Boolean Dream Generator

How To Overcome All Obstacles

Overcome All Obstacles

When I was in college, I had to take a course in electronics.

One of the thing we studied was Boolean Algebra. I was basically the logic of electronics.

If you had two wires going into a switch, the current in each of the wire would determine the output. Since these were digital circuits, the current was either “on” or “off.”

If they were both off, it meant one thing. If they were both on, it meant something else. If one was on and one was off, it meant something else.

All digital circuits are built like this. This is how you can take binary numbers (only 0’s and 1’s) and create a huge picture on your screen with all kinds of colors, or rich sounding symphonies, or beautiful motion pictures. 

They say our brains are like that. A whole collection of circuits, switches, and relays.

Maybe, maybe not, but it’s good way to think about things.

Napoleon Hill talks about a “Burning Desire.” Meaning if you have a desire big enough, you can get anything.

Why is this?

Consider all the obstacles you’ll come up against. The bigger your dream, the more obstacles you’ll likely face.

However, so long as your “burning desire” is STRONGER than any one of those obstacles, they will be easy.

If you only have a “so-so” desire, (or like most people have, a wish) then those obstacles will stop you dead in your tracks.

This is why people with only weak wishes seem to always wonder why life is so difficult or unfair.

And those with MASSIVE burning desires wonder why others haven’t discovered how easy it is.

How do you build a burning desire?

Visualizing is one way. But again, most people don’t do this nearly enough. They think about their desire maybe once or twice a day, and then think they’re done.

They speak of putting their intention “out there” somewhere, and expect the magic wish fairy to give them their dreams. All wrapped up in a nice box, with their name on it.

But if you spent some time, every single day, for twenty or thirty minutes, visualizing your desire with all your might, with the strongest emotions you can muster, something would happen.

No, your dream wouldn’t suddenly poof into existence right in front of you.

But your motivation would SOAR. Suddenly all those obstacles that were stopping you before would seem like NOTHING.

The path to your dreams would seem easy. Mechanical. You’d wonder why others don’t see how easy it is.

Sure, you’d still have to get out there and interact with the world, maybe for a while.

But it wouldn’t be hard. It wouldn’t be scary. It would be fun. Exciting.

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