Category Archives: Belief

Nonsensical Physics 

Leverage The Unseen

Mysteries Of Science

When I was a kid used to LOVE quantum physics.

Well, at least the concepts. I’d read a bunch of books where they’d taken out the math, so to make it more accessible to everyday guys like me.

Now, from an ultra “meta” standpoint, everything makes sense. Everything is governed by laws and principles.

But from a human standpoint, only a small sliver of a sliver makes any rational sense.

There’s plenty of psychological tests to prove this.

They take a logical puzzle, put it in non-familiar terms (like cards and shapes and colors) and most people fail miserably.

They take the same logical puzzle, put it in a familiar social setting, and everybody gets it. Easy peasy.

Same goes with simple math. Two plus two is four. Two times four is eight.

But start talking about economics, especially when you get into what some economists called the “unseen,” then things get crazy.

One of the most mind numbing aspect of quantum physics was Heisenberg’s Principle of Uncertainty.

He mathematically showed that ultra tiny systems behave in different ways when they are being observed, and when they aren’t being observed.

This is assuming there’s no interaction between the observer and that which is observed.

Why this happens, nobody really knows.

Another thing that blows people’s minds is the derivation of the Ideal Gas Law.

(The what of what??)

You know how when you pop a balloon, it makes a big sound, right? Or if you poked a hole in an inflated tire, all the air would quickly rush out, right?

Why does that happen?

Most of us assume it’s because all those air molecules are in there, crammed so tightly together they can’t stand each other, and can’t wait to get away from each other, right?

Makes perfect sense, but it’s wrong.

There’s a certain equation that describes EXACTLY how much pressure is inside, based on the temperature, etc. And exactly how fast the gas escapes when there’s a hole, etc. And precisely how quickly a balloon will deflate when popped, etc.

So it’s clear this equation is pretty on the money, right?

But here’s the thing. That equation is based on this assumption that DOES NOT MAKE SENSE.

What’s that?

That every single particle of air in there (the balloon, the tire, etc) THINKS that it is all alone.

That equation is based on the assumption that there is ZERO interaction between particles in there.

Which means there must be some OTHER explanation why they all rush out so fast.

Maybe the universe has some deeper laws, that NOBODY understands.

And all we can ever see is what’s on the surface.

Kind of like you.

Most people you interact with only see the OUTSIDE. The very outer layer of what you present.

Inside, you know there is much, much more.

Are you ready to discover it?

How To Communicate With Super Conscious Mind

Tap Into The Global Brain

The Deep Connection Within

What’s the difference between the conscious mind, the unconscious and the super conscious?

It’s a common question, and there really isn’t a specific answer.

It’s not like a math equation, where there is only one answer that everybody pretty much accepts.

The conscious and unconscious is pretty straightforward.

Your conscious mind is the part of you that is aware of what is going on right here, right now.

The thoughts in your mind as you read this sentence. The feelings in your body as you feel the surface you are now resting on. The memories of what you ate last.

The unconscious is everything else.

A good comparison between the size of the two is a field about ten miles on each side. That’s one hundred square miles. That’s everything that’s in your brain.

If your brain is a field of one hundred square miles, then your conscious mind, the part that you are aware of at any given moment, the size of a beam of light coming from a small flashlight.

Imagine you were stumbling around in the dark, on that large field, with a flashlight, looking for something.

Luckily, the subconscious, or unconscious doesn’t just sit there and wait for our conscious to finally come across what we’re looking for.

There’s plenty of interaction between the two. The more relaxed and open you are, the more quickly your subconscious can present you with the information you need.

It’s kind of like you’re wearing a magic harness, and when you think of what you need, you suddenly move just over the spot on this metaphorical field where the information is.

So, what’s the super conscious?

If  your conscious is a flashlight, and your unconscious is a one hundred square mile field, think of the super conscious as the entire Earth.

And on top of which, is everybody else’s field, all laid out.

The super conscious can be thought of as the collective of all the minds that exist, not just now, but in the past, and the future.

Think of several Earth’s all representing different points in time, all with people with their own plot of “mind.” 

Not only are all the fields connected (through the deep Earth below) but all the different Earth’s are connected as well.

Now, this is a metaphor, not reality. As they say in NLP, The “Map” is Not The Territory. The metaphor is not that which it describes, only a way to understand it.

So, in the metaphor, how do you connect to the super conscious?

Just like you connect to the subconscious, only more so.

The more relaxed and calm you are, the easier you’ll drift just over the spot of mind you need to find.

And in the case of the super conscious, it’s not only about finding the right spot of mind (or the specific information from your unconscious) but how to interpret that.

If you are quiet enough, and patient enough, you’ll find not only deep wisdom within yourself, but ultimate truth as well.

Get Started:

Kundalini Activator

How To Practice Spontaneity 

Practice Not Knowing What To Say

How To Be In The Moment

Many girls love a guy who’s spontaneous. Now, that doesn’t mean saying you are spontaneous. That doesn’t mean telling her stories about how you were so super spontaneous back in college. 

It simply requires that you BE spontaneous, while you’re talking to her and interacting with her.

It also means that you don’t waste ANY time approaching. This is one of the reasons why the three second rule is pretty important. Ideally, you should never have to consciously apply the three second rule. It should be something you do automatically, without thinking.

You see a cute girl, make eye contact, and go and introduce yourself. 

“But, but, but, what do I say?”

“How do I approach?”

“What if she’s with her friends?”

“Who should I talk to first?”

Forget about all that. The whole point of being spontaneous is doing things BEFORE you really know what you’re doing.

Here’s an exercise to try. The next cute girls you see, immediately walk up and say this:

“I had the most amazing thing to do you, but on the way over here, I forgot what to say.”

Then see what she says.

No, this isn’t a pick up line. This isn’t some trick to show off how cool you are. This is PRACTICE to help you think in the moment.

After a while, you won’t need to say that cheesy line. You’ll walk up, and you really WON’T know what you’re going to say until you get there.

This is where REAL spontaneity comes from.

Sure, the first few times you’ll fall on your face. Look silly. Run away with your tail between your legs.

But so what?

The goal is to walk up, and be confident EVEN THOUGH you have no idea what to say.

This will make you INCREDIBLY attractive. Most guys are too scared to walk up. Most guys that DO walk up have some kind of line they memorized BEFORE they even started the approach.

You’ll come across as confident, natural, and fearless. And VERY spontaneous.

How do you do you get to this level?

Practice. Practice talking to girls when you have no idea what you want to say. Practice letting what she ways to you conjure up ideas in your mind.  Practice coming up with things to say ON THE SPOT.

Sure it will take time.

But you’ll develop a skill very few people have.

How To Kill Desperation

End This Attraction Killing Curse

Easy Daily Practice

Many people talk about the scarcity mindset, when it comes to meeting girls.

In general terms, when you don’t have a lot of options, you’re going to place a lot of value on the options you do have. If you’ve been out of work for a while, you’ll take any job, no matter how horrible, so long as you start earning some cash that will keep you off the streets.

If you’re starving, and all you’ve got is a box of crackers, those crackers are going to be the most delicious thing you’ve ever eaten.

With girls, it works the same way. If you haven’t been involved for a while, any interaction you get from a girl is going to make it seem like she’s your only chance for romantic and sexual happiness.

To make it worse, since humans spent a long time living in small groups, your inner caveman is programmed to really believe she may be your only chance.

So speaking in terms of scarcity mindset or abundance mindset is pretty useless unless it’s actually true.

Meaning if you really haven’t had much luck recently, no matter how much you build up your confidence in your mind, she’s going to seem WAY more important to you that she really is. Which means you’ll overanalyze everything, be terrified of upsetting her, and pretty much do anything to please her. None of which are very attractive.

Clearly, this can set up a huge negative feedback loop. The more desperate you act, the less attractive you’ll be, which means you’ll be even LESS likely to find somebody.

What’s the answer? Repeat “sex and romance are abundant” a million times every night?


The simple, easy and straightforward answer is to simply get into the habit of talking to every single cute girl you see.

Or at least making eye contact and smiling at them.

Sure, it may seem hard at first. But if you suck it up and make this a habit, that feeling of desperation will slowly fade.

Pretty soon you will believe, in a deep psychological and instinctive level, that pretty girls really ARE in abundance.

Now, some guys will do this, and then stop when they start dating somebody.

Don’t make this mistake. This isn’t the greatest metaphor, but it’s helpful.

Think of a martial artist. He trains every single day, to prepare for the rare tournament. If he does well in a tournament, does he stop training? Nope. Never.

Think of any relationship you end up in as an ongoing tournament. Not that you’ll be fighting, but that you need to maintain that “abundance mindset” to keep you relaxed, confident and real. Keep away that desperation.

Always be social. Always be outgoing. Make that who you REALLY are, not who you pretend to be.

Choose The Right Tools For The Job

See More Than Nails

Hammers and Nails

One of the usual elements of the “Hero’s Journey” is some kind of tool.

If you aren’t familiar with the Hero’s Journey, it’s what Joseph Campbell discovered several years ago. Most myths have the same basic structure, and contain the same basic elements.

Some normal guy gets pulled (usually against his will) into some kind of adventure, in which he has to conquer some kind of evil force or person.

And he usually gets certain tools along the way, and usually creates a close group of helpful friends.

It’s amazing how many stories have this blueprint in popular movies and TV. Even goofy (but popular) TV shows like “Chuck” have this same model.

Crucial to most fictional (and real) Hero Journeys is some kind of tool. Chuck (if you’re familiar) had the “Intersect.” Harry Potter had his wand. Luke had his light saber. Dorothy, from the wizard of Oz, had her ruby slippers. Spartacus (in the recent TV series) had his sword and shield. Even Walter White had his meth lab.

Tools are essential to human life. It’s what makes us unique. We use tools to make more tools, to make even more tools.

Toasters, cars, shoes, all can be considered “tools” that we use to make life easier.

On a deep psychological level, we see tools in the same mental category as we see other people.

For example, linguists have discovered that the prepositions we use with words determine what kind of category that word belongs to.

Fall “in” love. Love is a some kind of container. (in).

“Defend” an argument. Arguments are war. (defend).

We went “over” that problem. Problems are obstacles. (over).

I went the store “with” my friend. Friends are companions. (with).

I cut the bread “with” the knife. Tools are also companions. (with).

Without tools, it’s just us, our hands, and the cold hard world. Even our hands are considered tools, or companions. (I built my business with my bare hands).

But with tools we can do quite a bit. Build cities. Cure diseases. Create beautiful works of art that will be enjoyed for generations. Walk on the moon.

What tools do you use?

Of course, it can be tough to choose the right tool before you know what the job is. So a better question might be, what kind of life are you building? (Life is a “creation.” You build it).

Choose your tools, and get started:

Mind Tools

Have You Begun Your Masterpiece Yet?

Your Life Is Waiting

Fully Adult and Responsible

There are two main phases of life, with one crappy one in between.

When we’re younger, we don’t really have to do much. We ask, and it is given.


Then when we get older, we need to participate. We need to give in order to get.

For example, if you celebrate X-mas, there comes a time when you need to start giving gifts as well as receiving them (or for birthdays or whatever).

However, there are many people that get “stuck” in this lower level.

It’s certainly easy to do. Politicians, advertisers, religions, are all heavily invested in keeping us in this “childhood” model of the world.

So long as we are “dependent” on them, it works. 

For them. But not for us.

If you take a good hard look at all the people in history who have created wonderful things, inventions, devices, pieces of artwork, they didn’t do it by simply being a “receiver.”

They did by acting upon their world. And they certainly didn’t do it alone. Even inventors who DID largely create things on their own were the first to say they were standing on the shoulders of giants.

In order to REALLY get the good stuff in life, you’ve got to get out there and participate in the world. You’ve got build relationships, and practice the ever present “give and take” that is life.

Sounds easy, but it can (and usually is) THE most difficult thing to do in life.

It’s hard to give up that feeling of getting or expecting something for nothing.

To make things worse, in between the childhood model of the world, and this fully functioning, adult CONSCIOUS CREATOR model of the world is part that feels like crap.

It’s when you’re starting to leave the childhood part behind, yet you haven’t quite arrived at the adult part.

This is where the “red pill” theory comes in.

You feel as if you’ve been lied to, you feel as if the world has “deceived you” somehow.

Believe it or not, these are just mental growing pains.

The butterfly fighting his way out of the cocoon.

When you finally cast those false beliefs of limitation, lack and victim based thinking behind, a whole new world will open up.

 A world waiting for you to participate. To learn and express you true skills.

Skills that will deliver your true gifts to the world, and in exchange receive the wealth and prosperity that is your birthright.

Make no mistake, it’s out there. Waiting for you.

But in order to bring it to you, you’ve got to create something magnificent.

What will be YOUR masterpiece?

Get Started:

Prosperity Generator

What Would Your Ideal Job Be?

Fresh Popcorn!

What Does Follow Your Bliss Mean?

What is your passion?

One of the greatest gifts in life is being able to share your passion with others in a way they truly appreciate it.

Not just accept it, or acknowledge it, but appreciate it in their own way.

A great way to do this is by expressing it through your business somehow.

Now, in some cases this pretty easy and straightforward. If you love programming and you get paid lots of cash for programming, then you’re work IS your passion.

Other times the connection is a bit more subtle, but it’s still there. For example, you might love speaking persuasively and convincingly in front of groups, so you make a decent living selling products and services that you may not use yourself, but you know serve a real need.

It can certainly feel empty when you feel zero passion for your job. Like you’re just going through the motions in order to collect a paycheck.

To be sure, a passion filled job is NOT the norm for most people, but it is certainly a goal.

That’s why KNOWING what your passions are is a very important first step.

Next is to find any way possible you can express them on the job.

For example, when I was in high school, I worked at a movie theater. I did a lot of jobs, usher, taking tickets, selling tickets, selling popcorn.

Working behind the snack counter was my favorite. It was busy, we had to do quick calculations in our heads (our boss thought cash registers would slow us down) and we got to interact with a huge cross section of the population.

It was nice seeing people who were happy, as they were about to see a good movie, while enjoying some junk food.

I’ve had plenty other jobs that made a LOT more money, but were incredibly boring, tedious and sometimes stressful.

The key is to take whatever you’re doing NOW, and find SOMETHING about it you like, or at least don’t hate so much.

Since most humans need money to survive, we generally need to have some kind of occupation most of our lives.

The ideal progression is to keep finding better and higher paying jobs that allow for a more direct expression of our passions.

Until you get to that magic sweet spot where your fully passionate, absolutely LOVE your work (whether you’re working on your own or for a huge company) AND getting paid a TON.

If you keep focusing on that ideal future, while always looking for ways to improve, you simply WILL NOT fail.

Get Started:

Prosperity Generator

Fire Or Water – Your Choice

Fire or Water?

Success Is An Inside Job

There’s a very old Sufi poem (by Rumi, I believe) I like.

The gist of it is that if we step through fire, we’ll end up nice cool water.

But if we go straight to the cool water, we’ll end up in the fire.

This, of course, is a metaphor for life.

The things we think are easy are only easy in the short term. They generally build up into HUGE long term problems.

That ice cream may taste good, but if you eat it every single day, you won’t feel so great.

On the other hand, it may seem like the worst idea possible to go for a walk when you’re favorite TV show is on, but once you make it a habit, you’ll feel pretty good.

And that “good feeling” that comes from doing things that aren’t so great in the now, but build up, is a much, much different “good feeling” from doing those things in the present.

Those “present only” good feelings (like sleeping in, eating cheeseburgers for breakfast etc) are pure pleasure. There’s no feeling of accomplishment built in. These pure-pleasure feelings come from the outside.

On the other hand, that feeling you get when waking up early every morning has become a habit, or going for a walk at night instead of eating ice cream is a good feeling that comes from within, and is based on your own accomplishments and actions.

One of the ways this paradox manifests itself is when we want somebody to “tell us what to do.”

Sure we’d like to meet that special someone. Sure we’d like a much more fulfilling career. Sure we’d like to achieve self-actualization. If only somebody would tell us what to do.

The only problem is that all the REALLY good things in life, things that last, like wealth, relationships, REAL happiness, HAVE TO come from within.

Nobody can tell you any step by step procedures or paint by numbers steps.

You HAVE to work it out on your own.

Sure, you can learn the basic structure, just like you can learn how exercise and healthy foods will help you get in shape. But the SPECIFIC exercises, and the SPECIFIC food, are up to you to figure out. Some things work for some people, others work for others.

Creating relationships is the same. Talk to enough people until you find somebody that spins your propellers. HOW and WHEN you do that, and what you specifically say is up to you to figure out.

The good news is that there are NO shortcuts.

Why is this good news?

Because if there were, then EVERYBODY would be on them.

Since there’re not, every single path you find to any kind of success will be YOURS.

Your creation, your dreams, your results.

Nobody else’s.

Get Started:

Prosperity Generator

Continue Your Journey

Let Loose Your Inner Hero

Have You Discovered Your Inner Hero Yet?

What is your greatest gift?

We all love a good movie, and one of the most powerful movie structures is the “Hero’s Journey.”

Spiderman, Dorothy, Luke, Neo, Harry Potter, all these characters have the same kind of path.

That is they all pretty normal dudes, (or gals) living normal lives, and then something takes them (usually against their will) somewhere and forces them to step up their game. 

A lot.

Luke has to defeat Vader, Dorothy has to overcome the fake Wizard, Harry has to kill Voldemort, etc.

Why are these stories so popular?

Because they represent our lives.

From the time we are born (actually a few hours before) we face the same structure, over and over again.

We’re cruising along, safe, (and also kinda bored) and then something pulls us out of our comfort zone.

We pretty much HAVE to learn new skills. Going to school for the first time, making friends, getting a job, starting a family, becoming an established member of your community, all follows the same path.

Leaving behind your comfort zone and moving further out into the world.

Those stories, books, and movies speak to us on a deep level.

They help us remember who we are.


Now, I’m not saying you need to grab a cape and start beating up bad guys. That might get you arrested.

But if you’re playing it safe, you’re not living up to your potential. If you believe in any kind of a Creator, you can’t think He or She put us here so we could be safe.

We were put here to continuously move forward. Take risks. Make mistakes. Expand our social circle. Expand our vision. Create dreams and MAKE them come true.

Go. See. Conquer.

So, what is your greatest gift?

When you’re long gone, what would you like your greatest contribution to humanity be?

What would you like to create? What service would you like to provide? How will you help people?

Deep within you lies the answer.

Discover It:

Prosperity Generator

Simple And Easy Skills

Social Skills Are The Most Important Of All

Improve Your Social Skills

Some things are simple, and some things are easy.

What’s the difference?

One way to think about this is that simple things aren’t complicated to understand and only take a few steps.

Easy means that it’s not emotionally difficult to carry out the steps, whether they be complicated or simple.

For example, walking up and talking to attractive people or potential clients is simple, but not easy.

I mean, you walk up, use some kind of an ice breaker, develop rapport, and see if there’s any mutual interest right?

Yet for many of us, that can be the most difficult thing to do.

And the funny thing is we usually convince ourselves we’re NOT doing it because we imagine that it’s complicated. So we read books on communication, go to seminars on dating, all because we don’t want to avoid the big gorilla in the room (or in our brains):

We KNOW what we need to do, we just can’t get ourselves to do it.

On the other hand, some things are pretty complicated, from the number of steps, but are pretty easy for a lot of people.

Computer programming, engineering, medicine, flying planes, cooking complicated recipes, coming up with interesting characters and plots, playing musical instruments. 

These require an intense amount of concentration, focus and intelligence.

But once you’re practiced enough, these things can be easy. Routine even.

I had this roommate once who was studying to become a physical therapist. As part of his training, he had to observe several joint replacement surgeries. Incredibly complicated.

But to the docs and nurses doing the surgery, it was pretty easy. Straightforward. They would listen to ball games on the radio, and talk to each other like they were hanging out at the local pub.

One of the biggest mistakes we can make is when we assume something is complicated, when it’s really simple.

As a general rule of thumb, anything that involves talking to and creating relationships (business, romantic, and otherwise) with others is pretty simple.

Since that’s what humans have been doing since day one.

Even building a business is based on relationships. Every cent you can get is based on your ability to figure out what others want, and then figure out a way to give it to them.

Sure, you might need to learn some complicated technical skills, but those will become easy after a while.

Then you’ll be in that wonderful place where you’re not only combing easy AND simple, but getting paid.

Get Started:

Prosperity Generator