Can You Make Tough Decisions?

Tough Decisions

Beware Of Pretend Logic

Your conscious mind is a great tool, but often times it can get in the way.

Only some times, it’s not your conscious mind that’s getting in the way, it only seems like it.

That happens frequently when we “think” we’re “thinking” about some difficult decision. Like when you’re weighing the pros and cons, and trying to come up with a “rational” decision.

But the very idea of a “rational” decision is kind of a myth. Without input from our emotions, making ANY decision is impossible. Sure, when we’re looking at some objective system, and we have a concrete outcome based on the metrics of the system, logic is all you need.

When I was a kid I used to build these long racetracks for Hot Wheels, these miniature racing cars. I would look at this “system” and imagine my desired outcome, which was based on the laws of gravity and the constraints of the “system.” Generally, my outcome was to get the cars to jump over the coffee table, and land back on the racetrack.

In this case, it’s easy to adjust “the system” to achieve your outcome, because you aren’t really involved “in” the system.

Inside A Situation Is Tough

Inside Is Tough

But when making decisions for ourselves, we ARE in the system, and any outcome we  choose is based on our desires, which are based on our emotions.

So when we’re going back and forth, we’re not “really” thinking logically. What we’re REALLY doing is deciding which decision carries the most emotional strength.

And more often than not, this is a contest between our emotional desires, and our emotional strengths.

Part of us wants to do something, but part of us is afraid of what will happen if we do.

To make matters even more complicated, often times we “think” we have a “desire,” but in reality our desire is based on moving away from pain, rather than moving towards pleasure.

Only that we con ourselves into thinking we’re moving towards pleasure.

So we end up with two choices. One is what we “think” is a pleasure based desire, but it’s really an “away from pain” based desire.

The other choices is based on fear of what will happen if we take the “away from pain” based desire.

Which means we’re choosing between two crappy outcomes. There’s really no logic at all.

This is why most people HATE making tough decisions. On the surface, we pretend it’s all about logic.

But from an emotional, subconscious level, we’re choosing between two different flavors of crap.

No wonder we can’t choose!

Scared To Decide?

Ditch The False Fears

But there IS some good news. A lot, really. Most of those fears are absolutely FALSE. Meaning really is gold at the end of the rainbow, we are just looking at it through the filters of our imaginary fears and anxieties.

If you want to GET RID of those, and become much more congruent, making decisions and taking action (Right Action) will be a LOT easier, and  LOT more fun.

Learn How


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