Author Archives: mindpersuasion

How To Keep Conversations Going With Girls

Just Go With The Flow

Practice Makes Perfect

What do you say to a girl after you’ve introduced yourself? That’s a question most guys think they need to answer BEFORE they walk over there. But that’s kind of putting the cart before the horse. It assumes that you want to talk to her after you introduce yourself. It assumes she wants to talk to YOU after you introduce yourself.

Believe it or not, neither of these are a given. So there’s really no point in trying to come up with a million and one conversational topics before you go over there.

However, if you need some rules to keep handy, here’s a few. The first thing you should do is simply pace the environment, and your activity.

If you made eye contact with her a couple times before you approach (which is a good idea), just mention that when you walk over.

“Hi, I noticed you from over there, and I was interested in meeting you. My name’s George.”

Then see how she responds. If she looks likes you’re intruding, or she’s shocked, or she looks scared, don’t worry. There’s plenty of girls. However if she smiles (which is pretty likely if you were trading EC before you walked over) just say something else about the environment.

This can be anything neutral that is absolutely true. It sure is bright in here. The music is pretty loud. The drinks here are delicious. (This is called an ice breaker, BTW, it’s only designed to make you and her feel more comfortable).

Then, see how she responds to that. If she smiling and looking at you with her face AND her body, keep going. If not, bail, and go somewhere else.

After that, just use your imagination.

Don’t know what to say?

Here’s the best way to think of things. Just start approaching girls. Start today. Then, later on, keep a journal of what happened. Just write down things you COULD have said or done that might have made things go better.

If you did this once a day, in a few weeks you’d have ZERO PROBLEMS coming up with what to say.

The problem with most guys is they treat talking to girls like it’s some kind of intellectual exercise.

It’s not. It’s just like sports. You’ve got to practice, fall on your face, gain some experience, and then learn from experience. That’s really the only way to get better.

If you are committed to doing this, you’ll soon have ZERO anxieties when it comes to talking to girls. You’ll not only have plenty of say, but you’ll have lots of experience talking to girls that turn out to be not so interesting.

Which means you can simply refine your criteria for your dream girl, and keep looking for her.

Unleash Your Super Powers

Embrace Your True Nature

Resonate With Your Nature

I’ve always been fascinated by resonance.

As a kid, I’d always like to slosh the water back in forth at the bathtub, at just the right frequency, to splash as much of it all over the floor as possible.

Later, me and my buddies applied this to street signs. If you pushed on them with just the right frequency, you could get them swinging back and forth in some pretty big arcs. Not bad for a metal pole stuck in concrete.

Even soldiers learned the hard way that they need to break cadence, how they march in time, when crossing a bridge.

Once a bunch of soldiers crossed a bridge, all marching in step. Unfortunately, the frequency of their gate was the same frequency that swung the bridge, and it collapsed.

If you take any system, and apply force in the same frequency that system naturally resonates at, you can get some pretty cool effects.

This is the reason why the sky is blue. Of all the colors in the spectrum, the ones that resonate the most in the molecules of the upper atmosphere, blue light does it the best. It’s the light that’s most naturally passed through.

Human stories are another example. Joseph Campbell showed us a long time ago that the same basic structure shows up in myths in cultures all over the world.

This “Hero’s Journey” is in Hollywood blockbusters like Star Wars, The Wizard of Oz, Spiderman, Harry Potter, and on and on.

To be sure, every story structure was likely thought up and told since the dawn of time. But the structure that resonated the most, the kind the seemed the truest to most listeners, was the Hero’s Journey.


Because it represents the structure of our lives. We are called to a journey much greater than the one we are currently on.

We are given a huge range of skills, learning abilities,and capabilities. Ones that are almost never put to use in a modern society.

If you do what most people do, which is do what you’re told, stay out of trouble, and make just enough to pay the bills, you’ll never come close to even scratching the surface of what you’re capable of.

But since you want more, you’re not content to simply follow orders like most people are. You aren’t satisfied to just “not get in trouble.”

You  know you’ve got many skills yet to discover, and many journeys to go on.

Get Started:

Kundalini Activator

Destroy Approach Anxiety Once And For All

Always Leave On A High Note

Always Leave On A High Note

What’s the one question guys will invariably ask when they see their buddy talking to a cute girl?

They will always ask if he got the number. Or they’ll ask what the outcome of the conversation was.

And if they don’t get the number, everybody assumes that the guy failed.

This is natural, but it’s also pretty dangerous. Why? Imagine if your number one goal when talking to girls was to close her as high as you could. Number close, kino close, kiss close, whatever.

Even if you have a specific level you’re going for, like a number close, this is still pretty dangerous.


Because on a deep level, it creates the mindset that she has something you don’t. And you’re only successful if she gives it to you. We all know that this is a numbers game, right? Just like in sales. Call enough people, and you’ll make money. Talk to enough girls, and you’ll get some numbers.

The problem is the ones that DON’T give you their number. No matter how much self confidence and self esteem you have, not getting a number when that is your primary goal is going to hurt. Sometimes not so much, sometimes a lot.

Also consider this. The way our brains operate is that every time we go into a new situation, our brains automatically call up as many similar experiences as possible, to prepare us for what might happen.

Which means when you’re approaching a girl for the first time, you will automatically recall, subconsciously, all the other girls you’ve ever approached. And if every single one them is put into a “win-loss” category in your  mind, guess what feeling you’ll suddenly feel?

Stress. Anxiety. Worry. Even fear.

What’s a better alternative?

Just talk to girls WITHOUT having any “outcome” in mind. Don’t specifically ask for the number UNLESS she seems like you’re type and UNLESS you are pretty sure you’re going to get it.

Otherwise, don’t worry. Juts enjoy the conversation, and then split. It’s also a GREAT IDEA if you leave on a “high note.”

Most guys talk to girls until they get blown out. This creates a subconscious connection between getting blown out, and talking to girls. Which means every time you approach a girl, you’ll feel that fear of getting blown out.

On the other hand, if you ALWAYS leave on a high note, you’ll create a whole different automatic response.

If, from now on, you leave every conversation with a girl thinking, “Wow, that was fun, I could have done more!” Then talking to girls will soon start to be fun and exciting. Not stressful or anxious.

And guess what? It won’t be long before girls start dropping OBVIOUS hints that they want to give you their number.

Get Started:

Girlfriend Generator

How To Take A Daily Vacation

Daily Retreats Inside Your Mind

Sink Into Your Inner Self

What is meant by our “higher self?”

It can obviously mean a lot of things to a lot of people.

Whenever people say, “take the high road,” they mean to not give in to emotional reactions, and live or act according to higher principles.

It’s also been said that the true nature of an “enlightened” person is one who can disregard the instinctive programming we all share, and live according to our consciously chosen goals.

We choose to stop eating not because we’re full, but because we’re consciously choosing the shape of our body.

We choose to stop spending money not because our wallet’s are empty and our credit cards are maxed out, but because we are choosing to create a better financial future for ourselves.

We don’t punch that guy in the face that just blatantly insulted us in front of our peers, because we know that acting from pure rage is never a good idea.

Clearly, acting this way all the time isn’t easy. It sure isn’t automatic, otherwise we’d all be skinny, rich, and spouting peace and love wherever we go.

As a human here on Earth, surrounded by other humans who seem to be competing on an instinctive level, it is certainly hard not to join in the fray.

But as somebody who’s intending to create a much more enlightened life for yourself, your family, and those close to you, it’s something that’s likely on your mind a lot.

One way that can help is to set aside some quite, inner reflective time. A time to just sit, breathe slowly and feel your feelings, and let your deepest thoughts roll through you uninhibited.

This can be kind of hard to get into, (and pretty boring!) but once you see the peace it brings you, it will give you something to look forward to when peace and serenity are the furthest things from your mind.

A kind meditative vacation you can escape to on a daily basis. To regroup and strengthen your higher self, and better calm your instinctive, or irrational self.

Having some help can make it a lot easier. A special collection of sounds and frequencies backed by deep subliminals validating and strengthening your higher self.

You may find an hour a day, right before sleep, is the best way to create that daily, inner restorative vacation. That quiet inner solitude that can give life, and your place in it, whole new meaning.

Get Started:

Kundalini Activator

How To Avoid Criteria Mismatch

Make Sure You're A Match

Make Sure You’ve Got Enough In Common

If you want to sell something to somebody, you need to have rapport. If you want to persuade somebody of something, you need to have rapport.

Rapport is that deep feeling of connection. That feeling that makes you feel comfortable and fully trusting that person you’re talking to. And contrary to many traditional sales teachings, rapport is mostly unconscious, and not really dependent on the kinds of things you’re talking about.

It’s pretty easy as well. Matching body language, matching rate of speech, matching rep systems if you’re advanced enough. Then once you’ve established you’re in rapport (by checking and making sure you’re pretty much mirroring each other) then you want to start leading.

Meaning you move slightly, and make sure they follow you. Once you’ve established this, you can start getting down to business. 

How long does it take to get rapport? It all depends. If you’re a likeable person and you’re both pretty relaxed to begin with, then it won’t take long. But if you or they are in a bad mood, or maybe you’re in some kind of confrontational environment, then it may never happen.

However, there is a time when creating rapport too fast may not be such a great idea. And that is when you’re meeting somebody who is a potential romantic interest.

Unfortunately, many sales techniques have made their way into the dating world. Certainly, they are very similar.

But there’s an assumption in sales that shouldn’t be in dating. If you’re in sales, everybody is a potential candidate. So long as they’ve got the money, they are a potential customer.

But think about dating. If you are intending to create a relationship, everybody is most certainly NOT a candidate. After all, dating for the long term is about much more than physical attraction. Now, to begin with there absolutely MUST be some physical attraction, but that’s just start.

But you also need to have a lot of other things in common. And until you know what those things are, you should hold off on doing any kind of advanced selling topics.

For example, let’s say you see a girl who is absolutely gorgeous. So you fire up your hypnotic selling machine. Within an hour, she’s dripping with desire and thinks you’re the greatest thing since sliced bread.

And you keep your hypnotic selling machine turn on “max seduction” all the way through your first sexual encounter.

The next day, she’s head over heels in love with you, because you’ve been banging on her hot buttons all night long.

But you don’t really know ANYTHING about her!

What if she has the opposite political beliefs as you? What if you go to daily mass but she’s a witch? What if she’s a vegan and you eat raw steak three times a day? Sure, you can put up with a little bit of differences, but be careful!

The moral of the story? Qualify first, and seduce later.

Develop Instant Rapport With Anybody

Learn To Appreciate The Silence Within

Learn To Appreciate Silence

A lot of us feel it takes a while to “get to know us.”

Which is true, in many ways. After all, humans are very complicated beings with many different layers of complexity.

You can know somebody for a long, long time, and never really know everything there is to know about them.

This part is very straightforward.

Meaning it will take a while to learn anything that’s complicated and diverse. You can only handle so much at any given time.

But on another level, it takes most of us a while to feel comfortable enough with somebody to share certain things about ourselves.

It’s funny when you see a couple at a restaurant, and they’re obviously on a first date. Or maybe some kind of sales meeting, or an interview.

Both people are very careful to project the “right” image to the other person. If you pay close attention, you can usually figure out who’s trying to impress whom, regardless of the situation.

On the other hand, it’s pretty easy to spot couples (opposite sex or not) that are completely comfortable with one another.

They are much more relaxed, have much more open body language, and seem to not worry too much.

One thing that is a clear signal of people who are totally comfortable around each other is how they handle silence.

If you’ve been on a first date, and there was that uncomfortable silence, it can seem terrifying.

But when you’re with a close friend, you can sit for a long, long time and not really say anything.

One of the hallmarks of people who are naturally charismatic and magnetic is they feel this way, all the time, no matter who they’re around.

That’s why we love being around them so much. It’s like they’ve figured out a way to shortcut the “getting to know you” phase and go straight to the “comfortable with long silences phase.”

How do they do this?

Well, for starters they just simply feel like they belong, everywhere they go. They feel comfortable, no matter who they are with, and no matter what they are doing. If a stranger comes up and starts talking, they don’t wonder who they are or what they want. They just enjoy their company.

Many people feel this is a special gift. One that you either have or you don’t.

Luckily, that’s not true. It’s easy to cultivate that ever present feeling of comfort. Just accept who you are, and understand that no matter what happens, you’ll be fine.

Once you get to this level, you’ll be able to relax, and enjoy the world. 

And everything, and everybody in it.

Get Started:

Kundalini Activator

How To Make An Impression On Her

You Don't Need to Be A Clown With Memorized Patterns

How To Be Confident And In The Moment

There’s a very small difference between somebody who’s really funny, and somebody who has a well practiced routine.

Like if you watch comedians a lot, they speak like they’re just jabbering away off the top of their heads. But if you meet them in person, you might get a different idea.

I had a friend once who took his kid see this famous TV comic perform at local fair. They watched him, and really enjoyed his routine. But then they went backstage to see him, and he was TOTALLY different. Withdrawn, closed off, smoking a cigarette, and not very pleasant to talk to.

Of course, not all comics are like this. In fact, the most famous ones can generally turn it on or off at a moment’s notice, but even then it’s not what it appears.

A lot of the great “improv” comics can spin a funny story based on pretty much anything. So it seems like they’re in the moment. But in reality, they have TONS of small, memorized bits based on pretty much every topic. Which means they only need to connect anything anybody says to ONE of these memorized bits, and then it’s off to the races.

To make their “game” even tighter, they are ALWAYS coming up with new material. Meaning they’ll see some woman with a red hat in line at the grocery store, then they’ll come up with a funny story associated with that particular woman, real or not, and file it away for further use.

Now, this sounds like a LOT of work, and it is! But remember, these are the guys that are world famous, and make millions of dollars a year.

Many, many people see game, as in talking to girls, they same way. They feel they need to have a whole collection of memorized patterns and topics, so they can always riff of whatever she says.

This is kind of true, but not really.

Meaning this is the way humans are hard wired to communicate anyway. Meaning if you make it a habit of talking to as many people as you can, just to talk to them, you’ll automatically be collecting a lot of stories based on a lot of different situations.

And your genius brain will AUTOMATICALLY start to bring those stories to mind whenever you’re talking to people. Which, of course, will create a self-fulfilling loop.

You talk to people, and they’ll remind of other people, and you’ll then use those old stories to mix in with that current situation. 

Your experience and anecdotes will grow. Your social comfort will grow. Your ability to be “in the moment” without fear or nervousness will grow.

All you’ve got to do is make a decision to simply start being more social with people. Then when you’re talking to that cute girl, about whatever, you’ll be the most interesting person she’s talked to in a long, long time.

Get Started:

Girlfriend Generator

Do You Have The Brakes On?

Release The Brakes!

Eliminate Internal Resistance

When I was a kid I was in a couple of “races.” 

One was when we had to build these race cars out of wood. The track was just a bit long ramp, and the cars had to coast.

We all had a basic kit to build our cars with, so they were all pretty similar. Adult help was not allowed.

Then we had some kind of tournament where we’d just let them loose, two at a time, until we finally had a winner.

It wasn’t very scientific, more a process kind of thing. Get the kids involved in some kind of project where they have to do things on their own, without any help, and then stand by the results they got.

As you can guess, the biggest difference was resistance. Whoever got their friction levels the smallest had the fastest cars. Since they just coasted, due to gravity, the ones that went the fastest had the least resistance internally (from the wheels) and externally (due to wind resistance).

I remember another time, when I was going on a long bike ride with my buddy. He was having a hard time keeping up. Which was strange, since we’d often trained together and we were in both pretty similar physical condition.

We stopped, thinking maybe something was wrong with his bike. There was. Somehow, his rear brake was slightly engaged, holding him back, and stealing some of his pedaling energy.

This happens quite a lot. Often times we think what’s holding us back is somewhere “out there.” It’s pretty easy to point fingers at others, as it keeps us from owning up to our shortcomings, whatever they may be.

But often times what’s holding us back is something inside. False fears and anxieties, based on stories we told ourselves long go, that we still think are true.

And just like my friends brakes, these false fears are stealing our forward momentum. We are moving forward, but part of us is holding us back. The struggle we feel is completely internal.

Once my friend had uncovered his brake problem, he easily took off ahead of me. Compared to how he was huffing and puffing before, keeping up with me was easy. Too easy, so he left me in the dust.

This is what happens when we learn how to dismantle our internal brakes. It seems easy. So easy we can take off, and leave our old selves in the dust.

Free to sprint up ahead, and achieve things much greater than we’d ever thought possible.

Are you ready?

Kundalini Activator

Don’t Rush Too Fast

Take Time To Screen Her

Screen First Enjoy Later

Most every guru, internet keyboard jockey, or goof hanging out at your local bar will tell you the purpose of pick has one reason, and one reason only. And that is to get laid. Nearly everybody will tell you that if she doesn’t “put out” after the third date (or some other kind of imaginary line in the imaginary sand) then you should unceremoniously kick her to the imaginary curb.

After all, if you’ve put in the time, effort and risk to take her this far, she OWES you that much, right?

Not so fast.

In reality, there’s a lot of hidden problems in this strategy and model.

One is that by making sex with her your main goal, you’ll be overlooking pretty much everything about her. Now, if all you want is sex, and you never want to have a decent relationship past a few weeks or months, then stop reading now.

(Or keep reading, just realize this doesn’t really apply to you.)

But consider a few things. One is that after the thrill of early sex wears off, you’ll be left with HER. Her beliefs, her personality, her hang ups, her strengths, her weaknesses, good habits, and bad habits.

Another thing to consider is that even if you ARE looking for a serious, long term relationship, having sex with her can SIGNIFICANTLY decrease your ability to accurately screen her.


Mother Nature ain’t an idiot. The main purpose of humans is to make more humans. So when humans start getting some, we pretty much hypnotize ourselves into thinking that EVERYTHING about each other is perfect.

But that self-hypnosis will wear off. And then you’re left with two people that may or may not know each other very well. Sometimes that works out. Sometimes there’s enough overlap, enough shared experiences, enough social pressure from friends, family, religion, etc, to keep the “glue” between you going.

But not always. Sometimes you go down in horribly painful flames.

How can you increase your chances?

Two ways. One is to simply have some criteria aside from her being hot. Figure out the kind of girl you’d like, aside from her looks. These are things like her background, family life, religion, politics, financial views, etc.

The more of these you can discern BEFORE you sleep with her, the better.

Because once you do the deed, that self-hypnosis will kick in, and you’ll start painting the bullseye AFTER you’ve shot your arrow. Right around the target.

This isn’t easy, but it can save you a lot of grief in the long run. You’ll need to figure out how to conversationally find out those things about her within the first couple dates, so you don’t waste too much time on “low probability candidates.”

The more you practice, the easier it will get.

Get Started:

Girlfriend Generator

Are You Hobbled By Brain Bias?

Good Things Come to Those Who Wait

Patience Always Helps

The human mind has all kinds of biases.

One reason is to simply cut down on brainpower energy.

If we find a shortcut in thinking, and it works out, we tend to keep thinking that way.

Sometimes though, we keep thinking that way long past its point of usefulness.

Like when we’re little kids, we learn that it’s sometimes a good idea to keep our mouths shut, or else we’ll get yelled at or get some kind of unwanted social pressure.

Of course, that strategy doesn’t work so well into adulthood, but most of us still have it.

Other biases are hard wired in, as they helped our ancestors. For example, we tend to make cause and effect relationships between things that don’t really have anything to do with each other.

This helped when our world was simple, and filled with predators, but not so much anymore.

This doesn’t stop mainstream media from pushing all kinds of crazy “links” in our face. Of course, two things can be linked, but that doesn’t mean one is causing the other.

There was a scene in the old movie, “The Jerk,” with Steve Martin, where some crazy killer was trying to shoot him. He kept missing, and was blowing up a stack of oil cans.

Steve Martin’s character (The Jerk) came to the conclusion that, “He hates these cans!”

Many of our conclusions based on what we see around us aren’t much better!

Another bias is something called “cognitive dissonance.” This is when we flat our refuse to see things that may prove we are wrong, or not as good as we think we are.

This, of course, can help to protect our ego.

But often times, it keeps us stuck. One of the fastest ways to get better at ANYTHING is to try, fail miserably, look what you did wrong, and then try again.

We did that great when we were kids, but now we’re terrified.

Now when we fail, most of us don’t acknowledge it. Not only that, but we tend to point fingers at others, as if it’s their fault we can’t do what we want, or are even afraid of trying.

But if you’re honest with yourself, you know the truth. This takes a great deal of courage. An amount of courage most people don’t have.

But in those quiet moments with yourself, you’ll know what’s up.

The secret of doing ANYTHING is just getting out there, trying, and learning from all the feedback you get.

Instead of trying to keep your ego safe all the time, imagine how much better you’ll be in the future.

Like I said, most people are terrified of this. They’d rather stay safely in their comfort zone and blame anything and everything.

What about you? Are you willing to do what it takes to unleash your brilliance?

This will help:

Kundalini Activator