How To Never Stop Learning

Lifelong Learning

Can You Touch Your Toes?

In NLP, they say that whoever is more flexible will have an advantage.

For example, if you’ve got a couple of martial artists squaring off, and one guy’s got 500 moves and the other guy’s got only 50, the guy with more moves is going to win.

No matter what the scenario, he’s going to have ten times as many options as they other guy.

If all you’ve got is a plan A, and no backup plan, you’re in deep trouble if something happens.

No Backup Plan?

This is one HUGE problem that’s facing a lot of people today. They were taught to go to college (often times on borrowed money) and then get a job and call it good.

But because the economic landscape is changing so quickly, if you’ve only got ONE set of skills, you are going to get left behind.

Fifty years ago, it wasn’t like that. You didn’t even need a college degree. All you needed was a decent job, and normal levels of punctuality and a decent work ethic, and you got ahead.

Not any more.

Now, you’ve got to be mentally nimble. You’ve got to wear many hats, and keep reacting to change.

Luckily, this is EXACTLY what humans were built for.

Always Winning and Shifting

For the majority of our history, we’ve been chasing different prey over different landscapes and climates without second thought.

The very reason humans are the ruling animals is BECAUSE we are so flexible.

We can easily learn any skill, and adapt to any situation.

Sure, it might not be “brain dead simple” but it’s far from impossible.

All you’ve got to do is open up to your TRUE potential, and get busy.

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