Author Archives: mindpersuasion

How To Shop For Her Emotions

Talk Your Way Into Her Heart

Feelings Are Everything

No matter how you get a girl interested in you, you’ve got to get her emotions fired up.

You can either plan to do this, or hope to do this.

Most guys hope. Meaning they do things that they hope will inspire the “right” combination of emotions in her, which she’ll “hopefully” interpret as “attraction.”


If you’re super old school, you may go on a “date,” and buy her dinner, give her flowers, shower her with compliments. These are all designed to trigger those emotions in her, that she’ll interpret subconsciously attraction.

One way you will SURELY fail is if you think she’s going to make some CONSCIOUS decision, based on what you’ve done.

Like if you show up with flowers, and you expect her to suddenly “like you” as if she could choose to like you.


This would be the same as having a three year old kid, and spending an hour cooking him or her a broccoli and cabbage pie. You think that BECAUSE you put in the effort, that your kid should suddenly think that broccoli and cabbage pie is delicious.

Trust me, the only reason they’ll eat it is to stop you from screaming at them.

Girls (and guys) are NO different. Attraction ISN’T a choice, but even though most guys KNOW this, they act like it’s not true.

Feeling Come From The Subconscious

But the harsh, bottom line truth is if she’s NOT feeling you, she’s NOT feeling you.

Nobody is going to eat broccoli because you CONVINCED THEM to like it. They are ONLY going to eat it if they already like it.

Back on point.

If you want to create attraction, you can only do so by creating the right combination of emotions.

Not only that, but you’ve got to create them on the sly. Most of the time, this happens by accident. A girl just “feels” a guy, and a guy just “feels” a girl.

But you CAN engineer these emotions.


Just move her through several positive emotions (happiness, excitement, discovery, surprise) and a couple of negative ones (fear, shock, anxiety) over the course of twenty or thirty minutes.

Keep It On The Down Low

Just DON’T EVER tell her you’re doing this.

Now, it can be hard to keep track of all these emotions, but they are plenty of mental tricks that can help.

You can literally see an imaginary checklist behind her if you train your mind right.

Then as you’re talking to her, and you see her move through those emotions, you simply check one off your list, and move on to the next.

Just like going shopping.

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How To Discover Your Inner Magic

How To Become Magic

Unconscious Love

The border between the conscious and unconscious is where it’s at.

When you’re (or your body is) doing something unconsciously, like walking, breathing (most of the time) pulsing your blood through your veins, and processing the billions of bits of information hitting your sense, you never know.

When you’re doing something consciously, like writing (most of the time), speaking about some kind of topic that’s crucial to your livelihood (like talking to your boss or your kids) then it’s all above board, and you know what’s going on.

But the magic happens when it’s right there on the border. When it could easily go either way.

Getting lost in conversation with a friend or loved one, and then forgetting what you were talking about.

In The Flow

Playing a well rehearsed piece on an instrument, and both listening and playing at the same time.

Losing yourself in physical activity, getting that often sought after “flow.”

This is when we humans are at our best.

That perfect combination of automatic instinctive, and subconsciously programmed behaviors coupled with consciously chosen direction.

This is pure magic. When we choose where we want to go, with our conscious, and then turn over the reigns to our unconscious to get us there.

With our full trust and appreciation.

Expand The Interface

The bigger this “border” is, and the more often we experience it, the richer our lives become.

Consciously looking out into a world filled with wonderful opportunities, while digging deep below the surface to pull up our vast resources.

Combining conscious vision and unconscious skills to achieve greatness.

When people fully begin to realize the vast reaches and depths of their minds, they usually come to one stunning conclusion:

“There is MAGIC here!”

Have you discovered yours yet?

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How To Guarantee Your Seduction Success

Get Them Attracted To You

Frontways Back?

Most guys get it backward when it comes to pick up.

That’s not entirely accurate. Most guys get only HALF the story, and that half of the story they get backwards.

For most guys, it works like this. They walk into a place and see a bunch of girls. Coffee shop, bookstore, nightclub, whatever.

They separate the girls by looks. This happens automatically, and subconsciously.

Then they look at the girls they’d like, and pick one to approach.

This Ain’t The Holodeck!

The problem they do this as if they were looking at a picture, or watching a movie. They don’t see themselves as part of the equation.

They sort twice. The first “sorting” is based on their subjective opinions. They second “sorting” is based on how easy it might be to “pick her up” based on her surroundings. If she’s with a guy, she’s out. If she’s with one or two girls, then maybe. If she’s alone, then it’s game on.

Notice that NONE of these “sorting” models involve him. He may as well be looking at some pictures taken from the security cameras.

On the other hand, here’s what a natural does. Again, this happens quickly, and unconsciously.

Where Do I Fit In?

He walks into the place, and reads the room. He quickly scans EVERYBODY’S body language, facial expressions, etc.

Then he sorts by girls that are already showing him slight IOI’s. Then he further sorts by girls who are giving him IOI’s and are “high probability targets.” Girls that are NOT with boyfriends.

Sure, it sounds super alpha to claim you picked up a girl who was with a guy, but in reality this often invites more problems than it’s worth. All kinds of drama to say the least. (Nobody wants a girl who’s openly flirting with other guys, while she’s with “her” guy.)

Double Qualified

Only then does he sort them by looks. He’s already classified them by THEIR interest in HIM. Then he’s sub classified them by the probability of success, based on their situation.

ONLY THEN does he sort them further by HIS level of attraction.

This way, he’s almost certain to be successful, AND the girl he chooses is hottest of the girls that are ALREADY interested in him.

Here’s what makes it so powerful. It’s very subtle.

When girls give a guy signals, most guys are clueless. But girls see it as obvious as if she’s holding up a big flashing bill board.

So when he sees five or ten girls, giving him signals, THEY ALL KNOW that he’s got five or ten girls giving him signals.

So when he approaches ONE of them, she’s going to feel like the WINNER.

Which means he’ll have to do VERY LITTLE work to create attraction, since it’s already there.

So, how do you develop such ultra laser targeted social intelligence, so YOU can pick and choose?

Here’s How:

What Image Are You Projecting?

Project The Right Measurements

Always Checking And Measuring

Most people don’t like to think about this, but we judge each other all the time.

It’s programmed deep within our common history to “look somebody over” when we first meet them.

Long ago, when we lived in these small tribes of a couple hundred people or so, everybody knew everybody. So if you screwed somebody over, EVERYBODY would quickly know about it.

But then we started living in much larger groups, so it became necessary to get a feel for somebody.

Are You Always Getting Conned?

Those that couldn’t do that were quickly taken advantage of, and didn’t usually last long.

So we all developed a kind of “sixth sense” of how we “read” people when we first met them.

Are they trustworthy? Are they honest? Will they try and take advantage of us? Are they shifty? Would we want them to have our back in a fight? Can they handle complicated situations, or do they need to be told what to do every step of the way?

Most of us know the obvious clues to look out for, like an inability to hold eye contact, somebody who keeps their arms and legs protectively crossed in front of them.

Just Scratching The Surface

But there are literally TONS of body language and facial expressions that we are not only projecting constantly, but subconsciously reading in others.

If you want to develop really solid relationships, whether they be business, romantic, or friendships,it’s important to recognize this. Both how we read others, and what we project to others.

Luckily, there are several exercises you can do that will greatly enhance your ability to read others, on a subconscious level, and get a much more accurate “feel” for who they really are.

Enhance Your Image

Not only that, you’ll be projecting much better information about yourself, specifically your intelligence.

You’ll be seen as the person they want to have around, and feel confident that they can depend on you and trust you.

And YOU’LL be able to cut through the BS, so you don’t waste any time.

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The Power Of Story Spinning Seduction

Secret Seduction

Monkey See Monkey Do

If you do the same thing that everybody else does, you’ll get the same thing everybody else has.

If you go to a club, or other place to meet girls, and you’re dressed like everybody else, you use the same lines like everybody else, you’ll end up with the same results as everybody else.

Being different is a great way to stand out in her mind, but you’ve got to be careful. Don’t be different just for the sake of being different, otherwise this would backfire.

Leave The Costume At Home

If you walked into a club wearing a chicken suit, for example, you would certainly be different. But you may not have the best of luck withe ladies.

There’s all kinds of memorized openers that are designed to make you stand out. Like talking about two girls that are fighting outside, or using the “snack opener” or something she hopefully hasn’t heard yet.

But if it’s clear you’re using a line, she MIGHT give you points for originality, but she’ll also know you were being original on purpose, meaning it was part of “non-natural” communication to pick her up.

At best, this is simply a clever “pick up line.” At worst you’ll seem like a creepy stalker.

Your Authentic and Unique Self

The real trick is to be genuine AND different.

How can you do that? One powerful way is to use nested loops. This is when you start telling a story, being very generous with your facial expressions, and the shifting to various stories without really finishing any of them.

This is genuine if you are telling her REAL stories about your REAL life. Most guys get hung up on content, the actual stuff the story is about. But in reality it’s not so important. MUCH MORE important is how you tell it.

Keep Her Interested

AND when you keep changing stories, right when you’re about to get to the climax, she’ll be HOOKED on your every word.

See, most guys walk up and try to “impress her” with their income, jobs, etc. But it’s clear to her on one level that’s EXACTLY what they’re doing. Giving HER information that they hope SHE approves of.

But YOU, on the other hand, are telling her stories about how you woke up late, or found a frog in your bathroom, or put chocolate on your toast instead of peanut butter, AND you’re using really “in the moment” body language and facial expressions, AND you’re leaving her hanging, so she’ll won’t help but be TOTALLY focused on you.

At the end of the night, she’ll consciously be aware that all you did was tell her goofy kid stories, but somehow, she’s totally attracted to you. And THIS is the kind of thing girls DREAM ABOUT.

Of course, being able to remember and keep track of all those stories can be a bit tricky. But it’s well worth it.

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How To Become An Inventor Of Your Life

Invent Your Life

More People More Better

Archaeologists have known for years that if any society is both isolated and below a certain “threshold population,” they stagnate.

They sometimes even go backwards in time.

Since we live in a super connected, global economy, this is hard to see intuitively.

But if you’ve only a few thousand people, that are separated from everybody else in the world, eventually they will regress back to stone-age technology.

There seems to be some kind of “critical mass” for a society to take off, and start creating more ideas, better “stuff” and more ways to use the stuff.


If we can imagine only three or four guys on an island, it’s pretty easy. If they don’t have any tools, they won’t be able to make any.

One guy will spend all day weaving together leaves for a roof, another guy would collect firewood all day, one guy would collect coconuts, and the last guy would fish.

Since this would take most of their time, the height of this particular “civilization” would be four guys sitting under a woven roof, drinking coconut juice and eating barbecued fish.

The reason there’s so much stuff is there’s so many people.

Ideas Having Sex With Each Other

People see things, get ideas, try new things, and create new stuff.

The true measure of a society is how much they can share, collaborate and continually come up with new and interesting stuff.

Just compare that stuff we’ve got now, compared to only twenty or thirty years ago.

The amazing thing is that most “genius” inventions weren’t invented from scratch. They were merely slight improvements over what already existed.

Make It A Bit Better

When you look upon the world with curiosity, creativity and imagination, there’s no telling what YOU can come up with.

First, simply appreciate what you’ve got, and what’s available to you.

Then just let your mind wander. Ask yourself, “How could this be even better?”

Many people have gotten rich off the craziest inventions, that came during weird times in their lives.

What will YOU invent?

How will YOU change the world?

Get Your Brain Ready:

How To Stay On Top Of The Conversation

Conversational Magic Will Keep You From Ejecting

Can You Talk About Different Things?

Having conversational flexibility is a HUGE advantage when talking to girls.

A lot of guys have a great set of opening lines, but once those are gone, they are vulnerable to running out of stuff to say.

Even worse, if you’re lines are actually WORKING, she’s GOING to test you.

Why? If you’re creating attraction, that’s great. But because girls are naturally skeptical of guys for whom they’re feeling attraction for right away, they want to make sure it’s real.

The WORST thing that can happen to a girl is feel like she’s been played, emotionally and sexually.

Forget About The Fake KJ Nonsense

Sure, it might sound like some cool “alpha” bravado to talk about the famous “pump-n-dump” but to a girl, it’s a pretty horrible situation.

Which is why she tests you, to make sure you’re the real deal and not some smooth player.

And if you stumble and stop talking and seem at a loss when she DOES test you, then it’s game over.

So expecting and dealing with tests, as they come up, is crucial.

Most guys HATE being tested, but you should LOVE it.

It means that she’s into you, and furthermore, she WANTS to be MORE into you.

So when you “feel” like she’s testing you, be happy.

But what do you do?

Accept and Roll With It

Just keep talking. Accept whatever she says, and don’t lose the frame. Keep control of the conversation.

How do you do that?

Here’s a wicked trip that will help.

Take three or four of the conversational threads, and “peg them” to parts of her body.

Face, hair, ears, etc.

That way, you’ll quickly be able to come back to what you were talking about, after dealing with her tests.

Versatile Memory Tricks

Pegging is a pretty slick memory trick that allows you to take abstract ideas, thoughts, pieces of information, and literally set them aside, you so you can come back to them.

The cool thing is that with this technique, you’ll be able to handle several threads at once and stay on top of everything.

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How To Never Stop Learning

Lifelong Learning

Can You Touch Your Toes?

In NLP, they say that whoever is more flexible will have an advantage.

For example, if you’ve got a couple of martial artists squaring off, and one guy’s got 500 moves and the other guy’s got only 50, the guy with more moves is going to win.

No matter what the scenario, he’s going to have ten times as many options as they other guy.

If all you’ve got is a plan A, and no backup plan, you’re in deep trouble if something happens.

No Backup Plan?

This is one HUGE problem that’s facing a lot of people today. They were taught to go to college (often times on borrowed money) and then get a job and call it good.

But because the economic landscape is changing so quickly, if you’ve only got ONE set of skills, you are going to get left behind.

Fifty years ago, it wasn’t like that. You didn’t even need a college degree. All you needed was a decent job, and normal levels of punctuality and a decent work ethic, and you got ahead.

Not any more.

Now, you’ve got to be mentally nimble. You’ve got to wear many hats, and keep reacting to change.

Luckily, this is EXACTLY what humans were built for.

Always Winning and Shifting

For the majority of our history, we’ve been chasing different prey over different landscapes and climates without second thought.

The very reason humans are the ruling animals is BECAUSE we are so flexible.

We can easily learn any skill, and adapt to any situation.

Sure, it might not be “brain dead simple” but it’s far from impossible.

All you’ve got to do is open up to your TRUE potential, and get busy.

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How Many Magical Wishes?

What’s Your Favorite Super Power?

What’s the best skill you can acquire?

If you’ve ever seen those movies where somebody gets three wishes, there’s usually a rule that you can’t wish for more wishes.

Even if you only had one wish, and could wish for more wishes, then you could get anything you want.

Lisa Simpson Destroys The World

There’s been plenty of movies (serious, horror and comedy) about somebody who gets three wishes, and then something unexpected happens. Like on the Simpson’s, when Lisa got a wish, and she wished for “World Peace.” Everybody got rid of their weapons, and then aliens invaded, and took over the Earth armed with sling shots.

But in the real world, the only “rules” are what you can imagine.

So, back to the original question, what’s the best skill you can acquire?

Fluency in languages? Epic programming skills? A master chef? Ninja stock market skills?

One Skill To Rule Them All

But what about a skill that is the base of ALL skills?

The ability to LEARN other skills?

After all, if you could learn anything, it would be like being able to wish for more wishes.

You could learn many languages, learn epic programming skills, and learn to trade stocks and commodities like a natural.

But it takes a long time to learn things, right?

It’s hard to learn things, right? It’s frustrating, tiresome, and extremely boring?

It can be. But it doesn’t have to be.

You’ve Already Got What It Takes

Humans are natural learners. We learn new things all the time. But just a fish swimming in water, we don’t notice it because it’s who we are.

Only when it DOESN’T work out, does it stick out in our mind.

That’s one reason why so many of us associate “learning” with “school.” Not because we learned anything, but it was anything other than fun, natural and exciting.

All the other things you’ve learned, and continue to learn, you don’t notice, because learning is who you are.

When you can leverage the natural learner within, to achieve a specific goal, skill, or talent, that’s when life becomes magic.

Think about this: If you could learn anything, what would you want to learn?

If you knew it would be fun, easy and natural, what would that be?

Once you fire up that natural learner with, you’ll soon realize there’s NOTHING you can’t do.

Every Girl You Interact With Helps You Get Better

Everybody Is Worthwhile

You know that old saying, don’t miss the forest for the trees?

What does that really mean?

It means to look at the big picture. The HUGE forest, filled with all kinds of stuff, can be missed if you stare at one tree.

How does this apply to getting girls? Think of that ONE GIRL you are talking to as a tree.

More Than You Think

Most guys quickly forget there’s a HUGE FOREST out there, filled with girls, many much, much better than the one you’re talking to.

Now, most guys understand this, at least on one level. Meaning it sounds a bit like the “other fish in the sea” argument.

Or very similar to the “getting girls is a numbers game” argument, where if you keep number closing, you’ll find those magic few who dig you in the right way.

That is certainly true, but it’s missing a HUGE part of the puzzle.

If you see every girl as one “number” in a huge “numbers game” you’re missing out on a LOT.

Tons Of Good Stuff In The Middle

You’ll see her in either two ways, “pass” or “fail.” She accepts you, or she rejects you.

Kind of like cold calling. You spit out very same ten second sales pitch a hundred times a day, and hopefully get a couple sales.

This is EXTREMELY LIMITING when it comes to girls.


Because each and every girl you interact with can make you BETTER. Can make you MORE CONFIDENT. And most importantly, can make you MORE ATTRACTIVE.

Every Experience Gives You More Experience

Ever interaction you have with a girl, conscious or not, verbal or non-verbal, goes into your HUGE and growing database of females.

And every time you look at a NEW girl, your subconscious IMMEDIATELY calls up all other female experiences, and comes back with a feeling. Anxiety, confidence, excitement, positive expectation, relaxed enjoyment, all of these are possible.

And all are dependent on your collective experience with girls.

So no matter WHAT HAPPENS when you talk to her, you CAN build up your experience so next time is more fun, and more enjoyable.

This does require that you ditch that “pass / fail” model, and see each girl REGARDLESS of what happens as an experience to be enjoyed.

Do this, and you’ll be a natural in no time.

Especially when you turn on your natural learner, which will help program your subconscious in the best way possible.