vanish when it’s presented with an assertive defense of your boundaries.

When I used to go backpacking, a few places would have bears. Before we’d go off into the woods, the rangers would give us a checklist of how to deal with the bears. Always keep some pots and pans next to you when you slept. If any bears came close to your camp, just start banging and yelling away and the bears would split.

Unless you are about to getting eaten by a bear (and in many cases, even if you are!) your fears are false.

All you’ve got to do is blast through them, and see what’s on the other side.

Exhilaration. Admiration. Respect.

No matter what you want, it’s out there. 

Money, love, health.

The only thing keeping you from getting it is in your imagination.

And that is EXACTLY where your strengths lie as well.

Use one to vanquish the other, and you’re good to go.

How To Manifest Faster

Double Your Failure Rate

Double Your Failure Rate

A common question people have is how to manifest things faster.

They’ve got a goal, they’ve created a visualization, and they’ve been doing all the meditations and the affirmations, yet nothing seems to be working.

I’m sure you’ve heard the definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result, right?

I had a boss once that use to get under our skin. He would ask us to call a vendor, and try to get some information about certain supplies we needed. We’d call, they’d give us the information, but the boss didn’t like it.

So he’d tell us to call again, and ask again. Same question. I guess he figured maybe the first time the guy who answered the phone didn’t feel like telling us the whole story.

Once I was driving somewhere with my girlfriend, and we’d taken a wrong turn. This was back before GPS, so all we had were the AAA maps. Clearly marked, with big yellow lines. There was no question where we were, she was just upset that we were behind schedule.

She wanted to pull over and ask for directions, even though the map showed where we were. “Do you want me to ask them if the map is correct?” She laughed and we kept driving, finally getting to where we were going.

The CEO of Sony once said that if you want to double your success rate, all you’ve got to do is double your failure rate.

This is the missing piece of the puzzle when creating any kind of success.

Failure, or getting what you didn’t expect, is JUST as important as success.

Think of a guided missile. It rarely goes straight to its target. It’s got built in sensors and auto correct functions because the engineers EXPECT it to always be going off course.

If they just aimed it and shot it like a big bullet, it would always miss.

Any outcome is the same. Before you get there, you have to EXPECT to go off course.

Then you’ve got to pay attention to feedback, both good and bad, to keep refining the right path.

How can you manifest faster?

Try more things. Get more feedback. Every piece of feedback you get will make it happen faster.

If you don’t like the feedback you ARE getting, doing something different will get you different feedback.

The more feedback you get, the quicker you’ll get there.

How To Get Guardian Angel Advice

Advice From Your Friend

Get In Touch With Your Best Side

When I was in Junior High school, we had these dances.

Us kids talked all kinds of smack before, (at least the guys), but at the actual dance, it was a different story.

All the guys on one side of the gym, all the girls on the other.

Making that LONG walk across to find a girl and ask her to dance was TERRIFYING.

Funny thing was that once you got the hang of it, it was pretty easy. Since few girls said, “no,” we dudes all realized that all we had to do was ask.

Of course, that first long walk is the hardest. This is one of the main reasons so many people stay stuck.

For some reason, we all imagine we can get the goods without making the effort. Money, relationships, love, careers, anything you can think of.

But unless you’re willing to get out in the mix, it ain’t gonna happen.

Not what a lot of people like to hear, but there it is.

Look at ANY successful person, and they spent a LOT of time in the trenches.

But they know a secret most don’t.

And that is the road to success is most always MUCH BETTER than the success itself.

That ever present feeling of growth, of expanding comfort zones, of going to sleep proud of what you DID that day (compared to what you “received”).

Trouble is, most people are waiting for somebody to show them the way.

That’s kind of like junior high school boys waiting for the girls to come over and tell them that it’s ok to ask them to dance.

Sure, it happens, but not very often.

The bottom line HARSH truth of any goal is that if you want to get the goods, you’ve got to PUT YOURSELF in the game.

You won’t be ASKED to join the game. You won’t be PUSHED to join the game. You’ve got to stand up on your own, and get in the mix. Join the fun. Take a risk, and see what happens.

One way is to imagine your higher self, (or your guardian angel) who lives outside time and already KNOWS of your impending success. Imagine him or her standing behind you, giving you gentle encouragement.

Imagine them whispering in your ear, “Get out there and have some fun! It’s safe! You’ll be OK!”

You can conjure up your angel any time you like. See something you want, but are afraid to try.

Imagine them saying that, just the way you’d like.

And then get out there!

Turn Fear Into Power

Let Loose Your Juice

Tap Your Hidden Reservoirs

There’s a theory of human energy that we always have a hidden reservoir.

This is that energy mothers get when they move cars to save their kids.

It’s also the energy we have when it comes time to flee an escaped tiger.

The theory goes that if we were ever consciously aware of this energy, we’d use it.

And if all of a sudden, there was an avalanche, or some sort of catastrophe happened, we’d be screwed.

So nature kept his reserve hidden from us, so when we REALLY needed it, it would always be there.

Kind of like our greatest powers. They say our greatest powers are right behind our greatest fears.

Kind of like an axe that’s stuck behind a big plate of glass. If there’s a fire, we HAVE to break the glass to get the axe.

If we are in desperate NEED of our greatest powers, that need to push us through our greatest fears.

And BAM, we have a sudden burst of power.

But this power goes beyond strength, or speed, or resilience.

It also includes creativity, genius level problem solving, massive persuasion skills.

Now, this is how we are programmed.

Which means if we understand it, we can tweak it in our favor.

For example, we don’t have to wait around for some horrific situation to force us through our deepest fears, so we can dig deep and come up with our biggest powers.

Nor do we have to force ourselves through our biggest fears, just to get to the good stuff we KNOW is on the other side.

(As an aside, that IS a pretty good strategy to achieve maximum and IMMEDIATE greatness: ALWYAS look for chances to DO THINGS YOU FEAR.)

We CAN approach this hidden power slowly.

If our maximum fear has maximum power hidden behind it, then small fear will have small power hidden behind it.

And just any good entrepreneur, you can use your “profits” (in this case the powers behind your fears) and plow them back into your business.

Meaning you can take small steps to expand your comfort zone. Get the power that yields. Then USE THAT POWER to help you expand your comfort zone even more.

Giving you even more power, creativity, interpersonal skills and genius level thinking.

You’ll find that pretty much everything you want in life follows this “entrepreneurial model.”

How A Rich Dancer Handled Risk

Dance Your Way To Riches

Don’t Wait Too Long!

Many people have all kinds of negative voices swirling around in our heads.

You think of doing something, and then that doubt pops up.

“What if it doesn’t work? What if you look stupid?”

One of the reasons that voice is so hard to ignore is we convince ourselves it’s trying to “help” us.

“Well, it’s better I didn’t. I wouldn’t have liked it anyway.”

“Wow, I guess I dodged a bullet!”

Many people retreat into the world of the “enlightened skeptic.” They find comfort in the philosophical notion of pointing out how “wrong” everybody is.

“Well, there’s no conclusive evidence that’s going to work, so I’ll sit back here on my throne and let everybody else make those foolish mistakes. I know better.”

Problem with that is since these types are ALWAYS waiting for proof, any time they find proof it’s MUCH too late.

There was an old stock market trader who made a couple million over a couple years. He was a dancer, and traveled the world. He only used telegrams to get updates. (He wrote a book called “How I Made $2 Million in the Stock Market.”)

Once a guy asked him for as stock tip, and he gave him the one he was looking at.

The guy that received the stock tip wanted to “make sure.” He did some research, studied the company, studied the economy, etc.

Finally, he contacted the dancer, and said he was ready to buy some of that stock.

The dancer said, “Well, if you would have bought it when I told you, you would have made 200% already. I don’t think it’s going to go up any more!”

As Dale Carnegie was found of saying, “The sure thing boat never gets too far from shore.”

Meaning if you ONLY take action when you feel it’s safe, you won’t ever get much more than most anybody else.

Which ain’t much!

Does this mean you need to put EVERYTHING on the line, every single time? Not at all. Take that stock market dancer guy. He would buy a stock, but ALWAYS sell IMMEDIATELY if it went down just a little bit.

Meaning he knew how risky it was, and he would GET OUT if there is any danger. 

Sure, you need to take risks. But not jump off cliffs without parachutes, or jump into the shark tank at the zoo.

Small risks. Talking to strangers. Expanding your comfort zone. Spending an hour or so a week looking into what kind of business you might start.

Hanging out with more like-minded folks who are ALSO doing things to improve themselves, rather than forget themselves.

Do this, keep moving forward, and success is certain.

The Chicken Burger Strategy

Chicken Burgers

Release Your Inner Entrepreneur

Many people shy away from the idea of being an entrepreneur.

Maybe they imagine sinking a bunch of money into a business, only to have it fail. Maybe they imagine going into a bank to get a loan, only to get laughed out of the building.

Maybe they’ve expressed an interest to their friends, who replied with something a little less than kind or supportive.

But in reality, everybody is an entrepreneur, all the time. It would be impossible to be alive if you weren’t.

How so?

First, think about what an entrepreneur does. They build a business. How? They take some kind of material, either real material or information, mix it around, and then turn around and sell it.

Whether they are turning chickens into chicken burgers, or taking researched information and turning it into Kindle books, it’s the same process.

They look out in the future. They compare an imagined better future than the present. They calculate what it would take to make that future happen. If they believe in themselves and their skills, they take action.

If they are persistent, they keep taking action. The more action they take, the more success they realize.

Sound familiar?

This strategy is hard wired into every single human.

It’s how you learned to walk. It’s how you learned to talk. It’s how you learned to do anything you can do now, including reading these very words.

Present state. Imagined future state. Action. Feedback. Action.

This is who you are. This is what you do.

Why not use this built in success mechanism to make some money?

Chances are, you already have. Even if you’ve gotten a regular “job” in the past, that’s how.

Only the person who had faith in you was your employer. They figured they spend the money and time to train you, believing you’d start bringing them MORE money than they were paying you.

If they didn’t believe this was possible, they wouldn’t have hired you.

If you’ve learned to walk and talk, and if you’ve ever made an honest nickel in your life, this is PROOF that you ARE, right now, a successful entrepreneur.

If you want to increase abundance, prosperity, and wealth, all you’ve got to do is KEEP DOING what you’ve been doing your entire life.

Just keep expanding your comfort zone. Keep looking for more opportunities. Keep getting more feedback that will make you even better.

And NEVER, ever stop.

The Chainsaw Strategy

Cut Out Resistance

Speed Up!

Many large systems exist for many different reasons, otherwise they wouldn’t continue to exist.

Take the western educational system, for example.

It started out during the Industrial Revolution, when everybody was destined to work in factories. You can say it was designed as a factory worker factory.

Obviously, not many of us work in factories, yet the educational system is the same.


Well, one powerful question from Economics is to ask, “Who benefits?”

For one, big businesses benefit. For them, the educational system acts as like a free farm system. They scoop off the top 5% or so to work for their corporations.

The unions are another beneficiary. They get all the automatic union dues from teachers. The educational system also employs huge amounts of people, that wouldn’t get the same benefits elsewhere.

It also serves as a daycare center for those parents who don’t want to deal with their kids every day.

With so many people benefiting from the system (except maybe the students) it’s easy to see why this still exists.

Humans are the same way. A lot of our functions and “systems” are there for different reasons.

Whenever there was some kind of new skill developed from evolution, if that skill could be used in a lot of different areas, nature kept it.

Like our hands, with fingers and a thumb. We can hold stuff, throw stuff, scratch ourselves, climb, and do all kinds of things. (Even pick our nose!)

Our imaginations are another powerful tool. We can use them to pass the time, imagine a few different scenarios, play them out and see which one works best. Listen to rich metaphorical stories packed with meaning and extract many different lessons.

One of the reasons humans took over the planet, instead of say, Penguins, is because of our flexibility.

We can live in vastly different areas. We developed a sexual division of labor (hunting and gathering).

We took our basic needs (food, shelter, companionship, safety) and could fulfill them in ways we are still figuring out.

Compare that to penguins, who can only live on the ice and eat fish!

The best way to maximize ALL your gifts is to use them toward a bigger purpose.

When you’ve got all cylinders going at once, your communication skills, planning, imagination, creativity, all toward a singular goal, way out in the future, that’s when you start to really enjoy life.

Think of your whole mind body system like a chainsaw. At low speeds, it’s pretty sluggish, sounds like crap, and not very efficient.

But at higher speeds, everything is working together, a well oiled machine slicing through everything it comes up against.

Boolean Dream Generator

How To Overcome All Obstacles

Overcome All Obstacles

When I was in college, I had to take a course in electronics.

One of the thing we studied was Boolean Algebra. I was basically the logic of electronics.

If you had two wires going into a switch, the current in each of the wire would determine the output. Since these were digital circuits, the current was either “on” or “off.”

If they were both off, it meant one thing. If they were both on, it meant something else. If one was on and one was off, it meant something else.

All digital circuits are built like this. This is how you can take binary numbers (only 0’s and 1’s) and create a huge picture on your screen with all kinds of colors, or rich sounding symphonies, or beautiful motion pictures. 

They say our brains are like that. A whole collection of circuits, switches, and relays.

Maybe, maybe not, but it’s good way to think about things.

Napoleon Hill talks about a “Burning Desire.” Meaning if you have a desire big enough, you can get anything.

Why is this?

Consider all the obstacles you’ll come up against. The bigger your dream, the more obstacles you’ll likely face.

However, so long as your “burning desire” is STRONGER than any one of those obstacles, they will be easy.

If you only have a “so-so” desire, (or like most people have, a wish) then those obstacles will stop you dead in your tracks.

This is why people with only weak wishes seem to always wonder why life is so difficult or unfair.

And those with MASSIVE burning desires wonder why others haven’t discovered how easy it is.

How do you build a burning desire?

Visualizing is one way. But again, most people don’t do this nearly enough. They think about their desire maybe once or twice a day, and then think they’re done.

They speak of putting their intention “out there” somewhere, and expect the magic wish fairy to give them their dreams. All wrapped up in a nice box, with their name on it.

But if you spent some time, every single day, for twenty or thirty minutes, visualizing your desire with all your might, with the strongest emotions you can muster, something would happen.

No, your dream wouldn’t suddenly poof into existence right in front of you.

But your motivation would SOAR. Suddenly all those obstacles that were stopping you before would seem like NOTHING.

The path to your dreams would seem easy. Mechanical. You’d wonder why others don’t see how easy it is.

Sure, you’d still have to get out there and interact with the world, maybe for a while.

But it wouldn’t be hard. It wouldn’t be scary. It would be fun. Exciting.

The Halloween Economic Theory

Halloween Economics

Trade Stuff For Better Stuff

When I was a kid we used to go trick or treating on Halloween. Knock on doors, get candy.

It was pretty fun. We’d spend a couple weeks before hand coming up with some costumes to wear, usually homemade, and usually pretty crappy.

The best part was when we’d get home, and trade all the stuff we didn’t want, for the stuff we did want.

It’s one thing to get free stuff, it’s even better to exchange that free stuff for even better stuff.

Of course, it wasn’t really free. We had to go out and get it. No kid in their right mind would show up without a costume. I suppose that was kind of an unwritten law of Halloween economics. People would get to see these cute kids come to their door, dressed up in costumes, in exchange for spending a few hours and a few bucks on a bag of candy.

Everybody looked forward to it. There was even that unwritten rule that if you left off your porch light, it meant, “do not disturb.”

We kids expected that, and the people that didn’t want to participate didn’t have to.

Later on, I was hard up for some cash, so I answered an ad in the newspaper for a sales job that promised daily payouts.

Being young and dumb, I figured it was perfect. Only it ended up being a door to door sales job, in the bad part of town, selling really cheap kitchen tools like spatulas and cutting boards.

After the second big dog chased us away, I’d had enough.

Same structure, but different results. 

One was fun, exciting, and something we looked forward to all year long. The other was a very short lived horror show.

This is what happens when you compare a job or a career you’re right for, and one you’re not right for.

The one you’re not right for sucks. You feel like crying every morning when the alarm clock goes off. You can’t wait until Friday so you can go home and forget anyway you can.

On the other hand, when you’ve got something going you love, it’s the opposite. You love the people you work with, and they love you. You’re happy to see each other. You actually look forward to doing what you’re doing.

And when you get paid, it almost feels like it’s free, since you don’t really feel like you’re doing any work.

Then just like kids on Halloween night, you can trade that “free stuff” for even better free stuff. Trading that money for what you want.

If you haven’t found that ideal income stream yet, it’s out there.

Waiting for you.

Hidden Wealth On The Moon

Hidden Wealth On The Moon

The Byproducts of Wealth

Many people are put off by an objective of “making money.”

Perhaps you’ve mentioned to your friends or family about wanting to earn more, and they gave you some flack.

After all, money can’t buy happiness, money can’t buy love, money can’t buy health.

These are all absolutely true. But it misses the point.

Money is a RESULT. 

How do you get money? You’ve got to interact with the world. You’ve got to listen to the unending needs of others, and figure out a way to help them fulfill them.

You can do this alone, or with others. You can make something, or help make something.

The bottom line is you simply cannot get money without helping people FIRST.

When President Kennedy made the decision to go to the moon, it was a matter of national pride.

There weren’t any resources on the moon. No oil, no water, no gold, no coal. Not even any aliens (allegedly, lol).

Just a big rock. Swirling around the Earth.

So why did we go? (We humans, not we Americans…)

Because it was there. Because it was a worthy goal. (And to get there before the Russians!)

AND because along the way, there were MASSIVE amounts of inventions nobody could expect.

All kinds of new technology. (Even if you believe it was faked, there was still plenty of stuff invented along the way).

Making money is the same way. Sure, when you make your millions, you won’t be any healthier. You won’t necessarily be happy. You might not have any better relationships.

Or will you?

If you DO get better at all those things, it won’t be BECAUSE of the money sitting happily in your bank account.

It will be because of the skills you learned along the way. The interpersonal skills. The communication skills. The skills of delayed gratification. The skills of taking risks, learning from the results, and charging on ahead with better skills the next time around.

When we focus on rich people, we tend to focus on those in the news. Celebrities, inventors, artists, athletes.

Not the “millionaire next door” type. The type who has a SOLID relationship with his or her family.

The type who has a deep appreciation for life, and all the wondrous things still yet to discover.

The type who know that ANYTHING is possible, so long as you never give up.

Making money is not about making money. It’s about all the things you’ll do along the way.

The personal growth, the inner demons you’ll obliterate, one by one. The fantastic people you’ll meet and the lifelong relationships you’ll build.

If you’re ready, check this out: